My friends and family know…I’m just a bit obsessed with the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. I’m actually interested in the whole national process, including the Senate and House dynamics.

That said, there are lots of questions about who the candidates really are, beyond their campaign rhetoric. I’ve decided to get below those surface veneers.

I’ve been studying the natal charts of the remaining three “major party” candidates for a while now, and finally decided to examine their natal charts to give us some insights into the people who may be our next U.S. President using my unique blending of astrology and numerology  – The Life By Soul™ System. These are my first public postings of the “Core Six” combinations in action, so I’m super excited to share these with all of you.

I’m only sticking with these 3 candidate for now…though I know there are other party candidates (Green, Libertarian, etc.). I’ve also heard rumors of other Democrats and Republicans being added to the mix at the conventions, and I’ll look at those potential “last-minute candidates” only if they are actually entered into the race.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…I’ve chosen to post these in alphabetical order by first name.

Earlier today, I covered Bernie and “the Donald“. Last but not least…here’s Hillary!

Hillary Rodham Clinton – born 26.October.1947 (age 68) at 8:02a in Chicago, Illinois

Her core identity (the energy she is grounded and centered in):

Hillary Clinton may have a rather extroverted personality, but she’s not exactly a “people person”. She has A LOT of Scorpio energy in her chart, and with the bulk of this Scorpio energy in her 12th house of transcendence, cosmic interconnection/sense of Oneness with All-That-Is, Universal consciousness, and subconscious/intuitive ability, she is someone who likely very emotionally, energetically, and environmentally sensitive. Due to these sensitivities and despite her extrovert inclinations, she probably needs to take breaks and create distance for herself after being round large crowds of people as they likely drain her energy and/or overload her senses.

She may be aware of her strong intuitive abilities, but with her natal Scorpio 3 natal base combination in the 12th house, she may not be fully aware of the roles those abilities and sensitivities play in perpetuating her innate secrecy and/or all-or-nothing tendencies. Largely because the Scorpio energy dominates her chart, she tends to be very skeptical and cynical about the world around her, and this cynicism encourages an innate distrust of anything and anyone around her that she hasn’t welcomed into her inner circle of family and close friends. This makes it difficult for her to really connect with the public in a deep and meaningful way.

She also doesn’t really like talking about herself because she doesn’t really want others to know all of what she is capable of. It’s not even certain she could even explain herself as she runs very, very deep and on a level most people wouldn’t be able to grasp, anyway. As result, she usually prefers to ask questions and gather information about others.  The 3 energy makes her curious and inquisitive and loves to gather information about as many subjects as possible. She isn’t afraid to dig deep and get to the bottom of matters, and this is how she can be at her best in being of service to the collective whole.

How she sees herself:

Hillary has Scorpio 9 projection energy on her Ascendant. The 9 energy means she sees herself as an authority figure who gets things done, and the Scorpio energy implies that she gets things done by being decisive. Yet those things are often get done by any means necessary, and those means tend to be more covert than out in the open. This is usually so she can protect her sources and the breadth of her connections.

Hillary’s Mercury and South Node are both conjunct her Ascendant (in the 12th and 1st houses, respectively), and this indicates that she tends to all-or-nothing thinking and speaking and may find herself taking extreme positions on things to emphasize her feelings on matters at hand. Mercury’s position causes her communications to be either very guarded or very blunt. The South Node conjunction reveals a strong connection to past-based (karmic) tendencies to go to extremes to defend and protect her self-identity.

If she feels betrayed by anyone around her, she takes it very personally and she will usually cut them off, cut them out, and patiently seek revenge. She is not one to be underestimated when it comes to wielding her power.

However, her biggest strength may also be her biggest weakness as ego-based pride may lead her to act impulsively to teach others “lessons” or to show them who really has the power (due to Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9th square her Mercury-Scorpio 9 AC- Scorpio 4 South Node stellium in 12th). It’s tough to keep the extent of your power a secret when you are also eager to put your power on display. This impulsive need to “show them who’s in charge” may result in her showing too much and causing her own downfall in various situations and circumstances.

How others see her:

Hillary has a Virgo 8 midheaven, and the impression she makes on others is that she is pragmatic, powerful, and very adept in using the systems and processes to her advantage.

However, when she is feels her power is threatened or challenged in some way, her fears and insecurities about whom she can or cannot trust (Chiron in Scorpio in 12th) often cause her to speak or act in defensive extremes. Her extreme emotional and energetic sensitivities can cause her to behave in ways which give others a sense she is trying to control the systems or processes in place (Chiron square Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9th). This is what leads people to see her as manipulative or as someone who tries to force rules, systems, and processes to go her way. This is the probable reason why she doesn’t read as trustworthy to many people. Her public presence often seems forced or inauthentic, as if it is designed to hide or protect something…which it is – her afore-mentioned emotional sensitivities.

