Question Maze - graphistockI’ve had a lot of people asking me about recent events and what has been happening in the world lately. It’s difficult for me to address these issues specifically because they are so emotionally, intellectually, religiously, racially, and politically charged…so I chose to review them in a comprehensive and generalized way. I ask for you to be objective in your reading of the follow content as I am being objective in writing it.

Those of you who read my blog articles & mailings regularly will be familiar with most of this information. Some of you will be new to these interpretations. Either way, I ask you read what you’re about to read with consideration of all that is going on in the world, in your nation, and/or in your community through the eyes of recent events. I welcome comments and discussion in the comment section of this post as well as on the social media pages.

Whenever assessing the astrological climate of the world, I like to start with the numbers, then go into the astrology. I also like to start from the outside and work my way in. The outer planets and bodies take the longest to move through the signs, so they will have the greatest influence over time. These will be most effective in explaining what is happening in the world now as well as for a few more months and years to come.

In part one, I’ll address the numerology and outer planet astrology. I’m going to break each of these components down one at a time so you may recognize the characteristics of each component as they are showing up in the world.

That said…let’s start with the numerology.

  • 2015 is an 8 universal year, which means that this has been a year of harvest – a year of results. We get to see the last 7 years of our collective actions and behaviors coming to fruition. What we have now – these are our outcomes, our results, our rewards. We are reaping what we have sown, manifesting what we set in motion. We may like some of what we are facing now; we may not like some of what we are facing right now. Nevertheless, we’re getting what we get…and now it’s what we get to deal with.
  • 8 years are also great times to see who is gaining power & influence, who is losing power & influence, and who is in best wielding their power & influence to have control over the matters at hand. These are years in which imbalances of power are exposed and addressed. Some who have been in power may not remain in power, while some who have been in the shadows may emerge with more of a say in matters than they’ve ever had before.
  • Under the influence of this 8 year, November 2015 was a 1 universal month. Whatever began or occurred in this month was truly only just beginning. Actions and events from this month were likely catalysts for future events. Be on the lookout over the next 10-11 months to see what emerges and if its roots can be traced back to the actions or events of November 2015. Sometimes, seemingly small events end up having a much bigger context later on.
  • December 2015 is an 11 universal month. 11 is a number of inspired leadership and collaboration. Actions taken are usually taken independently, yet they are inspired by or are intended to inspire a community or a collective effort of some kind. Events during this time may also bring like-minded people together, yet it may also inspire some people to go rogue and find their own unique paths or processes.
  • 2016 will be a 9 universal year – a year of fulfillment, completions, and endings. Whatever worked, we are likely to keep. Whatever doesn’t work, we are likely to clear out. No matter what, there will be an assessment of what needs to stay and what needs to go. The clearing and purging will be necessary – it will clear space for the new beginnings possible in the upcoming 1 universal year. If there is no space cleared, there will be no room for something new to be created.
  • January 2016 will also be a 1 universal month. Like November 2015, be on the lookout for how the activities and events during this month play out over the months to come. The events of September-October 2016 may have their roots in whatever’s initiated at the beginning of the year.


