2016-taurus-full-moonAt 5:52a PST on Monday, 14th November 2016, we experience the maximum phase of our Full Moon in Taurus (22.63°), opposite the Scorpio 2 Sun conjunct Scorpio Black Moon Lilith. Our individual and collective deepest desires are being revealed to us, and we are now experiencing our emotional responses to their manifestation.

These emotional responses are providing us with an opportunity to be present not only to our own feelings, but to witness and be present to the emotional responses of others. This may be the first time that we each and all are becoming aware of what we each really value in our lives and how we each and all feel about those values.

It’s quite an awakening, as we realize that our emotion-driven actions have an impact…on everyone.

These revelations are illuminating opportunities for deep and long-open emotional and spiritual wounds to be healed. This call for healing leads to assertive if not aggressive actions by you and others in your (or their) communities and groups which are actually emotional reactions to the real-world manifestations of our lifestyle values. (Pisces Chiron Rx semi-sextile Aries Uranus Rx conjunct Ceres Rx semi-sextile Taurus Moon 20-22°) (Scorpio 2 Sun conjunct Black Moon Lilith trine Pisces Chiron Rx 21-23°)

In other words, we are witnessing the product(s) of our deepest, darkest and most secret emotional truths, which in turn, are revealing our deepest, darkest, and most secret lifestyle values.

Many of us have wanted changes to the status quo of our lives for a very long time. One of the challenges of these 2016 Taurus Full Moon revelations is that in order to break the stagnation of power in our societal-institutional status quo, we must clear out the old status quo partnerships and form new ones. Under the influence of the Scorpio 2 Sun, you may quickly come to understand that you cannot reach the goals you want to build alone, but you will need partners who will both assist you in positively growing and expanding your ability to reach your individual and collective goals and be a sounding board you can trust with your deepest emotional truths. (Libra Jupiter square Capricorn Pluto 13-15°)

Another challenge of this 2016 Taurus Full Moon is that you may have very strong ideals around those afore-mentioned long-standing emotional-spiritual wounds. However, now is the time for those words to be backed up with practical actions. There’s been enough sitting around – a commitment to truth and authenticity is being called for, in response to and/or support of the actions of the masses. (Pisces South Node conjunct Neptune 9°; Sagittarius Juno conjunct Mercury sextile Aquarius Mars 2-3°)

This 2016 Taurus Full Moon is also an actual “Supermoon”. A Supermoon is when the Moon passes the Earth on a point in its elliptical orbit which is closest in distance to the Earth (perigree). We know the Moon’s energy plays a major role in the events on our planet, so having the Moon in its closest proximity in 48 years is a big deal – it means we’re going to feel the effects of this Full Moon pretty intensely. This is occurring on a 7 universal day, numerologically speaking, which means we are being encouraged to use these powerful energies to think and reflect upon the recent events of our lives, to consider past life events and experiences, to recognize the magnitude of what we are experiencing right now, and consider how we want to move forward from here.

We’ll be feeling the effects of this 2016 Taurus Full Moon now through 16th November, even though the Moon will have moved out of Taurus by 5:00p.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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