lunar-eclipse-blood-moon - RON DELVAUX VIA THE VIRTUAL TELESCOPE PROJECT - google search

photo credit: Ron Delvaux via The Virtual Telescope Project

A huge game-changing release is underway with the Aries Full “Blood Moon”-Total Lunar Eclipse is this Sunday, September 27th 2015 at 7:51p PDT. This moon  marks the FINAL eclipse of 2015, so expect that these energies will be POWERFUL and LONG LASTING.

*NOTE: I want to acknowledge that there has been a lot of talk regarding the significance of this Full Blood Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse. Some people speculate that the world is coming to an end (or something to that effect). Please filter the information you are consuming, especially if you notice if the message is fear based. While this moon is going to be intense, it is intended to support you in your life journey. Low-vibrating energies will want to broadcast their message, but that doesn’t mean you have to tune in.

So, back to our regularly scheduled post…

As we build towards the 2015 Aries Full Moon, you’ll notice at least three days prior (if not earlier, for some) emotional experiences of imbalances will show up. Specifically, with this Aries Full Moon reflecting the Libra Sun, matters pertaining to your self-identity will be in view and if there has been any imbalance regarding self, you’ll know it.

Your relationships will also be pulled into view – from the perspective of how YOU are being in them. This is not exclusive to your significant other/ close friends, but also the connections you have with your business partners, co-workers, the environment and even yourself.

Let’s talk about yourself for a second here.

If there have been any patterns that put you (or others) out of balance, know that your emotions (and the emotions of others) will inform every part of you. For example: let’s say you’ve been stressing about work and spending an extended amount of time managing it, that you’ve neglected other areas of your life. Well it can go something like this : You’re coming home from work and you blow up at someone you really care about – which leads to an emotionally charged argument, that shines light on what isn’t working in the relationship. What are you going to do restore the imbalance? Are you willing to suspend your own ego for the sake of the other?

You’re going to recognize some parts of your identity that are very important to you and simultaneously, you may feel a release from some of it. In short, some part of your identity won’t be around much longer, and that’s the point. The beauty of the Aries/Libra combination (is when working together) Aries teaches Libra the importance of self, while Libra teaches Aries the importance of others.

We are dealing with cardinal energy – one being fire (Aries) – active/passionate and the other being Air (Libra) thinking/speaking – so situations are emotionally roused, to initiate the conversations that will bring the changes that NEED to happen in your life.

This Full Moon is demanding a complete release of pent-up, self-destructive and out of balance energies. This is to help break up the habits that keep yourself (and others & the world) out of balance. You may have to confront ways of being, that have directly contributed to injustice, imbalance and inequality in some way. Aries is about all about self and Libra is about the other. Aries acts impulsively, Libra weighs all options. Somewhere in the middle (or on either side)  you will find yourself dealing with the impact of yourself and the impact of others. You’ll be seeing yourself in all those perspectives, as this is the way of the scales. The landscape will be emotional and intellectual – a force to inspire release and change. With the Sun being in Libra, our “iron fist in the velvet glove” will lay down the balance with a graceful, yet necessary pressure.

This day also happens on a Universal 8 day (Sept 27th) for those in North American times zones – and this energy is themed around control and influence. This amplifies the experience of POWER, so be on the lookout for any power struggles. Some influential and game-changing decisions may also happen on this day – globally and personally.

For those who will get Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse on the 28th, the theme will be a Universal 9 day – marking completions and “getting things done” – which amplifies assertive energy. Some of you may feel bullied or be the bully to get the “job” done.

A few other astrological details:

  • STELLIUM: Black Moon Lilith conjunct Juno conjunct Sun – Lilith brings forth the release of pent-up desires for equality, fairness, justice & balance of power; Juno strengthens commitment to the pursuit of justice/fairness/equality/balance of power; Sun brings imbalances to Light so they can be balanced
  • TOTAL ECLIPSE: Earth’s shadow blocks Moon’s reflection of Sun’s light – in other words, the world gets (or tries to get) in the way of its truths being revealed to all. There will probably be a LOT of cover-up activity, or at least a lot of attempts to cover up unfair treatment, unjust behaviors, or inequality &/or bigotry in action. However, with the other influences in play (stellium, 8 or 9 energy), this is more likely an indication of the efforts to cover-up these practices & beliefs being revealed as the demands for justice and equality – both increased and intensified by the stellium.

With only a few months left in 2015 – this astrological event is here to initiate the breakthroughs and breaking points that are ready to move us forward in our power. What is happening within and around you is a direct exchange of the energies you are allowing and releasing in your life. Relationships may fade, with new ways of being emerging. New global movements may arise as old institutions die out. Your individual contribution to all the relationships in your life is not a chance encounter with the greater scheme of things – it colors the collective experience. This 2015 Aries Full Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse is bringing forth the balance necessary for progress.


As Above, So Below, Love Within, Love Expressed

-Rosey (and Grace)






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