Forward Arrows - YellowThe first new moon of 2016 is the Capricorn New Moon – maximum phase at 5:31p PST on Saturday, 9th January 2015 at 19.22°, and it will be one of the best-supported New Moons for setting new goals and beginning new projects that I’ve seen in quite a long time.

For starters, this 2016 Capricorn New Moon occurs on a 1 universal day in a 1 universal month. There is so much energy for new beginnings and taking leadership initiative that it would be heartbreaking not to get something started on this day. However, these ones are happening within a 9 universal year, so taking actions to create a fresh start in certain or all areas of your life may require some clearing out of the old to make way for all of the new you’re bringing in.

Yet with all of the support to create something new, there is a question about what new will actually be created.

Chiron in Pisces (17.77°) is within 3° orb to make a sextile aspect with the Capricorn Sun-Moon conjunction at its peak. This presents an opportunity to heal emotional and spiritual wounds in the Oneness; to set collective goals for overcoming the challenges we’ve been emotionally and spiritually invested in for so long. The question is…are people and institutions willing to give up their self-victimization or martyrdom positions in order to help everyone heal? Or are they so invested in their pain or struggle(s) that they don’t want to be healed?

Uranus in Aries (16.65°) is also within 3° orb to the Capricorn Sun-Moon conjunction, only it makes a wide square aspect. With Aries’ energy combined with Uranus’ social and technological innovation, there’s a collective restlessness is in the air, and assertiveness may give way to aggression if the majority doesn’t see the results they want to see. If the majority isn’t acknowledged, they’ll make themselves acknowledged. Yet this challenging dynamic could also bring the emergence of eccentric or innovative individuals who can change popular opinion with their assertive & unconventional views & approaches to the matters at hand.

Uranus in Aries is also part of a T-Square configuration on this day, opposite Libra Black Moon Lilith and square Pluto in Capricorn. Though Lilith & Pluto are outside of 3° orb from the Capricorn New Moon, this is a POWERFUL configuration which gives additional clarity to Uranus’ energy as a challenge aspect to the New Moon. Lilith in Libra reveals a deep (and dark or long-repressed) desire for balance, equality, & fairness which wants to be fulfilled at any cost opposite the afore-mentioned assertive or aggressive innovation of Uranus in Aries. Lilith and Uranus are both squared by Pluto, which is clearing out the old institutions & standards clearing space for the new ones to emerge. This indicates that any assertion or aggression on the part of Uranus is likely bringing Lilith’s crusade to light (by either making its own stand or by others’ behaviors proving its need), and results in both Uranus and Lilith calling for changes which are confronting and challenging the people and institutions in power to take a course of action. The questions here are…who and/or what is being cleared out to make way for the new? Who or what is being brought in to replace what’s being cleared? And which course(s) of action do the powers-that-be deem appropriate?

Where you may see the influence of this Capricorn New Moon in your own life experience is in the initiation and implementation of your personal goals and ambitions. Of course, if you’re business or career-minded may be inspired to take a new direction or start new projects with those matters in mind. Yet you may also find that you’re becoming clear about some your goals and ambitions for others areas, too. These shifts that you’re making in your life are turning you toward new directions and experiences…and these new directions and experiences may be leading you away from who you’ve been and what you’ve done in the past. This is a call to stop doing and let go of what no longer supports or serves you well in order to allow yourself to move forward toward your goals.

This 2016 Capricorn New Moon is a prime opportunity for you to create new goals and ambitions OR to initiate new ways of being and doing which support your authentic individual expression and/or your true inspiration with your goals and objectives in mind. You’re now being presented with ways to be the person you want to be and create and manifest the life you want to live.

Yet we must remember that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is currently traveling in Sagittarius. This is a call for focus, self-discipline, and self-responsibility in order to move forward toward your goals. If you aren’t “keeping your eyes on the prize” or keeping your goals in mind as you make your efforts to grow and expand yourself and your life, you may not find the success you seek at this time. It will be important for you to be willing to do the work to reach your goals…even if the workload ends up being much lighter or things end up coming to you much more easily than you expect. Saturn’s energy will only hold you back if you’re not acting in alignment with the goals and objectives you’ve declared.

Embrace this 2016 Capricorn New Moon with open arms, an open mind, an open heart, and a willingness to work hard to accomplish all you’re setting out to be and do. I know I’m embarking on a lot of new things for Life By Soul and my own personal growth and life in the next 12 months. I hope you are, too, and I wish you all your most beautiful, brilliant, and blessed year yet!

~ Light, Love, and Blessings for the year ahead!





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