Christmas Gift - GraphicstockThis 2015 Cancer Full Moon occurs at 3:11a PST on Friday, 25th December 2015 (3.33°). Numerologically speaking, this is a 9 universal day – a day of fulfillment and accomplishment. This is a perfect complement to the energy of the Full Moon – also an energy of fulfillment and accomplishment. It’s a great time to acknowledge and celebrate the potential you have maximized, the goals you’ve reached, and the results you have achieved.

The Full Moon is always a Sun-Moon opposition, and in the case of a Cancer Full Moon, the Capricorn Sun provides the light of revelation. Capricorn is the father or authority figure of the Zodiac – it is determined to bring things to completion, to have something to show for its ambitions and efforts. This desire to have something to show makes Capricorn very results-driven, which like the Full Moon and 9 numerological energies, also makes it focused on fulfillments and completions.

The Capricorn Sun’s ambition is reflected by the Cancer Moon’s emotional presence. Cancer is the mother or nurturing figure of the Zodiac – it is determined to encourage, support, and protect its emotional investments in order to give them the best chance of surviving, thriving, and succeeding in the world. As the Capricorn Sun, 9 numeric energy, and Full Moon phase encourage you to celebrate your results and accomplishments, the Cancer placement of the Full Moon also encourages you…to acknowledge and celebrate all of the relationships which have been emotionally encouraging and supportive of your ambitions and achievements.

It’s kind of perfect that this 2015 Cancer Full Moon reaches its maximum phase on Christmas Day for the first time since 1977. For all who celebrate this holiday intended to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, this is usually a family-focused celebration. Again, this is another perfect synchronicity of purpose as Cancer, as the Zodiac mother-figure, is usually associated with our home and family environments. Acknowledging the support of your family or your “family of friends” with gratitude and gifts is in perfect alignment with the spirit of the season. This is a wonderful day and time to express your affection and appreciation for all who are and have been dear to you as you’ve pursued and achieved your goals.

The Capricorn Sun shines light on all that the Cancer Moon brings to the surface. As result, you get to realize the emotional experience of your determination and focus on your worldly presence and position. How do you feel about your accomplishments? How do you feel about the people who supported and encouraged you along the way? As you answer these questions for yourself, this is certain to be a very emotional time. This is especially the case if you have major astrological components in Cancer or Capricorn.

This also means that while celebrating the fruits of your ambitions and expressing your gratitude for all who contributed to your journey, you may also need to acknowledge some of the costs of ambition. The Cancer Full Moon’s focus on personal emotional bonds could bring some emotional shortcomings to the fore – possibly ones which reveal your emotional neglect of others and/or ones in which others have emotionally neglected you. Recognize how these challenging experiences may also be gifts to you as you continue your life’s journey.

I’ve had quite an emotionally-charged year – full of realizations about pursuing my creative and professional ambitions. They’re coming to head right now during this 2015 Capricorn Sun period and as this 2015 Cancer Full Moon approaches its maximum phase. With my natal North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer and my natal Jupiter in Capricorn, it’s been a year where I’ve chosen to focus on my career and creative projects more than ever…and compared to how I’ve handled my personal relationships in the past, I’ve neglected many personal relationships as result. Yet in the process, I’ve learned that the people who know me and truly care about me have been supportive, encouraging, and most of all, understanding of my ambitious drive. They haven’t taken it personally. In fact, if anything, they’re happy to see it. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many of them want to see me fulfill my goals and dreams; they want to see me succeed. However, I’ve also learned which of my friends and family haven’t been so happy to see my creative and professional drive coming forth and haven’t been encouraging or supportive at all; some to the point of accusing me of abandoning them and their needs for my own “selfish” pursuits. I finally began to recognize the people in my life who wanted me to “mother”, encourage, and support their objectives and ambitions at the expense of my own.

It’s also been a time of reminiscing as I think back to how much I emotionally supported and encouraged friends in my past, (especially when I was younger), and how many of them have gone on to fulfill their professional and personal goals and dreams. I’ve had to come to terms with all the times I chose to sacrifice the pursuit of my own dreams and goals to emotionally encourage and support them. Now, I find myself going to the other end of the spectrum – focusing on my goals and ambitions and learning how to emotionally support and nurture myself while also being challenged in receiving and allowing emotional encouragement and support from others who want to lift me upward and forward. I’ve learned the hard way that even if I feel alone, I can’t do it all alone and often, the support I’ve needed isn’t material or physical, but instead, emotional and spiritual. It’s challenged me to shift my beliefs about achievement and accomplishment and what it means to be successful.

To that point, the one body which makes major aspect to the Cancer Moon-Capricorn Sun opposition (3.33°) is Juno in Scorpio (4.43°). Juno makes an approaching trine with Cancer Moon and an approaching sextile the Capricorn Sun at the time the Cancer Full Moon is at maximum phase. Juno in Scorpio reveals a commitment to emotional vulnerability and intimacy. Juno’s trine with the Moon inspires the opening (or re-opening) of emotional connections in order to explore and discover the origins of your emotional vulnerability or emotional protection/defensiveness. Some of these connections may be strongly rooted in your past (a.k.a. – family or childhood friends). Juno’s sextile with the Capricorn Sun reveals the deep emotional commitments which fuel your public and professional success(es). This transit may reveal how your personal positions on emotional vulnerability and trust are key to setting and accomplishing your professional goals & ambitions.

Uranus in Aries also turns direct at 7:53p PST on Christmas Day. Though it isn’t within orb of the Full Moon opposition or Juno, it may still make its presence known with an assertive if not aggressive inclination to express one’s individuality and independence from the group or community. Be aware of this dynamic as you interact with your family and friends, and recognize the effort to set oneself apart from the whole. (I’ll blog more about this turn of direction in another post within the next few days.)

Meanwhile, the 25th of December may prove to be a very lively day – a day full of emotional acknowledgment and for that, there’s plenty to be thankful for and plenty to give and receive.

For all of you who celebrate it, Happy Christmas.

And whether you celebrate the holiday or not, enjoy the day – wherever you may be, whomever you may be with, and however you may feel. Celebrate the gifts of emotional support and encouragement in your life, and your ability to both give it to others and receive it from others. For the gift to truly be understood and appreciated, it gets to flow both ways.

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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