Mars entered the sign of Pisces at 1:23a PST on Monday, 19th December 2016.

I started typing this post yesterday, but I had something inside of me tell me to wait before proceeding. After a few hours, I understood why I needed to wait.

Within 8 hours, the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated in Ankara, Turkey; a car drove into a holiday market in Berlin, Germany killing 12 and injuring 48 more; and three people were injured in a shooting at an Islamic center in Zurich, Switzerland.

It seems this 2016-2017 version of Mars in Pisces wanted me to see how it was intending to show up over these next few weeks…or at least how it’s intending to show up in its early stages.

What these recent acts and events reveal is that people are feeling alone, unloved, unheard…ignored, or worse, forgotten. Their beliefs and feelings have been building up, and with Mars now in Pisces, they finally have an outlet for expression.

But under this Mars in Pisces, you may find yourself choosing to take actions to transcend any challenges, differences, and divisions to come together with others in compassionate Oneness…even while the temptation still exists for you to play martyr for those who share your beliefs, and/or victim to others who do not share your ideals.

The challenge here is…which actions and expressions (or courses of action and expression) can you choose to embody to truly serve the greatest good of all?

The answer to that question is in limbo because what we individually perceive and believe to be actions which support and encourage the greatest good may not be for the “greatest good for all” under the influence of Pisces energy. The capacity for being able to step back and take in the big picture view of how all things interconnect is what is needed for this 2016-2017 Mars in Pisces to truly act for the greatest good of all. Seeing how our individual actions may affect not just others but the whole of All-That-Is is the way to realize what that “greatest good of all” may be.

Yet the impulsiveness of Mars combined with the emotional-spiritual sensitivity of Pisces may make it difficult for you to take that step back to see how it all comes together. Instead, it may encourage you to act on your emotions, to move forward on impulse rather than full consideration of the impact or possible aftermath.

That said, this 2016-2017 Mars in Pisces marks a time where actions of compassion, unconditional love, and peace are needed more than ever. Even though there are those who don’t know any other way but anger, hate, victimization, and martyrdom, we can do our best to hear and heal those who are in pain.

But to be healed, those who are in pain must be willing to end their suffering and release their pain. If they cannot release their victim mindsets or martyrdom behaviors, it won’t matter how much love and compassion is given to them. The extension of kindness will not be received, or in some cases, even welcomed because they are determined to be seen as wronged.

The 9 universal year numerological energy that we have now through 31st December will assist in the purging of these negative habits, and the 3 universal month energy we have for the same timeframe will assist with the growth and expansion of the information being communicated through our actions…but most of the transits involving Mars for the next 11 days may make the purge more difficult.

Here are the transits of the 2016-2017 Mars in Pisces for the remainder of 2016:

  • Pisces Mars conjunct Pisces South Node/opposite Virgo North Node, most exact on 26th December – Actions are more inclined to favor the past rather than the present or future. Ultimately, your actions will reflect which end of the karmic spectrum you intend to honor. You may also find others being very combative with you if you are choosing to walk away from the past to find a new way to move forward in your life.
  • Pisces Mars sextile Capricorn Sun, most exact on 27th December – You may find that your actions are not aligned with your goals – that your goals may not be realistically attainable due to the actions that you’re currently taking. This transit is an opportunity for you to shift your behavior & take action to make your dreams and/or visions the reality of your life and the world around you.
  • Pisces Mars sextile Capricorn Mercury, most exact on 28th December – Your actions will always speak louder than your words, so it would be wise to make sure your words and actions are in alignment. Adjust what you need to in order for this alignment to happen and for it to become easier for you to take steps toward the fulfillment of your goal(s).
  • Pisces Mars conjunct Neptune, most exact on 31st December – This transit is more a caution than a license. With both of these planets in Pisces, the fantasy factor is on high! Your “reality” may not be aligned with reality…at all. You may want to assess whether or not you’re acting on truth or acting on delusional belief(s), and be sure you know which one you’re dealing in before you take actions you can’t take back.

This 2016-2017 Mars in Pisces will help us decide as a collective whole if we are ready to move forward together OR if we’re determined to remain in conflict and war. The intentions from both sides will be strong…but the ones with the strongest alignment of intention and action will prevail.

The other thing to remember is that no matter what happens, it’s all good. Really. If there’s anything this 9 universal year has taught us, it’s that even the worst events in our lives serve a greater, often more positive purpose.

So do what you can in the name of truth and goodness. Do your best to exercise compassion and love one another and others over the next few weeks while Mars is in Pisces. Don’t let challenging events (or people) around you keep you from doing what you can to bring light and love into the world. Do what you can – even if you believe you may be alone – because I promise you, you’re not alone.

There are many people like you, doing their best to bring the light, bring the love, bring the good…

…for the greatest good of all.


Please send loving and healing intention to all in the world who are in the line of danger and who are mourning devastating losses of loved ones and homes.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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