Question Maze 4 - BlueAs mentioned in Part One of this series, I’ve had a lot of people asking me about recent events and what has been happening in the world lately. I’ve hesitated to address some of these issues specifically because they are so emotionally, intellectually, religiously, racially, and politically charged, yet I’m choosing to do so anyway. It is not my intention to upset or offend anyone, but I also understand that in this current energetic climate, I’m bound to tick someone off. Therefore, I again ask for you to be objective in your reading of the follow content as I am being objective in writing it – see if it applies to you as I get to do with myself in everything I write and share with you.

I’ve been introducing you to the current energetic climate by introducing one component at a time. I feel with the event in the last few weeks, it’s important to visit each influence individually before delving into how they’ve come together in recent events. Part Two continues to explain the components which influence the events.

Before I cover the influences of “the middle bodies” here in Part Two, let’s quickly recap.

We covered the numerology and the “outer planets” and their long-term influences over current events in Part One. (Refer to Part One for more details on the following.) Here’s a quick summary of those details, as the summary will help place the new information into context.

  • We are currently in an 8 universal year, and what we’re experiencing now is the result of our collective actions and behaviors, our beliefs and efforts – these are the outcomes of what we’ve set in motion over the last 7 years. This is a year of reaping what we’ve sown, for better or worse.
  • November 2015 was a 1 universal month, and Whatever began or occurred in this month was truly only just beginning. Actions and events from this month were likely catalysts for future events. Sometimes, seemingly small events end up having a much bigger context later on.
  • December 2015 is an 11 universal month, bringing inspired leadership and collaboration. Actions taken are usually taken independently, yet they are inspired by or are intended to inspire a community or a collective effort of some kind. Events during this time may also bring like-minded people together, yet it may also inspire some people to go rogue and find their own unique paths or processes.
  • We learned that Pluto in Capricorn is ultimately running the show & dictating the course of events by transforming our societal institutions and structures. These institutions include governments, corporations, government-driven institutions and systems, and societal standards of accomplishment and success. Those who have been in power are being taken out of power, and those who have been corrupt in their use of power are being held responsible and accountable. Pluto in Capricorn is clearing out what no longer serves us well while empowering and strengthening what does serve our collective Highest good.
  • Neptune in Pisces is responsible for the rising numbers of people playing victim to “the system” or the powers-that-be when confronted with reality. This is what is driving those who are either avoiding or denying facts OR claiming victim status by accusing all who don’t agree with them of attacking them. There are even a few who will proclaim their determination to avenge their attackers and will sacrifice or martyr themselves in the name of their cause. Yet this blatant disregard for boundaries, limits, and realities is also creating possibilities for peaceful inclusion which might not be considered under “normal” circumstances. In fact, the absence of normal circumstances is encouraging us to use our imaginations to come up with inclusive and universally beneficial ideas.
  • Uranus in Aries is what is driving people to take actions outside traditional socially-acceptable standards in order to affect change within the masses. People are very resistant to align with the social norms – they are seeking something different which celebrates their unique contributions to the greater wholes they are part of. They want to know that they are valued and they who they are and what they do makes a difference in the community and world around them. They want to be part of a community which values their individuality and their autonomous choice.
  • Saturn in Sagittarius is hindering the progress of anyone or anything which is not in alignment with actual and factual truth. If you find yourself being frustrated because you’re being held back or held down from some sort of progress or result, you may want to look for and recognize what may be inaccurate or untrue about it. If you don’t see what it is at first glance, it may be a call for you to face one or more realities about the matter you’ve been resistant to face. It may also be a call for you to take responsibility or hold yourself accountable for what is factually true and what is not.
  • Jupiter in Virgo is expanding whatever is helping everyday life to function in a positive and purposeful way. This functionality specifically addresses anything which has to do with system and processes which affect the health, wellness, and well-being of everyday life on the material, physical, and financial levels.

I’m now going to address the asteroid-planetoids – I call these the “middle bodies”. Though these are not exactly planets, they have been found to hold quite a bit of influence in/upon Astrological events. So much, in fact, I actually attribute rulership of Taurus to Ceres and rulership of Virgo to Chiron in my regular practice. Juno plays a powerful role as well, though I have given it attribution to a particular Zodiac sign.

Here is how these “middle body” influences play out over the next few months and years.