Now for some of the astrology…

  • Pluto is currently moving through Capricorn, and it has the strongest influence over matters at this time. Pluto is known as “the great transformer”, but it’s also known as “the great destroyer”. Pluto either empowers things or destroys things under the guidance of the sign it is traveling through, and in this case of Capricorn, Pluto is influencing, transforming, and/or destroying societal institutions and structures. These institutions include governments, corporations, government-driven institutions and systems, and societal standards of accomplishment and success. Those who have been in power are being taken out of power, and those who have been corrupt in their use of power are being held responsible and accountable. The institutions and systems which produce positive results and outcomes are being empowered, while those which are not producing results or which are bringing negative and damaging outcomes or results are being destroyed or otherwise eliminated. The presence of Pluto in Capricorn does not favor those who have grown accustomed to calling the shots in the communities or environments around them. In fact, those who are in positions of power would be well-advised not to assume they will get their way simply because they always have. They may be in for a rude awakening if they operate in the belief that “the way it’s always been” will continue to be. Things are changing, and this demands that they change as well. Those who won’t change will be forced to change, concede, or conclude.
  • Just to put all of this into perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was the period in history which brought us the American and French Revolutions – it was a time of revolutions and overthrows and a transformation of the world and power within it. These transformations shifted the balance of power in the world and as result, shifted the perceptions of those who had held positions and reputations of power in the world. The empires that were known as the global powers in the world at the time decreased in scale and scope or disintegrated completely, while brand-new or long-suppressed and newly-freed entities gradually emerged.
  • Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and will continue in the sign until 2023.
  • Neptune is currently in its home sign of Pisces, and this is making matters quite complicated. In the face of Capricorn Pluto’s harsh reality that the world is changing dramatically and permanently, there are people who are determined to hold onto their delusions of grandeur and idealism. They are determined to ignore any and all boundaries or limits, looking for anyone and anything which affirms their ideology, no matter how delusional that ideology or those beliefs may be. All who oppose their beliefs or ideals are considered “the enemy” – haters, blasphemers, or other names or labels which make their opposition known.
  • Neptune in Pisces is also responsible for the rising numbers of people playing victim to others or the powers-that-be. Both Pisces and Neptune don’t like having their bubbles burst, and when confronted with reality will either avoid or deny facts OR will claim victim status by accusing all who don’t agree with them of attacking them. There are even a few who will proclaim their determination to avenge their attackers and will martyr themselves in the name of their causes or beliefs.
  • This blatant disregard for boundaries, limits, and realities is good in some ways. This visionary thinking can create possibilities for peaceful and inclusive solutions to be implemented – solutions which may not have been considered under “normal” circumstances. In fact, “normal” circumstances are encouraging us to think and look “outside the box” – to use our imaginations to come up with inclusive and universally beneficial ideas. Many people have grown tired of the status quo, and are seeking rescue or salvation from someone or something outside of the norm.
  • Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and will continue moving through the sign well into 2026.
  • Uranus is currently in Aries, and this is an indicator of the public being driven by individual intentions rooted in desires for autonomy. This is also an indicator of people taking actions outside the socially-acceptable standards in order to affect change within the masses. At the moment I am writing this article, Uranus is retrograde in Aries, which means people are witnessing or experiencing what is happening in the world around them, and they are being called upon to take action to define their social positions and identities. They’re being asked to take action to affirm their individual association with particular communities and/or nationalities.
  • Yet people are also being very resistant to align with the social norms – they are seeking something different which celebrates their unique contributions to the greater wholes they are part of. They want to know that they are valued and they who they are and what they do makes a difference in the community and world around them. They want to be part of a community which values their individuality and their autonomous choice.
  • This is why you see so many governments being voted into power which are the opposite of their predecessors. This is why there is such powerful disdain for the current leadership in most institutions. This is why you’re seeing “outsider” candidates or candidates outside the norm being successful as opposed to those who have ties with “the establishment”. The people are saying that they want something new. The question is…do they want new people and policies because they truly want new to happen…or do they want people and policies which will help them maintain the way things have been before now?
  • Uranus is also associated with technology and mass communications/media. Aries is associated with action, assertiveness, and aggression – it’s a very combative energy which needs things to be active and dramatic and exciting. Consider the media’s role in matters at hand – are news and media outlets objectively informing us, or are they helping to instigate the divisions and battles between us? And are internet and social media tools fueling or healing our conflicts? How are these tools being used by others? How are we choosing to use them ourselves?
  • Uranus has been in Aries since March 2011, and it continues on in Aries into March 2019.
  • Saturn is currently in Sagittarius, and it is hindering the progress of anyone or anything which is not in alignment with actual and factual truth. If you find yourself being frustrated because you’re being held back or held down from some sort of progress or result, you may want to look for and recognize what may be inaccurate or untrue about it. If you don’t see what it is at first glance, it may be a call for you to face one or more realities about the matter you’ve been resistant to face. It may also be a call for you to take responsibility or hold yourself accountable for what is factually true and what is not.
  • Saturn had part one of its adventure in Sagittarius from December 2014-June 2015. The second act of its current run through the sign began in September 2015 and will continue through December 2017.
  • Jupiter is currently in Virgo, and is growing and expanding whatever is helping everyday life to function in a positive and purposeful way. This functionality specifically addresses anything which has to do with system and processes which affect the health, wellness, and well-being of everyday life on the material, physical, and financial levels.
  • If a system, program, or organization doesn’t work or serve people well, Jupiter in Virgo is making the problems associated with it larger – large enough so that they may finally be addressed. If it does work, Jupiter in Virgo is doing its best to improve it and/or expand upon it – to make it work for more people in positive and productive ways.
  • Jupiter entered Virgo in August 2015, and will be in the sign until September 2016.

That’s it for part one. Take a little time to assess how all of this is showing up in your life as well as on a large scale. We’ll look at the planetary bodies which are closer to the Sun in part two.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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