Balance Paid Stamp Shows Bill Payment MadeVenus entered the sign of Scorpio at 7:51a PDT on Friday, 23rd September 2016. When it did, Venus left its sign of rulership to move into an environment that makes it difficult for Venus to thrive.

Unlike Libra which has a penchant for seeking peace, beauty, and balance, Scorpio likes to deal in extremes. It’s all-or-nothing, in-or-out, yes-or-no. This is because Scorpio does NOT like indecision or a lack of clarity. It’s difficult to trust someone or something when you don’t know where it stands, so Scorpio pushes for clarity so it can develop trust with its partners or its environments.

With Venus in this sign, one-on-one interactions and relationships of all kinds become more intense. There‘s a sense of being pushed into deeper realms than you might normally find yourself moving through. For some of you, this will be a welcome deepening – you appreciate and, in some ways, may actually crave more substantial and profound interactions with people.

Yet for others of you, having Venus in Scorpio may be a significant challenge. You probably won’t enjoy being forced to delve beneath the carefully-crafted appearances to face what really exists beneath those surfaces. That’s especially the case if those crafted appearances are your own.

Venus in Scorpio is a call for each and all of us to build trust in our relationships and partnerships of all kinds by digging deep to the bottom of matters. We’re being pushed to face and deal with the extremes of our circumstances in order to bring balance to that which is unbalanced, justice to that which is unjust, fairness to that which is unfair, and equality to that which is not equal. This is going to be uncomfortable for many of us on a number of different levels.

The most obvious discomfort will come as result of the obvious power struggles which will emerge through this energy. You may be more aware than usual of the dynamics in your relationships, and you will quickly recognize yourself as having or not having the upper hand in your connections with others. You may also recognize some of your relationships as being co-dependent or heavily intertwined in ways which may have you (or your partner) feeling like you may cease to exist if the partnership changes or ends.

Of course, there are those of you who already know you’re in a position of advantage in some or many of your relationships. Some of you will accept that in order for balance to be achieved, you must be willing to give up some of your perks. However, there will always be others of you who are likely to fight this call to balance to the bitter end because you know what you stand to lose and frankly, you don’t want to lose it. You may feel as if your self-identity is threatened if you allow these changes or endings to occur.

There are also those of you who are calling for balance because you stand to benefit from the call for balance. Yet in your passionate efforts to balance the scales, you may not realize there will be a cost for you as well.

In getting what you believe you want, you also have an identity shift…on an actual, practical, experiential level. This shift in your experiential reality will have a powerful emotional and energetic effect on you – one which you may not be prepared for. You see, in getting what you want, your identity must adjust to the reality of having what you’ve wanted – you’ll no longer be in a position of disadvantage. You may have to get used to having power and/or influence, and for some of you, this victory over disadvantage may be just as difficult as the loss of advantage your partner(s) experiences.

It will be important for each and all of the parties involved to recognize what the power balance currently is, how it can be changed, and to be clear about how that balance will be changed. Some of you may find it best to end the relationship altogether rather than trying to find balance. Others of you may find that balance can be made. However, both parties will need to face both their darkness and their light, and both parties may need to give up some of their ideals and habits in order to  make the balancing work.

This 2016 Venus in Scorpio makes these major transits in these next few weeks:

Scorpio Venus opposite Taurus Ceres Retrograde, most exact early on 26th September (3.30°) – How is the balance of power affecting your personal values? Are your desires for certain lifestyle resources based upon your comfort and ease, others’ comfort and ease, or your own survival (figurative or literal)?

Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 1st October (9.87°) – This transit will be interesting as this may be the first time you hear the ideals and expectations of your partner(s). This could be a profound and transformative moment in your partnership which could determine if and how your relationship moves forward…and if it’s moving forward, it could be moving forward in a very different way.

Scorpio Venus sextile Capricorn Pluto, most exact on 5th October (14.95°) This is the transit that brings any power struggle(s) in your partnerships to a head. With Venus in Pluto’s sign of rulership, get ready for some sparks to fly as the parties involved may hold opposing views about the goals to be achieved with no desire to compromise in place. The good news is…the sextile indicates that a common goal can be found. That, or someone will win. And in the case of the latter, the sextile supports the relationship’s survival in some form after an objective is chosen.

Scorpio Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith, most exact late on 5th October (15.35°) – Desires are intensified to a rare extreme, even for Scorpio! They may be ramped up to a point of “needing” to be pursued at any cost. If ever a time for desperation to be in play or on display, this would be that time. Be conscious of both of the assistance you seek and those seeking your assistance – make sure you’re fully aware of the (emotional) motives behind the request.

Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde, most exact on 11th October (21.78°) – This transit has powerful healing potential as you come face-to-face with the ideals and expectations of your partner(s). Each of your deepest emotional wounds may come to the surface as result of deeper-than-usual interactions, allowing the two of you to build trust, but also opening up some very real truths about what each of you wants and needs in your partnership. Whatever happens is for the best, even if it may not feel like it in the moment. This could prove to be both a very vulnerable and very transformative time.

Venus will be in Scorpio until 18th October when it moves into expansive and adventurous Sagittarius.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,






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