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Ceres entered the sign of Pisces at 10:40a PST on 28th January 2016. After Ceres in Aquarius may have had you reviewing and possibly reconsidering your personal morals and values through new or different social perspectives, you may now be gaining clarity about how your personal values may or may not align with your dreams, ideals, and aspirations…or with your spiritual or transcendental beliefs.

Ultimately, Ceres in Pisces represents universally comfortable values. Its intention is to create a perception of the world/Universe in which shared values and ideals transcend all differences that are prominent now – a world in which compassion, kindness, and genuine service reign supreme. What is could help us all heal and triumph over pain and suffering is to have compassion and a service-minded attitude toward one another. Kindness creates unity.

Therefore, as Ceres enters Pisces, you may find yourself more aware of your connections with everyone and everything around you. You might even be excited about making selfless or philanthropic contributions of service and/or resource in order to contribute to what you most value within All-That-Is.

On the other hand, if you feel wounded or victimized in some way and feel your pain has not been sufficiently addressed or adequately compensated, you may be angry during this time. This anger may have you feeling disconnected from and resentful of Oneness. You may be avoidant, ignoring or denying what is happening around you, eager to escape a world which you feel no longer cares who you are or which no longer accepts or tolerates who you are or what you’ve been through.

If your views and beliefs have you resisting Oneness, Ceres in Pisces may find you choosing to avoid, ignore, or otherwise deny the common values being practiced around you. Yet if you are willing to accept the changes, you may find that adjusting your personal value system results in less upset and stress for you and those around you, and you may begin to expand beyond your community or society into a desire to serve the entire world and beyond in positive, healing, and unifying ways. This expansion creates comforting compassion for all who will allow and receive it for themselves and others.

Though Ceres in Pisces is within 3° orb of Neptune (approaching transit) as the Sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces on 18th February, there are no major aspects for the remainder of the 2016 Aquarius Sun Period. Yet just because Ceres is moving untouched for a while doesn’t mean it isn’t having an influence. The bigger the picture you’re able to see in your world view, the easier Ceres in Pisces’ presence will be for you over the next 2.5 months. Ceres moves into Aries on 13th/14th April 2016.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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