  • Juno entered Libra in September 2015, and when It did, it awakened a commitment to fairness, justice, and equality. It’s brought attention to what is out of balance, unfair, unjust, and unequal in ways that hasn’t been done is a very long time and has done so in peaceful yet profound ways. Though some people felt that these efforts disturbed the peace, those who believed this were likely the ones who were having their “peace” of an imbalanced status quo disrupted. Like in any situation in which matters have been out of balance for a significant length of time, those who have been denied fair and equal treatment will be eager to obtain what they believe they have a right to, while those who have been receiving the benefits of the imbalances will be reluctant to give up their perks.
  • Juno recently moved into Scorpio. This will begin exposing our emotional-spiritual vulnerabilities and our commitment to protecting or defending them (likely out of fear of the unknown)…or our commitment to releasing or at least moving through our fears and allowing transformative change to occur. All which keeps us feeling emotionally safe and secure will be put to the test, and major trust issues will come to the surface to be dealt with. Juno in Scorpio will increase our determination to get to the bottom of the emotional-spiritual challenges we face in order to uncover, face, and deal with the underlying fears which drive our emotional and spiritual insecurities and fuel our defensive postures when we are asked to reveal our deepest feelings about the world around us.
  • Juno has been in Libra since 17th September 2015, and it entered Scorpio at 11:51p PST on Wednesday, 9th December 2015. It gets about halfway through Scorpio before going into retrograde motion in March 2016. This retrograde period will take Juno all the way back into the late degrees of Libra before moving through the entirety of Scorpio again until it finally enters Sagittarius in November 2016. This is an indicator that we may be dealing with these feelings of deep emotional insecurity and vulnerability for at least another year before reality and factual truth set in.


  • Ceres in Aquarius is reminding us of our societal values as perceived through our collective consciousness. It is encouraging us to consider what we want to stand for as a collection of individuals sharing a common existence. Which values do we believe each and every one of us should get to live by without exception? Which freedoms do we believe should be afforded all peoples within our communities, our nations, our worlds? Ceres in Aquarius is a reminder that what one of us wants for ourselves is likely to be available to all, and that anything which excludes rather than includes is best reassessed before implementation. Exclusive practices may result in a backlash of epic proportion as people will be inclined to demand the honoring of their fundamental human rights and the freedoms inherent to those rights.
  • As the ruler of Taurus, Ceres reflects our fundamental lifestyle needs and standards. Therefore, Ceres in Aquarius is awakening us to the values and standards we actually hold for our collective lifestyle as a human race – what we deem acceptable for ourselves as well as our fellow human beings as part of a world community. Many of us have been presented with an “us vs. them” perspective of socio-economic and cultural values and standards. Now with the humanity being more interconnected than ever through technology such as social media and 24-7 world news, we are beginning to recognize how we affect each other on a global scale…and how we can use the technological advances we have made to come together and help each other live better lives – lives of material and physical safety, comfort, and ease.
  • Ceres first entered Aquarius in early April 2015, but due to retrograde motion moved back into Capricorn for a few months in July. Ceres turned direct and re-entered Aquarius in late October 2015, and continues on in the sign until late January 2016, when it moves into Pisces and personal lifestyles & values are assessed through unifying ideals and/or delusional ideologies.


  • Chiron is in Pisces, and “the wounded healer” is making a valiant effort to face and address the fears and to heal the emotional-spiritual wounds which keep delusional and fear-based ideologies in place. It brings a practical, mundane, purpose-driven quality to transcendental troubleshooting and problem-solving.
  • Though it’s inclined to deal in practical terms, Chiron in Pisces’ problem-solving efforts are being driven by a belief that everyone and everything is interconnected – that everything and everyone is part of All-That-Is. This interconnection transcends race, religion, and socioeconomic circumstances, and encourages Chiron to find the best healing solutions for as many and as much as possible. The quirky thing about Chiron is that it’s really good at healing because it knows the wound all too well. In Pisces, Chiron is healing others from its wound of not feeling connected to All-That-Is. Its motive is its empathy and compassion – it knows what it feels like to feel like you don’t belong. As result, it encourages service to others from a belief in the interconnection of everything and everyone, with the intention of recognizing ALL other beings as part of its unconditionally compassionate and loving world community. Chiron in Pisces strives to include ALL in the healing process.
  • Of course, there are those who have become so strongly aligned with their wound, they mistake it as part of their self-identity. These are the people who play victim and martyr to their pain, and encourage others to do the same. They aren’t interested in healing the wound – they’re interested in opening and salting it and exploiting the pain. There’s some perceived advantage in exploiting others’ emotional insecurities and lack of belonging – a grossly erroneous perception as the more we encourage victimization, the worse we make the wounds for all of us.
  • The question for all of us as we continue under the influence of Chiron in Pisces is whether or not we want to continue living in pain or face and heal our wounds once and for all.
  • Chiron is the long runner of these three middle bodies, continuing on in Pisces into 2018/2019.


I’m not going to address the inner planets and bodies (Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon) here because. However, in part three of this series, I’ll be sure to include them in my explanations of recent events and how this is all coming together. Stay tuned…

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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