from The Master Shift FB page

I shared this graphic from “The Master Shift” Facebook page yesterday on the Life By Soul Facebook page. It captured perfectly what this 2016 Capricorn New Moon – and really what 2016 and  the upcoming 2017 – are all about.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. Cardinal signs are known for getting things started, for being initiators in their respective ways. Earth energy is material-physical in nature – there needs to be a tangible result or a tactile experience.

Getting started in an earth sign means being clear about the outcome you intend to achieve or the target you intend to reach, then being determined to ‘get it done’. Capricorn is the quintessential embodiment of ‘beginning with the end in mind’, often times doing exactly that – beginning from the ending of a previous beginning with a new goal to pursue and fulfill.

The process is as follows: In order to know where you’re going, you’ve got to set a destination or a goal. Yet once you reach that destination or achieve that goal, there’s often nothing left to do except either stay where you are or set a new course for a new destination or a new goal.

The thing is…the only constant in life is change. Therefore, staying where you are doesn’t ensure that things won’t change for you. In fact, the world will continue changing around you, eventually forcing you to adapt and adjust to its new ways…or leaving you behind to fend for yourself, wondering where everyone went as you fall into obscurity.

To that point, there are many people living in fear of change. They’re afraid about being left behind right now. They’re also living in fear of being defeated – that their efforts up to now have been and are for naught. Therefore, many people are eager to do what they can do in order to make sure they are moving forward, trying to keep up with the changes under way. They are eager to make the most of what they’ve got – holding onto whatever hope they can of having a better future than their present…but many are still holding onto old, outdated, phased-out dreams and goals, attempting to drag their pasts with them into their futures. They cannot pursue new goals with the old stuff still in their hands.

That’s why it’s the perfect time for this New Moon.

New Moons are always representative of new beginnings. This 2016 Capricorn New Moon – most exact at 10:53p PST on 28th December 2016 (7.99°) in the Western North America and the Pacific (while for most of the rest of the world, the New Moon is at maximum phase on the 29th December 2016) – is no exception. Yet what makes this one a bit different is that more than ever, we are very clearly creating our new beginnings from the endings of old. We are in position to start anew after the results, outcomes, and fulfillments of the intentions we set and actions we took before now.

This is in large part due to the fact that, numerologically speaking, we are currently wrapping up a 9 universal year. Nine is an energy of completions, endings, and fulfillments, and if we reflect upon 2016, we can see there were plenty of those in many different ways. Many of us have felt this as a year of significant losses and endings.

Yet 2017 will be a 1 universal year – a year of new beginnings, fresh starts, and (individual) initiative. Where the endings in 2016 seemed to be loss for the sake of loss, in 2017, they will feel like necessary losses in order to clear the way for something new to begin.

This 2016 Capricorn New Moon gives us an advance on this 1 universal year feeling – some hope for something new as we wrap up what has been, for many, a tumultuous and devastating year.

Yet in true Capricorn fashion, in order to know where we’re going, we’ve got to look as where are…and where we’ve been. There are a few transits of significance on this 2016 Capricorn New Moon day which will assist us in being aware of our past and present as we contemplate the future.

The first is the fact that Mercury Retrograde is conjunct the Sun-Moon conjunction at the time the New Moon is at maximum phase, creating a stellium configuration and making this an essential time for rethinking and adjusting your goals, objectives, and ambitions. Mercury Retrogrades often bring feedback and second chances, making this Capricorn Mercury Retrograde a prime opportunity to set or reset your goals and intentions for the next chapter or phase of your life journey.  Some of you may need to come up with entirely new goals because so many unexpected events have occurred, your original ones can no longer be achieved…or at least not in the way you may have originally intended. In order to make your goals achievable, you need to align them (to some degree) with what is actually happening in the world at this time. These adjustments need to occur both on the individual and collective levels, and this 2016 Capricorn New Moon is a perfect time to engage in these reassessments.

As a collective whole, we need to acknowledge and accept that the world is changing, and we need to acknowledge how we may need to come together in order to get things done to the benefit and highest good of ALL.

