Sunset silentEarlier this morning, 3rd January 2016 at 6:32a PST, Mars entered the sign of Scorpio.

Mars in Scorpio is all about trust-based actions – If you trust, you’re willing to move forward. If you don’t trust, you either refuse to take action or you take aggressive counter-action. Your actions will speak volumes to your deepest feelings about a person or matter. Your actions will reveal your degree of trust.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so we’re talking about trust is which developed primarily on the emotional level. Scorpio is often described as secretive, reclusive, and defensive only because it’s usually taking measures to protect its emotional vulnerability. It doesn’t easily let people into its inner workings and deepest feelings. Scorpio does its best to hide its perceived weaknesses, often not realizing that its weaknesses are actually its greatest strengths. Once it faces its deepest fears and comes to terms with its darkest expressions, Scorpio actually claims its power over its fear and over all who seek to capitalize upon it. An empowered Scorpio is a very scary thing for people who like to take advantage of others’ weaknesses as Scorpio will likely expose them (and possibly even destroy them) for subjecting them to emotional hurt and pain.

Mars is the ruler of Aries – the cardinal fire sign of initiative action and assertive leadership. Mythologically known as “the God of War”, Mars can be a competitive, combative, and sometimes violent energy. It’s inclined to aggressive and impulsive actions in order to assert its leadership. When combined with Scorpio, this could result in impulsive and aggressive actions in order to defend one’s emotional weaknesses and assert and claim one’s power over its perceived “attackers” or challengers.

You may notice that some people become more intense and/or more angry than usual while Mars is in Scorpio. This is likely due to one of two things:

  • Some of them are coming to terms with the fact that they’ve betrayed or are actively betraying their own self-trust. It’s difficult enough for Scorpio to trust anyone else. Imagine what it’s like when you don’t trust yourself, especially if and when you don’t trust yourself to make the best choices and take the best actions for yourself in certain areas of your life.
  • Some of them are carrying deep-seated fears of revealing their vulnerability. They may be taking bold actions to hide their fears about stepping outside their comfort zone, or they may be revealing their mistrust or distrust of others who think or live differently than they do.

I personally have Mars in Scorpio, and I must admit –it used to drive me nuts, and occasionally still does. I used to second-guess myself often before I leaned to stand in my power and be decisive. I now act when I think and feel, I can trust my judgment rather than when I only think I can trust it. I’ve learned that my intellectual hesitations were often due to my mistrust of my emotional expression. I’ve found that taking clear and decisive emotional+intellectual actions in various areas of my life has been life-altering…for the better. Allowing myself to confront and come to terms with my emotional vulnerabilities has allowed me to better choose and act in my own best interests and feel empowered in all areas of my life.

Since Mars enters Scorpio on a 4 universal day, facing your own emotional vulnerabilities and establishing self-trust through your own actions could actually set the cornerstones of a foundation for living which you can fill in and build upon throughout 2016 and beyond. Four energy is about stability, security, and safety, and there is no better way to establish a sense of safety and security for yourself than to confront and deal with all that you fear.

However, for some of you, this 4 energy may convince you that maintaining or even doubling-down on your comfort zone will be easier. I promise you – especially with the upcoming Mars transits – that this “circling of the wagons” and defensively lashing out may not be a wise course of defensive or protective action.

Let’s take a look at a couple of the upcoming 2016 Mars in Scorpio transits to see why.

Scorpio Mars squared by Capricorn Mercury Retrograde (& Direct), most exact on 5th January at 3:59a PST (1.11°). This could be a rather combustible transit as those who want to alter or challenge the societal status quo may find themselves hearing and/or experiencing some harsh criticism and/or opposition. Anything communicated which is not in alignment with what is being done will be a catalyst for Scorpio Mars’ all-or-nothing actions as people will express their mistrust or distrust of changes and/or challenges to authority OR their mistrust and distrust of authority itself. Anyone who makes efforts to confront the institutions which have long been in power or held influence may find themselves having to retreat, rethink an aspect of their strategy, or perform the entire act for a second time at some point in the future. Some of the events during this time could also represent the second time(s) around in some matters.

On a more personal level, you may find yourself upset by what the powers-that-be are doing or asking you to do, or by what the authorities are doing “on your behalf” or “for your safety and security”. This transit may challenge you to take decisive action as a way of standing up for yourself in the face of power. However, it would be wise for you not to let your emotions get the better of you, and to figure out other ways of letting the authorities know that you do not agree with their policies and tactics. Yes, actions speak louder than words, but use your strategic Mercury in Capricorn logic to figure out ways make your point clearly and effectively yet without physical violence.

This transit will be felt from 24th December-5th January with Mercury direct in Capricorn, and will be felt 5th-8th January with Capricorn Mercury in retrograde (3° orb).

Scorpio Mars trine Pisces Neptune is most exact on 18th January at 3:01a PST (8.02°). Decisive actions taken at this time are likely to align with some sort of ideology. This ideology could be political, religious, social/societal, or personal (especially in emotionally, sexually, and/or romantically-inclined relationships). Ideologies could spark very passionate emotional responses which could take a turn for the better in the context of bringing clear decisions to long-indecisive circumstances…or could take a turn for the worse in the context of aggressive or violent actions due to the emotional-spiritual investment in an ideology or delusional belief.

You may believe that your acts are in service to a greater cause, a higher good, or Higher power. It will be of paramount importance to make sure the causes you’re aligning yourself with are really and truly serving the Oneness of All-That-Is – that their chosen course(s) of action really does serve the highest and most unconditionally loving and healing good of all. Anything that is physically damaging, hurtful, or violent is not in alignment with the highest good of All…even if you’re being told it is. The decisive nature of Mars in Scorpio will let you know where you stand, and help you figure out who and what you are actually trusting in and if it’s in your best interests to trust. It may be a bit emotionally painful to realize that you’ve been duped into believing in something or someone who is not serving the good of all, yet it will be more painful for you to stay in alignment with a faulty or destructive ideology.

This Mars-Neptune transit will be felt from 12th-24th January, with quite a dynamic close as Mars is within 3° conjunction orb with Juno from 15th-24th January, (most exact on the 24th). Whichever ideological beliefs/positions and behaviors which are declared during that 10-day period are likely to hold unless they are forced to come undone. This is due to people making committed choices and/or taking committed actions to align with one side of an issue or another.

Mars in Scorpio arriving early in 2016 marks exciting times ahead. Yet this excitement won’t end once Mars enters Sagittarius on 5th/6th March. This is because…yep, you guessed it. Mars in Sagittarius begins moving in retrograde motion on 17th April, re-enters Scorpio on 27th May, turns direct on 29th June, and re-enters Sagittarius on 2nd August to restart and complete its travels in that sign on 27th September 2016.

There is definitely more to come in the 2016 Mars in Scorpio story. We’ll give this another in-depth look when Mars re-enters Scorpio in May.

Until then, be wise and be safe. These first 8 months of 2016 are going to be quite an experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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