Brick WallMercury has been traveling through Sagittarius since 22nd November 2015, bringing truth to light in big ways on both personal and collective levels of our life experiences. The ideas and communications of the last 3 weeks have generated larger than intended or expected impacts upon our lives and the world we live in, and intellectual movements have gained traction and grown their followings. Some of these movements have grown bolder in their proclamations of “truth”, though the factuality of those truths may not always be as strong as their voices are loud.

With Mercury moving into Capricorn at 6:35p PST on Wednesday, 9th December 2015, these bold truths are about to both challenge and be challenged by the powers-that-be.

The 2015 Mercury in Capricorn brings the same thirst for exchanging information and sharing communications. However, it does so with much more focused and deliberate intent. There are results to produce and goals to be achieved – this is no time for playing games unless those games get you closer to the success you’re aiming for.

If there are games being played, they’re likely to be mind games. After all, Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and its inquisitive, childlike nature is always present to some degree, even when it’s in Capricorn – the sign of stern authority and discipline. Be aware that people may be saying whatever they need to say in order to get the results they need to accomplish the goals they are striving for. Make no mistake about it – the agendas are about to come out in full force.

Of course, those agendas may not necessarily be obvious at first. With Venus already in Scorpio and Juno entering Scorpio only hours after Mercury enters Cap, there is definitely an air of secrecy. Yet it will quickly come to light that establishments are either trying to play on emotion-driven fears to advance their plans OR trying to downplay fears to maintain a sense of order and stability.

One thing is for certain – those Mercurial thoughts and ideas which were spoken with reckless abandon during Sagittarius are forced to take on a much more serious tone under Capricorn. Mercury’s transition from Sag to Cap will be like hitting a brick wall as what was freely spoken will be swiftly met with some harsh realities of responsibility, accountability, and possibly even discipline. Thought there is a very small chance the bold communications will break through long-standing blocks to societal progress and transformation, it’s more likely that they will be met with some form of cease-and-desist order. Words do matter, and we will find out just how much they matter in the coming weeks.

On a more personal level, there may also be a reality check moment for you in how you’ve gone about expressing your “truths”. If you haven’t been dealing with actual facts in your communications, over the next 3 weeks you may be held accountable for what you said during the last 3 weeks.

Beyond those words of caution, the great news is that under this 2015 Mercury in Capricorn, you may notice that your own thoughts and communications are becoming more ambitious. If you’ve been finding it difficult to stay focused on tasks at hand or if you’ve been challenged to set goals and create plans of action to fulfill those goals, getting these projects moving forward may become easier for you under Mercury in Capricorn. It’s great that this influence is coming in to complete 2015 as it gives you support in creating clear goals and intentions for what you want to manifest in the coming New Year.

Mercury will be traveling in Capricorn through New Year’s Day – 1st January 2016.

Here are a few of the major transits involving Mercury in Capricorn over the next couple of weeks:

  • Capricorn Mercury sextile Neptune in Pisces on 14th December – The thoughts and ideas communicated are intended to advance larger idealistic agendas. Pay attention to what is being communicated, and take a moment to identify the ideological motives behind those communications to see if the beliefs or ideals being promoted are ones you truly believe in and align with. This will be especially
  • Capricorn Mercury square Black Moon Lilith in Libra on 18th December – A powerful emotional desire for relational fairness and equality is challenged if not again suppressed by institutional goals and objectives. On the flip side, this could produce a moment in which institutions are challenged for their part in perpetuating societal imbalance and inequality. It’ll be interesting to see how this one plays out 16th-20th December.
  • Capricorn Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on 19th December –You’ll find out which ideas and goals have power and which ones don’t. If it doesn’t produce results or doesn’t align with the transformation already underway, it will be disempowered or destroyed. If it does align with the changes underway, it will be empowered and encouraged. The 16th-22nd of December could prove to be a game-changing time under this influence.
  • Capricorn Mercury square Uranus Retrograde in Aries on 20th December – Those who whose ideas and intentions are not given institutional support may act out aggressively to voice their displeasure. What is communicated by the powers-that-be may spark popular disagreement and discontent. The 18the-22nd could be a fiery time.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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