Illustration of two hands in handshake one white and the other black set inside circle done in retro woodcut style.

Hello again, Venus in Virgo!

The last time we saw you, it was in July 2015. You briefly made your presence known before moving back into Leo while in retrograde motion. Now, at 10:29a PDT on Thursday 8th October 2015, you’ve returned to remind us that the relationships which endure changes are the relationships that work through them.

It’s easy for us to get caught up in the idealism of relationships and partnerships, and this idealism isn’t just reserved for romantic connections. When we hear the word ‘partnership’, each of us has an idea of what that means for us. For some, that means equality. For others, that means support. For others, that means sacrifice. Nevertheless, it’s usually something intellectually or emotionally involved.

What we often forget is that our relationships and partnerships of all kinds must serve a practical purpose, too. The best relationships we have are the ones which make our day-to-day lives function more easily, give us a sense of purpose, and/or inspire us to heal and be healthy. They actually contribute to the everyday reality of our lives. This is what Venus in Virgo brings to the fore – the relationships which contribute to the practical and purposeful functionality of our daily existence.

With Venus in Virgo until 8th November, you will be given another opportunity to see which of the relationships and partnerships in your life 1) are working for you, and 2) you’re working for. This will be a time in which you are able to experience your relationships with mundane practicality and functionality in mind – a different awareness than you usually might. Especially with all that is occurring in the world at this time, it becomes more important than ever to know which of our relationships help us adapt to and evolve with our rapidly-changing daily responsibilities.

This isn’t exactly a glamorous placement for Venus. Virgo is all about being of service and contribution in a real-world, “doing what needs to be done” kind of way. It isn’t glitzy or showy or anything like its previous accommodations in Leo. Comparatively, it’s kind of boring. Yet that doesn’t mean there’s nothing exciting going on. In fact, Venus will be joining Mars and Jupiter in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, bringing some down-to-earth support to each of us as the world continues to change around us. This trio provides something to get our hands on, something to keep our feet on the ground – something to remind us that we’re still here and we’re still going and growing as we attend to the day-to-day of our lives.

There are three transits of importance for Venus in Virgo in the remainder of the 2015 Libra Sun period:

  • Venus in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius, most exact at 5:31p PDT on 10th October –You may be challenged to open your mind and grow beyond your self-imposed limitations to heal imbalances & inequalities in your everyday life. The relationships that aren’t making this process easier may actually make it more difficult for you. As result, from 6th-12th October, you may recognize which relationships in your life are hindering your growth and expansion.
  • Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, most exact at 7:53p PDT on 16th October – Partners may help get your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground so you can make your dreams come true. This influence – felt from 14th-18th October – will help you figure out which relationships are supportive of your dreams, helping you create and take practical and tangible steps to bring them from imaginative vision into practical implementation.
  • Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn, most exact at 12:45a PDT on 23rd October – What’s your relationship with the world? How are world events affecting your day-to-day life? Who is sharing your day-to-day journey through these societal and global changes? These are the questions you may ask on a personal level. On a larger scale – especially if you are in an authoritative role or a decision-maker in a business or government position – pay attention to the partnerships which are successfully strengthening or solidifying their institutional power and influence. 21st-25th October will be a great time for you to apply effort and energy to the partnerships which can help improve your position in the midst of the changes occurring.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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