fire-texture_myhhrThe 2016 Scorpio New Moon makes its presence known on Sunday, 30th October 2016. Most exact at 10:38a PDT (7.44°)
, this New Moon represents transformative new beginnings on the emotional-spiritual plane…if we allow them.

Scorpio is fixed water energy. Even though the idea of “fixed” and “water” may seem like a bit of an oxymoron, consider the old saying “still waters run deep” and you’ll have a better idea of the depth and intensity of Scorpio’s emotional-spiritual presence. Don’t let the calm surface fool you – there’s some intensity brewing here.

During a New Moon, the Sun and the Moon are essentially in conjunction or aligned within the same sign. Therefore, the Moon is unable to reflect the Sun’s light. Yet the Sun amplifies the Moon’s emotional energy with its warmth and light, and by doing so, opens the heart space for the seeds of new (emotional) beginnings to be planted. New Moons are wonderful times to set new intentions and to begin new projects.

That said, Scorpio doesn’t take anything at face value. It doesn’t trust easily, and it goes to extremes to push people and situations to their limits and digs to get to the bottom of things. Scorpio is determined to learn the deepest, darkest, and worst of a person or a situation so it can know and be prepared for whatever may come. You see. Once Scorpio knows the worst that can happen, only then can it let its guard down to trust, allowing its brilliance – and yours – to shine and be received.

With this 2016 Scorpio New Moon, this is a deep exploration into the darkest depths of your emotional-spiritual self. This is not a journey for the faint of heart. In fact, for some of you who tend to play your cards close to the vest, this New Moon could be downright terrifying for you as your emotional vulnerabilities are either being brought to the surface at your own will or being forced to the surface against it.

This 2016 Scorpio Sun-Moon conjunction is also being conjuncted by Mercury in Scorpio at the time the phase is at its newest, forming a stellium (more than two bodies in conjunction with one another). The order of appearance at the moment of exactness is the Sun, the Moon, then Mercury which means the Sun’s light takes the lead, illuminating the feelings, thoughts, and communications to follow. This light not only calls upon you to reveal your deepest and most authentic feelings about the deepest and darkest matters in your life, it also urges you to speak up and be emotionally-spiritually vulnerable in your communications as you do. As result, you may find yourself having to disclose more about your feelings and vulnerabilities than you usually do, and possibly more than you ever have before.

Admitting your deepest vulnerabilities would be wise, as the Sun doesn’t allow anything to stay hidden – not even in the deep, dark depths of Scorpio. Whatever you think you’re hiding is probably not hidden…or it won’t be for long. If you don’t give it up willingly, it may be brought to the surface forcibly. One way or another, you’re being asked to reveal yourself on a deep emotional level…and possibly in whichever area of your life the Sun-Moon-Mercury conjunction finds itself in within your personal chart(s). If you choose to do this, as you do, you may feel like the self you know yourself to be is dying. Yet your sense of self must die a metaphoric death in order for who you are becoming – the real truth of who you are – to emerge.

What emerges is potentially life-altering. The 2016 Scorpio New Moon provides you with a chance to clear out the overgrown vines and the runaway weeds in your inner emotional garden – an opportunity to burn them away with honest and heartfelt emotion and communication so you have space to plant new seeds which will have deep, strong, and healthy roots in and for your future. You see – by using your thoughts and words to plant the seeds of new thoughts and feelings deep within yourself, the roots of these new plants take hold and like a phoenix from the ashes and keep growing, lifting you up even in the most trying of emotional-spiritual storms.

However, in order to plant, you must clear up and clear away the old…and if you’re unwilling to allow those old vines and weeds to be pulled and burned away, they will entangle you and strangle you. This Scorpio New Moon stellium also makes trine aspect to Neptune Retrograde conjunct the South Node in Pisces, indicating the ideals of others being rooted in the past and your sense of obligation to give others what they want (possibly to your own detriment)…and/or your own ideals being rooted in or attached to the past, keeping you from seeing and dealing with the present reality. Some of you will not be able to clear your old brush away – it may be too difficult for you to let your guard down and ask for the help you need to clear it away, or some of you may be too proud or embarrassed to admit you have such powerful vulnerabilities. Either way, your attempt(s) to play your “strength” may become your downfall.

Your ability to use your emotional vulnerability to free yourself of your past, within stand the onslaught of the present, and rise from the ashes which catalyze your personal transformation depends on you. If you can clear and plant in this storm, you’ll be ready for any other storms that may come your way.

The effects of this 2016 Scorpio New Moon will be felt for about three days before and after the maximum phase, even though the Moon will move out of 3° orb within a few hours and out of the sign within a day or so. However, the after effects will probably linger on. After all, something this deep is certain to stick with you for a while…possibly the rest of your life.

Don’t take this opportunity lightly, and don’t take it for granted. This 2016 Scorpio New Moon will be a death…but it could also be a powerful rebirth.

Your phoenix moment is upon you. Whether or not you allow it to happen is up to you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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