arrow-34-glyph-icon_M1Bq5hLu_LIt’s that time of year again – when Venus returns to its home sign of Libra for a few weeks. As of 7:31a PST on Sunday, 8th November 2015, Venus is back its familiar environment of reason, logic, and intellect to objectively assess its one-on-one relationships with others.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinal signs initiate their elemental energy, so Libra is the starting (and completion) point for air’s intellectual, logical, and reasonable processes. This is where thoughts, ideas, and communications begin. The beauty and elegance in which these ideas are presented and delivered, balance, fairness, and equality applied execution of these ideas, and the peace and ease which can result from the application of these logical and diplomatic solutions – these are the usual subjects at hand under the influence of Libra. These subjects influence our one-on-one relationships of all kinds now through the 5th of December.

Libra’s desire for balance and equality goes to the public in Aquarius (fixed air) for assessment and comparison. How does this new idea play in the community? What is the popular opinion? What are the masses calling for in response (or reaction) to it? Then the desire goes through Gemini (mutable air) who gathers and assesses information, then crafts a message that can be brought back to Libra’s negotiating table to balance the scales. Each time this cycle occurs, the collective or public opinion shifts a bit more. This is why what was popular 50 years ago may not be so popular today. What was ordinary and accepted in the past may not be so acceptable now.

With the 2015 Venus in Libra starting under Scorpio 1 Sun energy, there is a strong all-or-nothing component present. Scorpio deals in extremes – it doesn’t like gray area. Venus in Libra will have its work cut out for it in trying to bring two sides of an issue to a compromise. The challenge here is just how much deep, intense emotional-spiritual energy is coming to the surface. We are beginning to see just how deep people’s feelings about certain matters run, and as result, we are beginning to see just how determined some people are to sustain what they feel comfortable with. However, the fervor is so intense, maintaining the status-quo is no longer comfortable for anyone…and this deep emotional discomfort is driving people to extremes in behavior and belief. Diplomacy could be a valuable resource, yet the question this time around is…will diplomacy be used, or ignored?

Maybe that’s the point. Venus in Libra may be helping us understand that sometimes, two sides of an issue don’t want to find a compromise. They don’t want to come together. They don’t want their beliefs and behaviors to be questioned, analyzed, or reconsidered. They’d rather battle it out for influence, for power, for supremacy. They’d rather make others wrong for not believing what they believe…but what they’re really doing is acting out of fear that what they believe may actually be on the wrong side of public opinion. They may be trying to save face by fighting for a belief (or beliefs) which may be proven faulty or false after all.

That is what is making Venus’ 2015 homecoming an interesting one. If you’re sensitive to the energies of others and usually allow other people or external circumstances to dictate your choices and actions, you may be feeling this intense tug-o-war between two or more warring factions who refuse to give up their emotion and ego-driven positions. Instead of seeking a way to make things work for everyone, they are seeking ways to eliminate what they perceive to be the competition. Choosing to see the world in all-or-nothing terms (Scorpio Sun and Mercury), they are playing victim to the changes that are occurring (Chiron Retrograde in Pisces), expressing illogical, unreasonable, and disproportionate outrage and anger; encouraging vandalistic or violent physical acts of opposition as ways of displaying their “power” (Uranus Retrograde in Aries); and envisioning themselves as martyrs for their causes by standing up to “wars on their beliefs” (Neptune Retrograde in Pisces). You may be growing increasingly resentful of or frustrated by circumstances which give you limited options for honoring what makes logical sense and objectively rings true for you.

Yet there’s a way to move forward without dealing with the emotional drama. There’s a way to find balance and peace when it seems everyone and everything around you is calling for you to “pick a side”.

You realize that you don’t have to choose one or the other. You can choose the middle.

You can instead choose to focus on the relationships you have with the people in your life, enjoying their company by appreciating your connection with them and sharing what you mutually enjoy. By coming together on the positive and peaceful matters, you are able to transcend the drama and imbalance of those standing in polar opposites. You may even find ways to discuss those matters with respect and neutrality.

The peaceful & diplomatic route is isn’t an easy one to take in this energetic climate. In fact, it’s downright difficult. Your most reasonable efforts may very well be met with criticism, mockery, or ignorance. Yet if you’re committed to bringing people together rather than forcing them apart, you may find the courage to fight for what you believe in, standing in the middle and doing all you can to unify rather than giving in to the popular default of “picking a side” and encouraging the divide.

You may even choose to be one of the people who are also seeing the world in all-or-nothing terms, but who are choosing to make their point through a different form of protest. They are choosing to act from positions of practical purpose and awareness – from where it affects others’ everyday routines and lifestyles (Mars and Jupiter in Virgo). They understand the relationships between where they stand and where they want to be and what connects not only the two sides together, but what connects everyone to each other (Ceres in Aquarius). Instead of approaching the matters of concern from a position of panic and fear, they are approaching them from a position of rational logic and peace (Venus in Libra).

That said, here’s how we can make the 2015 Venus in Libra work to our advantage.

  • Instead of capitalizing on fear to drive us apart, we can use courage to face our fears and seek ways to bring us all together in unison.
  • Instead of acting out through vandalism or violence to express our feelings, we can affect change by taking a stand through everyday life practices.
  • Instead of arguing and seeking battles with others, we can use diplomacy and actually listen to each other to seek solutions to our challenges and find compromise in our differences.
  • Instead of trying to incite anger and outrage by playing “us against them”, we can seek peaceful, logical, and neutral approaches which find a way for all of us to make progress together.

Yet we cannot forget that we are under a Scorpio Sun. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on 22nd November, and that shift may bring a shift in attitude as well…for a few months anyway. Instead of dealing in extremes, we can deal in optimism and wisdom which may expand the reach of balanced and healing relationships and messages for the better.

In the meantime, here are some upcoming 2015 Venus in Libra transits occurring in the next couple of weeks:

  • Libra Venus trine Ceres in Aquarius on 11th November (3 universal day) – Popular values and opinions encourage fairness, justice, and equality. A balancing of the scales is called for as a bigger picture of what’s truly important to the majority of people begins to reveal itself, and the minority has to reassess their values.
  • Libra Venus sextile Saturn in Sagittarius on 13th November (5 universal day) – A growing call for holding people accountable and responsible for imbalanced, unjust, and unequal relationships/partnerships as those imbalanced and unjust relationships/partnerships reveal how progress has been held back (structurally & institutionally).
  • Libra Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith on 16th November (8 universal day) – A long-held and deeply-felt desire for equality and justice finally finds objective alliances for its cause. The call for balance starts to come out of the shadows…
  • Libra Venus square Pluto in Capricorn on 20th November (3 universal day) – The structures and institutions which have supported relationship imbalances finally show their wear and tear. The earnest collapse of the “old ways” begins as those who have held power can no longer justify their behaviors or beliefs. Intellect and logic and objective assessment no longer support their positions or policies.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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