Water Mask - edited - graphicstockOn 4th December 2015 at 8:15p PST, Venus completed its homecoming in the sign of Libra and began its next trip around the Sun by entering the sign of Scorpio.

Under the influence of Venus in Scorpio, you’ll notice your one-on-one interactions with individuals and one-on-one relationships of all kinds are giving you access to the deeper truths of yourself. Over the next few weeks, you may learn more about how you really feel about yourself or certain others. You may learn a great deal about the balance of power and influence in your relationships. You may find out what is really important to you in your relationships through your responses and reactions to others. The individuals you interact with and how you interact with them will reveal a lot about who you are below the surface of how you strive to present yourself to the world.

Scorpio is also the sign of emotional and spiritual depth and vulnerability. Therefore, Venus in Scorpio gives you insights into how willingly you allow yourself to let your emotional guard down with people; your awareness of your emotional defenses, and how often you feel a need to emotionally protect yourself from others. Venus in Scorpio may help you recognize how easy (or difficult) it is for you to trust others with your deepest emotional and spiritual truths. It may also reveal your perceptions of and feelings about power and influence in relationships, and whether you perceive yourself having some or none.

During Venus in Scorpio, what you may see in your deepest self isn’t always pretty, and it would be very unwise for you to miss out on the wisdom and growth available to you this time around by pretending like you’re a perfect little angel and everyone else is tainted by the devil. Venus in Scorpio isn’t an outer beauty contest with anyone else – it’s an inner beauty assessment of yourself. If you see yourself treating people in a way you wouldn’t want to be treated, you get to see that. Then you get to decide if you want to (or need to) change that treatment in order to be the person you say you want to be and/or to have the life you say you want to have.

This is an especially powerful placement for Venus for me personally as my natal Venus is in Scorpio. My one-on-one interactions with the people in my life are always teaching me about myself and how I emotionally connect with others. When this time of year comes around, it’s a good check-in point for me to learn what I need to learn about myself and how I’m choosing to be in my relationships of all kinds. When transiting Venus is in Scorpio, I become hyper-aware of how profound my connections with some people are and which connections may not be (or seem) as strong. This helps me gain a clearer awareness of who and what I trust most in my life, and where and how my emotional defenses tend to be activated.

Whether or not you personally have Venus in Scorpio in your natal chart, this 2015 Venus in Scorpio transit may be an important time for you to assess the depth and intensity of all of your relationships. But more important, with this transit occurring under a Sagittarius Sun, it is a prime opportunity for you to see the truth of how treat yourself and others through your one-on-one emotional-spiritual interactions. There may be some truths which aren’t very pretty, but they are powerful indicators of who you are choosing to be in the world and give you a chance to change course to be the person you truly want to be in the world. The wisdom available to you during these next few weeks is extraordinary. Don’t let your ego, your prejudices, or your negative self-beliefs keep you from recognizing truths which could bring great joy and expansion to your life.

Here are some of 2015 Venus in Scorpio’s transits coming up in the next couple of weeks:

  • Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Neptune, most exact on 10th December – Under this transit, we may be inclined to see ourselves or others in high regard. Idealistic perceptions of ourselves and/or others are driving our relationship behaviors right now. Be sure you aren’t focusing on the ideals in order to avoid facing a deeper, darker reality which may not be as pretty. This transit will be felt 8th-12th December.
  • Scorpio Venus sextile Capricorn Mercury, most exact on 14th December – Under this transit, we may become more aware of our agendas (and/or the agendas of others). Our ideas and communications are driven by goals, ambitions, and results/outcomes, and we may feel the impact of this focus on our emotional-spiritual connections with others. We may see how our objectives may keep us from connecting more deeply…or how we may be connecting more deeply in order to reach our objectives. This transit will be felt 12th-16th December.
  • Scorpio Venus trine Chiron in Pisces, most exact on 19th December – By allowing yourself to be deeply vulnerable on the emotional-spiritual level, you may gain access to the core of the wound and finally heal it at its source. One-on-one connections help heal those emotional-spiritual wounds. From the 17th through the 21st (including a Chiron-Moon conjunction on the 17th),  this transit is part of a larger configuration in which societal objectives may finally be clarified, making it more clear which emotional-spiritual beliefs and Truths are wounded and need to be addressed and healed in order for those societal objectives to be achieved. We may finally begin to recognize that no matter where we may physically live in the world, we are each and all connected through our simple common existence and our common desire to be safe, loved, and welcome.

I hope you’ll embark upon this adventure into your emotional and spiritual depths for this 2015 Venus in Scorpio period. The rewards that may come as result of exploring these deepest truths of yourself could prove life-altering in positive and expansive ways…if you allow them.

Venus will continue forward in Scorpio through 30th December 2015.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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