The 2016 Mars in Sagittarius began moving in retrograde motion at 5:17a PDT on 17th April 2016.

Sagittarius (mutable fire) is the sign of growth and expansion through the acquisition of truth and wisdom – truth and wisdom which come from first-hand experience. Mars is the ruler of Aries (cardinal fire), and represents the actions which define your self-identity. Mars also gives insights into one’s initiative tendencies – it indicates where or how are you inclined to take initiative action(s). Together, Mars in Sagittarius represents the actions taken to have life experiences which increase and expand your authentic self-expression and your knowledge of and wisdom about the world.

Yet when Mars in Sagittarius is in retrograde motion, it means that there will be rapid responses or reactions from others to your truth-based actions. You will receive swift feedback for the actions you take to increase your authentic presence in and understanding of the world. You may also be more inclined than usual to respond or react to others who are being proactive in asserting their autonomy and/or personal leadership abilities.

It will be important for you to remember that Sagittarius represents first-hand experience, but that it can also be first-time experience, taking on a new adventure to expand one’s horizons and growing one’s understanding of the world. So if and when you fly off the handle in reaction to another’s actions, consider it may be their first time doing something – they may be trying to expand their skills or grow into a new role in their lives. Also consider how you may want to be treated if and when you’re doing something for the first time. Treat others the way you want to be treated…

…which is easier said than done when you’ve got fire-in-fire. In fact, Mars in Sagittarius’ energy tends to bring what should be a small, manageable campfire to a massive, out-of-control multi-acre event. With this energy in retrograde motion, there will be no shortage of opportunities for you to bring fire to others or for others to set you ablaze.

The most important thing to remember during this 2016 Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius is that actions are likely to produce bigger reactions. In other words, don’t start something unless you’re prepared for it to spread like wildfire. Whatever you do may become bigger than you intended. Something you initiate could very well take on a life of its own at this time…for better or worse.

Fortunately, there aren’t many specific opportunities for this 2016 Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius to spontaneously combust or explode over the next 3-4 weeks.

Sagittarius Mars Retrograde Is part of a lunar sequence configuration on 27th AprilScorpio Juno Retrograde semi-sextile Sagittarius Mars Retrograde semi-sextile Capricorn Moon – A deep and powerful emotional-spiritual commitment leads to actions taken in the name of truth, producing results which both mirror and expand the deep emotions and intentions which created them.

The only major stand-alone transit is Sagittarius Mars Retrograde trine Aries Ceres at 3:13p PDT on Tuesday, 3rd May – You’ll receive swift feedback for your lifestyle values-based actions, and it’s likely others’ feedback will be supportive of your steps. They may even promote or otherwise expand upon your work. Even if others aren’t supportive, allow yourself to receive their feedback – it will give you wisdom best applied to your next attempts to expand yourself and your authentic presence in the world.

Mars in Sagittarius will be in retrograde motion until 29th June 2016.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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