Puzzle worldMars entered Aquarius at 9:51p PST on Tuesday 8th November 2016, shifting the focus of our individual actions away from our professional or societal goals to our participation in our social circles and communities.

Yet what is interesting about this placement of Mars is that as individuals take actions to assert their individual self-expressions in the context of community and society, they may also find themselves one of many in a collective or community movement.

In other words, common intentions are beginning to emerge and new community frameworks are beginning to form upon those intentions.

It’s an interesting phenomenon – how individuals acting individually or feeling alone in their actions or are suddenly realizing that they’re not alone in the intentions or convictions behind their actions. This 2016 Mars in Aquarius is representing a spark – an inspired moment when they realize they may not have to go it alone after all.

This 2016 Mars in Aquarius ingress dovetails nicely with the recent entry of Juno into Sagittarius. As a commitment to an expanded world view awakens and arises, we begin to recognize the power available in this Aquarius Mars period – we see how we can put common intentions into action, and we likely come to realize than our efforts may be stronger together than if we were to continue alone.

Actions will continue to be taken individually until the communities rise and become recognized. Yet actions will also be taken en masse. Communities are beginning to take action to bring attention to issues important to them – they are recognizing the power of many voices as one as supplement to the voice of one for many. Many people are proving able to gather in-person as we see crowds of people marching and protesting for the issues important to them.

Yet the power of singular voices cannot and will not go ignored under the influence of Mars in Aquarius. In fact, there will be people who may find themselves rebelling against their communities due to divergent beliefs or behaviors. In cases where those who will not or cannot gather in-person with those of common perspective, we are likely to see more people taking it upon themselves to speak their views. As result, these individual voices will also reveal communities – ones which may not be gathering in crowds due to geographic separation, but are connected through individual actions of common message and purpose. We live in a day and age where technology bridges the physical gaps, creating communities in ways we only imagined in prior times.

Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius now through 19th December 2016, during which time we will witness the aligning of ideals and intentions in various communities, and we will also see how far these emerging and converging messages spread throughout and affect the energy of the whole of humanity. I’m especially interested in witnessing the international alignment of these beliefs and behaviors. With both Mars in Aquarius and Juno in Sagittarius (and their sextile transit most exact on 11th November), I suspect that this is the first stage of community development and expansion, which will only expand further once Mars enters Pisces.

That said, I suspect that Mars’ placement in Aquarius and Pisces over the next couple of months along with Juno in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn indicates that the emerging “New World Order” is more about world communities emerging – people of common minds and hearts coming together, regardless of their backgrounds, heritages, or national borders. There is a commitment to opening hearts and minds and bringing people together rather than continuing to divide.

But in order to bridge the divides, those divides must be addressed. To end the protests, the divisions must be talked through and deconstructed to seek common beliefs and intentions between the warring parties and to find joint solutions to stop the divides.

We are living in an amazing time, my friends. Remember, our actions create our realities and in the case of this 2016 Mars in Aquarius, our actions – both individual and collective – are creating our communities, our nations, and our world.

Follow your heart, and act with togetherness in mind. Stay peaceful, my friends. We can do this.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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