Virgo energy is focused on making things work – healing wounds, solving problems, restoring functionality to the matters at hand. The 8 energy gives her public persona qualities of strength and power which works to her advantage when it comes to having a presence on the world stage. There’s no question Hillary has the intelligence to create plans and find solutions to problems. Yet most of her efforts seem to be directed more toward proving herself to be intellectually brilliant, knowledgeable, and wise (Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9th square both Chiron and Mercury in Scorpio in 12th) than toward proving she can do and has done the work.

People understand she is intelligent, and those who relate to intellectual power connect very strongly with her…intellectually speaking. But for those who primarily need to feel an emotional bond to the people they admire, they have a difficult time making that bond with her as she comes across as being so pragmatic and purpose-driven. Hillary herself may have a difficult time understanding why people don’t easily connect with her emotionally through her intellectual prowess, as she truly believes she is making the emotional connections with others. This is largely due to the fact that she’s able to make the connections with her loved ones on a personal level (Mercury in 12th conjunct Scorpio 9 conjunct Scorpio 4 South Node in1st trine Pisces 6 Moon in 4th), but that empathic emotional bond doesn’t translate to the public level  where she connects intellectually (Mercury in 12th conjunct Scorpio 9 conjunct Scorpio 4 South Node in1st square Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9th).

What she really (secretly) wants:

Hillary’s deepest desire is rooted in Capricorn 11 energy. She really wants to be accomplished as an intellectual and an authority figure among her peers. The Capricorn energy reveals that she is very ambitious, and it’s important for her to have something to show for all she has learned and done in her life in order for her to feel like she is fulfilling her life’s purpose. She wants to know that all of her experiences and the growth, expansion, and wisdom from them have led her to something, and she wants that something to be some sort of a trophy of social/societal and intellectual achievement (Capricorn 11 BM Lilith in 3rd sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius in 1st). The 11 energy reveals that her ‘trophy’ is likely a position of leadership and that she wants to be seen by her peers as a leader. She wants them to be seen and acknowledged for all she has accomplished, and it’s important for her to receive that validation from them.

The way she knows she is fulfilling this desire is by learning what she needs to learn to “move up the (professional) ladder”.  She’s always considering what her ultimate goal is, and works hard to take and make one step at a time toward that goal.

What she needs to learn (karma):

Hillary needs to learn and master the art of being a gracious and willing recipient. She’s very good at using her power to get what she wants, but she seems to believe she has to do it herself because she rarely trusts anyone else to be able to do it the way she wants it done (Scorpio 4 South Node in 1st). She also fears not getting the credit for doing it herself, which is why it’s difficult for her to hand off tasks or projects.

She gets to learn how to allow others to contribute physically, materially, and financially to her journey…but she may need to learn that no one really wants to give anything to someone who doesn’t seem to need help. In trying so hard to hide her vulnerabilities (or perceived “weaknesses”), people may see her as self-sufficient and not needing assistance. It will be up to her to open her mind to the possibility that people actually want to help her, and it might be to her advantage to receive what they have to offer as not everyone has strings attached to their offers.

However, that fear of strings attached reveals how her past could serve her well. If she can apply what she’s learned about being manipulated to vet the people who offer her assistance – if she can make it more of an intellectual exercise rather than an emotional or personal one – she may be able to better gauge which sources of assistance are credible and trustworthy and will serve her best, and which ones are not and will not serve her well.

What really gives her “the feels” (her emotional core)?

Hillary is highly empathic and emotionally sensitive. She rarely lets this side of herself be known by anyone but her family and closest friends, but it’s definitely there.

She feels everything very deeply, so she doesn’t take the criticism of others easily. When she is emotionally or energetically wounded, she finds solace in her ability to selflessly serve her loved ones. She is excellent in nurturing, caring for, and supporting her family members and closest friends, especially on the emotional and spiritual levels (Pisces 6 Moon in 4th house). She tolerates a lot from the people she loves, and she does so because she really does love and care for and about them. If you’re looking for a loyal and genuinely caring friend, she’s among the best…

…though there is a part of her that sometimes feels victimized by her role as wife, mother, or supportive friend. It’s much easier on her when she can allow herself a moment to let go and let others take care of themselves. It’s even easier that that when those who depend on her can let her go so she can attend to herself for a short while. Though she is an extrovert and loves to be around her family, she does need a time alone every now and then to recharge and replenish her spirit. She may lash out if and when she hasn’t had a little space to restore her strength. She doesn’t need much and she doesn’t need it for long, but she does need a little time to recalibrate.

