Only about 5.5. hours after the Aquarius New Moon, Mars enters its home sign of Aries at 9:39p PST on Friday, 27th January 2017 (on Saturday 28th January in most of the rest of the world).

Mars is the planet of action. It is initiative and impulsive. In its own sign of Aries, these qualities are amplified ten-fold along with independence,  assertion or aggression, independence, and individuality. This placement for Mars is anything but calm and quiet.

The “good” news: Mars in Aries will definitely get things started. If you’ve been waiting for something to begin, you may now have a clear path to move forward. But it’s up to you to take the first steps- you get to be the leader in your own life.

The “bad” news: Mars in Aries will definitely start things, and may bring impulsive and/or aggressive actions to circumstances not requiring that amount of initiative action…or any at all. Just remember – if you start it, you’re responsible for it.

The key here is knowing when, where, and how to act when taking action. Under this 2017 Mars in Aries influence, you’ll be inclined to take action no matter what. The challenge will be in discerning whether or not your actions are creative or destructive.

If creation is your intention, then get ready to go. There won’t be much if anything holding you back but yourself in this department. Start the creative process now – even the smallest step is a an act of creation.

However, if destruction is what you’re after, you’ll be able to make that happen, too. This combination brings a no-holds-barred kind of initiative. In fact, you may do more damage than you intended when you set out on this course.

That’s because despite the solo nature of Mars in Aries, Mars’ 2017 entry into Aries is happening under an Aquarius 11 Sun on an Aquarius New Moon day! This indicates that whatever actions are taken are not going to go unnoticed. In fact, they’ll probably garner much more attention than they would under any other Sun sign (expect for maybe Leo).

The most important thing to remember about this 2017 Mars in Aries is that any acts of destruction which occur may not be as bad as they initially seem. Remember we are still in the aftermath of a 9 universal year of completions, endings, and clearings; and still early in a 1 universal year of new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds for later harvests. Any destruction happening over the next 7 weeks will be quickly clearing space for something new to come forth in its place.

As for its transits over the next few weeks, it’s going to be relatively quiet on that front. But don’t mistake the low transit activity for low impact. Oh no. The fact that Mars in Aries doesn’t have to play with many other planetary influences only gives it more freedom to go rogue and follow its own will. This only allows it to set fire to things under the radar.

The two 2017 Mars in Aries transits under the remainder of the 2017 Aquarius Sun period are…

  • Aries Mars semi-sextile Pisces Neptune, most exact on 11th February – WATCH OUT WITH THIS ONE! Rose-colored ideals influence individual initiative. You may take actions to move forward your ideals, but if those ideals are based in delusion and not fact, you may find yourself starting a fire you can’t put out.
  • Aries Mars sextile Aquarius Mercury, most exact on 16th February – The unconventional and/or revolutionary words of many assist (or ignite) the actions of one (or maybe a few). Don’t be surprised if things get heated because one or a few go rogue and take aggressive action on behalf of a community or humanitarian cause.

Mars remains in Aries until 9th/10th March 2017.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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