Sunset on Water 2On Monday, 8th February 2016 at 6:39a PST, the Moon is at its newest phase in the sign of Aquarius. Generally, new moons are a wonderful time to set intentions and initiate new ways of thinking and being in one or more areas of your life.

This 2016 Aquarius New Moon occurs on a 1 universal day, numerologically speaking, which also represents a day of new beginnings and fresh starts. Therefore, today is a day to initiate whatever is now and next for you in the plan of your life.

An Aquarius New Moon on a 1 universal day is like a white unicorn with wings – a rarity which inspires you to embrace and step fully into a brave new (and far more authentic) expression of yourself in and for the world. Aquarius energy calls upon each and every one of us to recognize what we have to uniquely contribute to the whole of humanity – the one-of-a-kind qualities of each and every one of us as individuals contributing to something bigger than ourselves. This New Moon calls upon us to take action to make these qualities known to the world.

So, what can you do? What can you bring to your teams, groups, communities, societies, or humanity-at-large which serves a greater whole in unconventional or innovative ways? What can you bring that no one else can bring but you – something that’s recently emerged into your consciousness, something that you’ve known yet chose to hide before now, or something you haven’t shared before?

Of course, it would be too easy to say that this 2016 Aquarius New Moon is all that’s in play today. Here are three New Moon transits which play a significant part in setting the dynamics of this day:

  • The Sun-Moon conjunction in Aquarius is trine Black Moon Lilith in Libra at its newest phase, which indicates a deep-seated desire for justice, fairness, and equality. Though this may bring up the pain and suffering of an unfulfilled desire, Lilith’s trine with the Aquarius New Moon indicates an opportunity to have these long-suppressed desires brought to Light through your uniquely creative contributions, bringing them into the public consciousness, and encouraging a healthy, balanced, and fair agreement between the parties involved.
  • The Aquarius New Moon also makes a sextile with Uranus in Aries. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, so this is an especially important transit as Uranus in Aries is a champion for both unique and initiative creative energy and the assertiveness or aggressiveness of the public-at-large. Under the influence of this transit, you are being encouraged or inspired to take actions to make your individuality known to the world. You may also notice people coming together in communities with a common goal to stand up for and preserve their common personal self-interests – as you creatively express yourself, you may find others who resonate with your messages of unique or eccentric self-expression.
  • However, this Aquarius New Moon also makes a square with Mars in Scorpio. This transit represents extreme actions/behaviors which are likely fueled by anger or aggressive beliefs.
  • The Aquarius New Moon is also part of a sequence involving Venus in Capricorn, Chiron in Pisces, and Uranus in Aries – partners in pursuing your goals and ambitions support or encourage your individual uniqueness which could very well heal any emotional-spiritual rifts between your false and true selves, leading to inspired initiative actions for yourself and others around you.

These 2016 Aquarius New Moon transits combine to create conditions in which darkness, imbalance, and injustice are revealed in order to be assertively and decisively addressed. These opportunities to bring things to Light will very likely lead you to a new view of yourself and the world around you…but it’s not only about facing or experiencing your darkness (and/or the darkness of others) in order to see yourself in a new light – it’s also about sharing that new perception and expression of yourself with others so they may see you in a new light as well.

Since we’re humans and we’re dealing with humanity, we must also remember that perception is in one’s own self-interest. As you change yourself, be conscious that you are changing your role in and for the world. This change isn’t a bad thing nor a small thing – in fact, you may be aligning yourself with the Universe in unexpected, unpredictable, and far more expansive or collaborative ways than you ever imagined possible.

How are you willing to allow yourself to see or experience yourself newly in the month ahead? This 2016 Aquarius New Moon may assist you in finding out.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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