color-pencils-vectors_zJLiLkF__LIT’S HERE! Mercury’s latest round of retrograde motion begins at 6:04a PDT on Tuesday, 30th August 2016 in the sign of Virgo. It was oh-so-close to moving into Libra, but at the 29th degree, it got cold feet  and began moving back into Virgo.

Actually, there aren’t really any cold feet involved. The retrograde just indicates that we have more work to do in aligning our minds with our everyday practices.

You see. Virgo can be practically obsessed with bringing everyone and everything into a state of healthy function. Mercury in Virgo understands that if we don’t have a healthy mindset to support our healthy function, we don’t function in healthy ways. Therefore, we must make changes to our ways of thinking and speaking in order to bring healthy changes to the ways we live our daily lives. Of course, when we begin shifting our minds, our practices begin to shift. And when our practices being to shift, our lives begin to shift.

It’s simple. The more we change our minds, the more we change our lives.

The question then becomes…are the changes we’re making to our lives making us healthier, more functional, more efficient, and/or more effective?

If they are, great!

If they aren’t, we may need to make changes or adjustments to our plans.

So with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, you can count on a few things to occur under its influence:

  • A review of your plan’s details and opportunities to make alterations to those existing plans, if needed
  • Opportunities to receive feedback about whether or not your plan is or isn’t working, and recognizing if you need to adjust or change your course to make things work (or work better)
  • Second chances to make new plans or to make progress on new paths you may have not chosen when they were previously presented
  • Opportunities to do something again that didn’t work as well or at all the first time around (do-over)

The inclination and popular advice under Mercury Retrograde is to do nothing – to wait until the retrograde has passed before you do anything. Yet with so much cardinal and mutable energy floating about during this 2016 Virgo Mercury Retrograde, it will be virtually impossible to do nothing for the next three weeks.

So what’s the best advice I can give you to get through this 2016 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo?


You don’t want to do nothing, and you don’t want to give up entirely. Yet you may want to pause or move more slowly before taking action. After all, retrogrades are feedback energies, which means Mercury Retrograde periods are times to stop, look, and listen to the information and insights being given to you by your environment and others within it. The events and people around you are giving you feedback as well as new info you will likely need in order to make some revisions to your plans so you can move forward in your pragmatic journey.

The mistake people often make during Mercury Retrogrades is that they either act impulsively or try to push forward aggressively on their terms without consideration of their environment or others around them. What they don’t realize is that they may be missing out on valuable information which could be very helpful in their choice-making process. That information could be the difference between making significant progress by making revisions to their plan OR losing it all because they either couldn’t give up their plan or because they gave up on the plan before realizing it only needed a little bit of tweaking.

I mentioned earlier that there would be no waiting for this 2016 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo to pass. Let’s take a look the upcoming transits to see why:

Virgo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Jupiter, most exact on 2nd September – Paying attention pays off in a big way. Listen for insights as to how others expanded upon their work so you may recognize how to expand upon your own.

Virgo Mercury Retrograde quincunx Aries Uranus Retrograde, most exact on 9th September – Listen to the masses…but don’t follow the crowd. Just hear what they’re saying and create a pragmatic solution. Though it may not directly involve or affect you, you may be the one who brings a healing perspective to the conflict.

Virgo Mercury Retrograde square Sagittarius Mars, most exact on 12th September – You may be met with some harsh feedback when your actions don’t align with your plans. Honor whichever path honors your inner truth (which means you’ll most likely need to adjust your plans to align with your actions).

Virgo Mercury Retrograde conjunct Virgo 9 Sun, most exact on 13th September – Do you see a path or process to completing your project? Is your current path or process helping you fulfill your work or service duties? What needs to be adjusted or changed in order for you to get the job done?

Virgo Mercury Retrograde trine Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, most exact on 20th September – You’ll be asked to serve your master…but may be faced with the question of which master to serve, Do you serve the old power structures and their outdated ideals of societal success and status OR do you serve the new power structures which are emerging and changing the definitions of status and success to something much more pragmatic and realistic to the world as it is now? Pay attention to the shifting balance of power in your own environment to know what to do.

The 2016 Mercury in Virgo will be in retrograde motion today through 21st September. Until then, a slightly slower pace, open ears, and an open mind will serve you very well over these next three weeks.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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