Mercury entered the sign of Capricorn at 1:18p PST on 2nd December 2016. As Mercury moves into and through this sign, it ushers in a period of mental and communicative focus, discipline, ambition, and intention. After operating within the expansive and optimistic mindset of Sagittarius over the last three weeks, things seem to become much more serious under the influence of Mercury in Capricorn.

At the time Mercury entered Capricorn, there was quite an event happening within the sign – the Moon is in conjunction transit with Pluto in Capricorn to form the point of a wide lunar t-square configuration (4° orb). One on legs of the t-square is an Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres Retrograde conjunction. The other leg is Jupiter in Libra. There were some very strong, possibly life-transforming emotions regarding certain goals and objectives which may have challenged you to question your associations and affiliations with certain communities and groups AND if and how you want to expand your relationships or partnerships with other individuals.

Speaking of partnerships, Mercury joins Venus ever so briefly in the sign of Capricorn. Though the two don’t aspect within the sign this time around, Venus in Capricorn has laid the groundwork for serious one-on-one exchanges by providing an ambitious, intentional, and in some cases, authoritative tone to interactions with other individuals. But only 5 days after Mercury comes into the disciplinary structure of Capricorn, Venus moves on into Aquarius and leaves Mercury to fend for itself in an environment which takes goals and outcomes very seriously.

Fending for itself means Mercury eventually conjoins with Pluto in Capricorn in a bold display of intention, influence, and ambition. Declarations will be made. Goals will be set. Power will be displayed. Deals will be dealt. You may feel a sudden urge to purge the status quo and move in a new direction with a clean slate, inspired to take steps that you aren’t usually inclined to take in order to blaze a new trail for yourself and your life toward new goals.

But that Mercury-Pluto conjunction doesn’t happen right away. In fact (though it will come within 1.5° of an exact conjunction with Pluto), it’s going to be a while before that exact conjunction happens in earnest. That’s because our lovely Mercury in Capricorn will enter retrograde motion for three weeks starting on 19th December 2016.

Yes. This means we will be bringing in the New Year – 2017 – under a Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury will get halfway through Capricorn (15.13°)before turning around on the 19th and going back to the beginning of the sign, dipping back into Sagittarius for 8 days starting on 4th January, returning to direct motion on 8th January 2017 (28.85° Sagittarius) and re-entering Capricorn on 12th January to follow through on a full run through Capricorn.

This extended period of Mercury in Capricorn means that our intellectual and communicative exchanges are going to be focused on our individual and collaborative goals, ambitions, objectives, and desired (or expected) results for just over five weeks! It may sound boring or restrictive, but don’t despair – though it will likely be a very serious and disciplined time, this could result in some very good things.

  • If you feel you missed out on figuring out or creating what you really want for yourself and your life, Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will provide you with more opportunities to figure it all out. Much of this will happen through your witness to and interactions with other individuals.
  • If you missed your window of opportunity to create new material-physical-financial objectives and ambitions for yourself, this Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn provides you with a second chance to create those new objectives in alignment with your True self.
  • If you missed opportunities to release relationships or partnerships which don’t share your goals or ambitions, this is not only your second chance to release connections which no longer serve or share a common goal – it’s also your chance to seek out new (unlikely or unconventional) partners or companions with whom to create new goals and produce the desired results.
  • And if you missed receiving valuable feedback from others or if you believe you missed out on important information from others that could have assisted you in successfully growing and expanding toward the fulfillment of your goals while Mercury was direct, the retrograde provides you with second chances to gain the wisdom and knowledge you need to move toward a successful outcome.

This 2016-2017 Mercury in Capricorn provides a rare bridge to the past in order to help you complete and fulfill that which enables your forward progression in the present and future. There’s something to be said for second chances, and with this Mercury Retrograde bringing in the new 1 universal year, if you pay attention, you’ll pick up what you may have missed as 2016 wrapped up and be able to use it all to your advantage in the early stages of 2017.

Here’s to second chances to prepare for, move toward, and fulfill upon a new life direction.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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