Once she has restored her strength, the sensitive matriarch returns to her clan stronger than ever.

How does she find and wield her power?

Hillary finds and wields her power through her intellect and her family and loved ones.

I’ve address a lot of this in the previous sections, but need add a bit more.

She has an excellent mind and a strong heart. Highly intuitive and emotionally-energetically sensitive, she is able to use her intelligence, intellect, and heartfelt intentions to make a powerful difference in the world (Gemini and Cancer in 8th). When she can come from a personal emotional place – when she can relate who she is being and what she is doing to how it may affect her family and closest confidantes – she is unmatched in her ability to wield her power for good.

She is also most empowered when she is applying what she has learned from her past experiences. She could be an excellent teacher or lecturer, especially when she has willing students or peers to share her knowledge and wisdom with. She is at her best in these roles when she can teach while she is action or speak directly to her past experiences (Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9th; Cancer in 9th). However, the difficulty here is that her insecurities about not having enough substance, depth, or strength (Mars and Pluto square Chiron in Scorpio in 12th) may result in her being more focused on proving herself to her students or peers than she needs to be on herself and the impact and influence of her own actions (Mars and Pluto square Venus in Scorpio in 12th). The fact that she wants to be acknowledged for her wisdom and experience may cause her to do things to prove herself knowledgeable to others rather than doing things because they are the right things to do for the situations or circumstances she is facing (Leo in 9th; Virgo in 9th).

This desire to be acknowledged for her intellect and knowledge may also challenge her natural way of thinking and speaking. Instead of saying what’s really on her mind, she may instead say things in order to control and manipulate situations. That course of action may work for her in the short term…but it may prove challenging for her on two fronts:

  1. Hillary is, by nature, guarded and secretive – she doesn’t really enjoy sharing much about herself. She’d rather keep an intense focus on how she can be of service to others, and she presents these facts very pragmatically, logically, and adamantly. This makes it difficult for her to connect with the public through her words as many people can’t relate to her on an intellectual level. This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to connect with them. In fact, people may be surprised by how genuinely invested she is in making those connections. But usually out of emotional frustration and panic, this inability to connect with the public on the emotional level often leads her to change her messages to whatever the masses seem to want to hear (Uranus Retrograde in Gemini in 8th) rather than standing solid in her own personal values. This isn’t helped by the fact that her own personal lifestyle values fluctuate depending on who she needs to be of practical service to at any given moment (Ceres Retrograde in Taurus in 6th) – she’ll adopt whichever values help her get things done in that moment.
  2. That adaptation ties in with the second challenge – when institutional interests come into play (Saturn in Leo in 9th). She feels a sense of duty and responsibility to teach to the the traditions and institutions which have influences and indoctrinated her along the way. The wisdom of her experiences may resonate with those in the general public who have had similar backgrounds and influences to hers…but for the most part, she may find herself having to learn how to balance her deep and profound emotional attachment to her familiar environments with awareness of the everyday lifestyles of others – a way of life that is not so familiar to her. She tries to relate and connect, but this is very difficult for her because she hasn’t lived it so she can’t relate to it. Her efforts, unfortunately, ring inauthentic as result.

If she feels disempowered in any situation, she may be tempted to just blow it right out of the water. An angry Hillary is not to be trifled with, and she will use all connections at her disposal to clear the slate of whatever or whomever she perceives as upsetting her plans or obstructing her ambitions. Though this may work for her in the short term, over the long haul, it doesn’t bode well and may result in the collapse of everything she has worked so hard for so long to build. Taking a patient and pragmatic approach works to her most constructive and productive interests.

Overall, her best way to gain (or regain) her personal and professional power and influence is to remember who she is emotionally bonded with and invested in, then to look at her circumstances from a place of what is best for her and those loved ones on an emotional and/or spiritual level. Not only will she innately know what to do, she’ll also be able to do it authentically, and others will respond with the trust, respect, and acknowledgement of her knowledge and experience that she craves.

I hope this post gives you valuable insights into Hillary Clinton. I also hope all three of these posts have given you insights into each of these 2016 candidates.

I haven’t decided when I’ll post next about this election cycle – after the primaries are completed or after the conventions and once the general election gets underway. But there will be more!

Until that next post, thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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