storm-0914-scribble-106To all of you who tend to freak out and stop everything when Mercury goes retrograde: It’s over. You can come out of your caves now.

You missed quite a show while you were hiding out. This 2015 Mercury Retrograde in Libra – the last Mercury Retrograde cycle of 2015 – brought quite a bit of significant communication and information to Light. It’s a Mercury Retrograde cycle that won’t soon be forgotten, and some what occurred during its run may never be completely over and done. But don’t worry – there’s plenty that will probably come up again in the coming weeks, months, and years. (Yes, I said years. It really was that powerful!)

The fabulous thing is…even though Mercury returns to direct motion as of 7:57a PDT on Friday 9th October 2015 (0.89°), Mercury in Libra’s dynamic presence isn’t done. In fact, in some ways, the retrograde was only its beginning. Under the retrograde, many of us simply took in information as it was being revealed to us. Now, under direct motion, many of us are applying the feedback we received to fine-tune our messages, find our voices, and speak up to be heard.

With Mercury Direct in Libra for the next 24 days, you may find a renewed energy to speak up in your one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. You may speak up in your relationships with your fellow humans in support or dissent of certain beliefs or societal institutions. Libra is all about balance, equality, fairness, and justice, and we will want to have our say in these matters. With valuable insights and recent revelations in mind, we can now take peaceful and diplomatic steps to get our communications out to others, even if it’s to one person at a time.

Mercury is within conjunction orb with the transiting Libra North Node as it changes direction. The North and South Nodes are karmic points – the South Node the karma we’ve already mastered & feel comfortable with; the North Node the karma we get to learn to evolve and grow. The transiting North Node represents a karmic lesson of equality, fairness, and justice we all get to learn individually and collectively. The transiting Nodal Axis has been in Libra-Aries for a while to help us balance our karma in matters of equality, fairness, and justice; and it will soon be moving into Virgo-Pisces to help us balance our karma in matters of service and purpose.

That said, Mercury made exact conjunction with the North Node (1.04°) a couple of days ago while finishing its retrograde, and once it gathers steam in direct motion, it will make its second conjunction with the North Node in three days to mark a sort of a “last call” for karmic justice. Voices will demand to be heard and actually listened to, and conversations, discussions, and debates will need to occur in order for significant and lasting progress to be made in advancing the collective karmic agenda.

Mercury in Libra will make two significant transits during the remainder of this 2015 Libra Sun period:

Mercury in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, most exact at 2:53a PDT on 13th October – Those who are speaking up for balance, equality, fairness, and justice may give their messages solid foundations to grow upon through peacefully, factually, and impartially delivery of their perspectives. Their objectively-delivered logic may free others (and themselves) from limiting thoughts, beliefs, and words, advancing their causes in positive and lasting ways.

Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, most exact at 2:22p PDT on 22nd October – This transit holds so much potential for significant institutional change! The voices may finally become loud enough where the structures, institutions, corporations, and governments which have long held their positions of societal and/or global power and authority have no choice but to address the injustices and inequalities they have been involved in. They will be challenged by their transactional and diplomatic partners to either accept the changing world and evolve or to resist the changing world and be phased out.

Mercury will having a full run in the sign of Libra, moving through the sign until 1st-2nd November 2015.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,






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