Old Tree on SamosThe conjunction of the Sun and Moon always represents new beginnings and fresh starts. Yet this particular Sagittarius New Moon most exact at 4:18a PST on Tuesday 29th November 2016 (7.62°) –represents the opportunity to pursue factual truth, embark on (new) adventures, gain knowledge, and demonstrate wisdom in unprecedented ways.

Sagittarius is the sign of growth, expansion, and finding truth through first-hand experience. This 2016 Sagittarius New Moon occurs on a 4 universal day – a numeric energy which encourages stability, security, and structure. Therefore, whatever is initiated through the energy of this New Moon is certain to reveal structures which support growth and expansion OR the inevitable growth and expansion of structures and institutions.

This Sun + Moon conjunction has an added twist – Juno joins them in conjunction aspect, creating a stellium (most exact conjunction with the Sun at 11:31a PST at 8.02°). Juno represents commitments of all kinds. Therefore, the Sun-Moon-Juno stellium at maximum New phase represents a commitment to the freedom to increase and expand one’s knowledge and experience of the world, and the opportunity to gain wisdom and personal growth from those experiences.

However, it also provides you an opportunity to notice which aspects of and people in your life you’ve outgrown, which ones you’ve finally grown into, which ones you need to grow more to step into, and which aspects and people have outgrown you.

The stellium isn’t the only transit of the day. In fact, there are four more. Let’s look at each of them:

Sagittarius 2 Sun square Virgo North Node/Pisces South Node, most exact at 11:24a PST (8.02°) – Which long-held dream(s) may need to be given up so you can be free to move forward? And what work needs to be done in order to achieve your desired growth and expansion in the future? These decisions will likely involve other people that you are in relationship or partnership with in some way. These will also require you (and others) to move beyond your dreams and delusions in order to make progress in the real world.

The serious and ambitious relationships and partnerships of Venus in Capricorn provides three more transits on this day:

  • Capricorn Venus sextile Pisces Chiron Rx, most exact at 7:14a (20.67°) – You and your partners and companions have an opportunity to heal the long-open emotional-spiritual wounds of many…and the results you and your partners pursue and produce could bring the healing that is needed…or they could exacerbate the wounds. Have you grown beyond being a victim or martyr? Are you ready to assist others in moving beyond their victimizations and martyrdoms?
  • Capricorn Venus square Aries Uranus Rx, most exact at 12:20p PST (20.92°) – Your partners may also challenge you to decide what is most important – your ego identity or your ability to produce results professionally/publicly? Have you outgrown your identity or your public or professional role? Are you eager to grow into a new role or a new life experience? Are you group associations and afflilations curtailing your individual growth or independence?
  • Capricorn Venus square Aries Ceres Rx, most exact at 11:02p PST (21.42°) – Your relationships may also challenge you to re-examine your personal values, especially in contrast to those of others. Which values have you outgrown? Which ones are you growing into? Which ones are beyond what you’re ready to accept as your own? Are you relationships limiting you with values you no longer share?

Under the amplified Sagittarius and 4 numeric energies, you may find yourself realizing that you need to grow into certain (new) roles or structures of your life OR that you need to seek out new structures to grow into. The strategic partnerships that Venus in Capricorn can bring may assist you in that growth…but they will also challenge you to move beyond your comfort zones. They’ll also encourage you to step outside of your box to learn more about the world around you.

The New Moon, Sagittarius, and 4 energies may also find you awakening to what you’ve outgrown or what you’re beginning to outgrown – commitments, relationships, partnerships, and goals. You may actually feel boxed in – newly aware of the confinement or limitations of your current life circumstances or conditions. These confines are what you may find yourself ready to leave behind.

But the combined energies may also make it easy for you to over-commit yourself for what you believe is growth and expansion in your best interests. Yet if you’re in alignment with your True self, you’ll be able to create support structure which will protect you from feeling overwhelmed or over-extended. You’ll quickly learn just how much you can handle…and you’ll also learn what you need in order to reach your goals.

That said, these energies all come together to make this 2016 Sagittarius New Moon day not only one which encourages adventurous growth, but also allows a serious reassessment of how you are growing and what you are growing for. Growth without goals can become excessive. Adventure without ambition can become misguided or distracting. It is important for you to know what you are seeking and growing for, that your goals are aligned with your most authentic self-expression – who you most truly want to be in and for the world, and that you have a structure in place (or under construction) to support your growth.

It’s time to get serious about growing and living into your authentic self, and this powerful Sagittarius New Moon provides the energy to assist you.

Use this energy to grow. Wisely.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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