abstract-fire-background_zkIDodrd - graphicstockYesterday, Tuesday 1st September 2015 at 10:04p PDT, Venus Retrograde made exact conjunction with Mars in the sign of Leo (14.92°). This conjunction has a lot to do with partners allowing and encouraging each other to shine fully self-expressed in the spotlight of life. Let’s discuss each of these components separately before explaining how they come together.

Venus Retrograde in Leo may find us standing in the light of our companions and partners. There are a few questions which arise under this influence:

  • Are you shining your own light, or are you simply reflecting your partner’s? Is your partner shining their own light, or are they reflecting yours?
  • Is your light being hidden, drowned out, outshined, or overwhelmed by your partner’s light? Is your partner being overwhelmed, drowned out, outshined, or hidden by yours?
  • Are you being encouraged by your partner(s) or companions to shine your unique creative self-expression? Are you encouraging your partner’s creative self-expression?
  • Are you being pushed to express yourself in ways that make you known or stand out to others? Are you pushing others to express themselves more fully?

With all of that being asked, Venus Retrograde in Leo asks you to recognize your role in your relationships, and you may find that your role is or isn’t in alignment with you True self. If you find you are being inauthentic or repressed in any relationship in any way, that is an indicator that you may want to reassess the relationship.

Mars in Leo is passionate self-expression. Mars in its own right is assertive and initiative. Leo is bold, courageous, and creative. Mars in Leo is a strong and passionate fire – a creative and expressive force to be reckoned with.

When Mars in Leo combines with Venus Retrograde in Leo, this conjunction is a sure sign that if your unique self isn’t getting its stage time, it will probably fight for it. You may notice yourself standing up for yourself more than usual in your one-on-one interactions and relationships of all kinds. This is especially the case if you feel like your talents and contributions are not able to shine forth – you’re more inclined than usual to make sure that your creativity and uniqueness are seen and known under this influence.

However, it would be wise to remember that this bold charge to creative self-expression is a two-way street. Those you are in these one-on-one relationships with may also be standing up for themselves more than usual. You may be surprised by their actions as they do their best to rise and shine in one, some, or all areas of their lives.

As result, relationships of all kinds may be undergoing changes during this time. For those of you who recognize and appreciate the acknowledgment and encouragement of your partners, this may be a time when the two of you grow closer and/or collaborate. You may even find new opportunities present themselves for partnerships with new or different individuals. Yet for those of you who are not encouraged or feel like you compete with your partner for attention, you may find yourselves choosing to separate or end your partnership or relationship.

Leo seeks acknowledgment, so it’s important to remember during this Venus Retrograde-Mars conjunction that each person involved wants to be recognized and acknowledged by others, but especially by their partners. When that acknowledgment isn’t occurring, the desire for it may become unhealthy and could result in either blatant attention-seeking or aggressively belligerent behaviors.

Keep in mind that Leo is a proud energy, and sometimes that pride begets a great taint of glory. You and others may greatly benefit from a humble seeking of creative alternatives for self-expression when you aren’t getting the acknowledgment you need from the people you want it from. If this is happening for you, it may prove to be a message for you to seek new partnerships and/or new companions for the next phase of your journey.

The Leo Venus Retrograde-Mars conjunction is quincunx Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, which indicates that this need to be acknowledged may be indirectly intensified by the profound shifts happening in societal structures and hierarchy markers. People may be feeling like the world is changing and they no longer matter. The acting-out behaviors may be tests to figure out where if at all they fit in the evolving society.

Another thing to remember is that Leo is ruled by the Sun. This means that the Light of the Sun is a very important factor in this conjunction. With the Sun currently embodying Virgo 8 energy (though not within aspect of the conjunction), the results of your previous labors are becoming known and are strongly influencing your plans for your next steps. The Virgo Sun is still opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde, though, and this indicates that part of what may be challenging authentic and creative self-expression is people idealizing their beliefs to avoid the realities at hand. They may be too proud to let go of their delusional ideals.

All in all, this 2015 Venus Retrograde-Mars conjunction in Leo is a powerful energy that is ready to bring the realities of your relationships to your partners, the world around you, and even yourself to Light. Be ready for those realities to be seen and known – both by the two of you and by others.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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