As individuals, we need to understand how we may have to accept a solo mission and take on a “by any means necessary” approach in order for us to achieve our goals.

In the far west, this occurs on a 22 universal day of establishing or solidifying network connections. For most of the world, this occurs on a 5 universal day of changes and adaptability. Both numerological energies have validity, and you’ll see why in the remaining transits:

Libra Jupiter opposite Aries Uranus Retrograde conjunct Ceres – There is a growing awareness of the injustices, imbalances, and unfair treatment in relationships of all kinds. These imbalances can only be brought into balance through the collective outrage of those unified through shared individual/personal values. Yet we cannot come together if we are determined to continue old battles trying to blame each other for our collective challenges. Our collective polarization is preventing us from seeing where we actually agree, and our common values could be what unifies us and makes us a stronger force against imbalance and injustice…if we’d only stop fighting long enough to realize it.

Libra Jupiter sextile Sagittarius Juno conjunct Saturn – Growing awareness of injustices and imbalances also expands a commitment to seeking truth…or a commitment to withholding it/keeping it from coming to light. Your commitment will depend on which side of the truth you’re on – are you exposing it, or creating it? Either way, you’re committed to expanding the knowledge of truth or your “version of truth” out in the world.

Sagittarius Juno conjunct Saturn, square Pisces Chiron – How committed are you to your own growth and expansion? Clear boundaries may now be necessary if you’re going to grow in the direction of your goals, and it’s up to you to set those boundaries. You’ve got to do what you can to keep those who may want to curb your growth from doing so…and that means you may need to draw some lines that you’ve never had to draw before to ensure your ability to move forward and upward. If you’re the one feeling blocked or restricted in some way, you may want to look at how others are trying to keep you in an old, outdated (and likely toxic or self-defeating) emotional pattern OR consider that the Universe may be trying to keep you from moving forward in a way that is not aligned with your True self, but may be aligned with old emotional-spiritual wounds.

Sagittarius Juno conjunct Saturn, trine Aries Uranus Retrograde conjunct Ceres – The afore-mentioned commitment to boundary-setting also serves a purpose in the fight for or against individual freedom of self-expression. There are two possible expressions of this transit, and this doesn’t mean it’s an either-or manifestation. It could very well indicate both expressions showing up against each other.

  • In expression #1, in order to grow and expand, you may need to align with others who are fighting the same fight you are. How can you align with others to help each other stand for your (individual) truths AND come together in an evolutionary (or revolutionary) way focused on ensuring and preserving your freedom to live into and live by those values?
  • In expression #2, the Juno-Saturn conjunction results in a limiting or blocking of truth, intended to prevent the unification of individuals collaborating for (r)evolutionary intent.

Aquarius Venus sextile Aries Ceres – It’s a good time to seek connection with other individuals who share your personal values. These one-on-one connections could be the beginnings of a much larger community.

Mercury Retrograde + Sun + Moon stellium sextile Pisces Mars conjunct Neptune – Acting upon ideals…but the question is, are those ideals truly visionary or truly delusional? If there’s no clear plan or path to manifestation, they may be the latter. Now’s the time to adjust your goals accordingly. Align your goals and ambitions with reality just enough to make them achievable.

Scorpio Black Moon Lilith square Aquarius Venus – A deep desire to find something or someone to trust in the midst of these changes makes it challenging for you to connect with others. You may be missing out on others who may be in aligned with your world view and you could collaborate with. You also may be worried about what others will think of you, but consider that you may be concerned about the wrong “others” – that the people you’re trying to align with may not be people you can trust with your deepest truth. This may challenge you to reconsider your association with the groups or communities you are or have been aligning with.

We will feel the effects of this 2016 Capricorn New Moon from 26th-31st December 2016 – just in time for 2017 to take over in bringing forth new beginnings from the endings we’ve been experiencing.

Use this time to set intentions so you can enter the New Year looking forward, looking ahead to what is new and True.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

…and wishing you a amazing and beautiful 2017!…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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