Sunset on Water 2


There’s a lot of planetary energy in retrograde motion right now. In fact, we have 6 bodies in retrograde motion at the present time, and they will all be in retrograde motion for the remainder of the 2015 Leo Sun and well into the 2015 Virgo Sun period.

Here’s all of the players in order of station to direct (or change of direction):


  • Ceres is retrograde in Capricorn until 4th September (retrograde in Capricorn since 3rd August).
  • Venus is currently retrograde in Leo until 6th September (retrograde in Leo since 31st July).
  • Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn until 29th September (retrograde since 16th April).
  • Neptune in retrograde in Pisces until 18th November (retrograde since 12th June).
  • Chiron is also in Pisces, and is retrograde until 28th November (retrograde since 24th June).
  • And finally, Uranus Retrograde in Aries until 25th December (retrograde since 26th July).

Ceres is the “physical mother” of the planetary bodies. As the ruler of Taurus, she makes sure that all of your lifestyle needs are being met and that your personal values and comfort needs are being honored. In retrograde in Capricorn, you may find yourself being confronted by how societal definitions of “acceptable lifestyles” are changing. These changes are occurring to push you to reassess your own personal values, needs, and ambitions. What are you striving for in life, and are your goals truly in alignment with what you personally value and would fulfill and satisfy you as an individual?

Venus brings a focus on relationships and partnerships of all kinds, and as the ruler of Libra, it brings matters of equality and fairness to the fore. It’s likely that you’re noticing how many people around you are becoming radiant in their unique self-expressions, which is confronting you with how well you are or aren’t allowing your own unique Light to shine forth and be known. The dynamics within your one-on-one relationships and your responses to them  – whether it’s your encouragement of others and/or your jealousy or envy of others – are helping you recognize how much you are (or aren’t) allowing your creative self-expression and unique brilliance to be expressed and known.

Pluto is the great transformer of the planetary bodies. As the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto deals in matters of power and influence. This is similar to what is occurring with Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn, yet Pluto is working on a much more comprehensive scale. This is transformation of the societal institutions themselves. We are seeing governments and corporations and other large-scale institutions waning in power if not collapsing altogether. We are seeing the rises of new or different powers in the world – rises which are dramatically changing the balance of power among nations and cultures. The societal definitions of success and accomplishment are also undergoing a significant transformation. All of this is occurring around you, challenging you to consider what you individually stand for and asking you to realign your personal goals and ambitions accordingly. In other words, what are your professional or public goals and ambitions when no one else can tell you what you should be striving for?

Neptune is the imaginative artist and intuitive guide of the planetary bodies, and it is currently traveling in its sign of rulership, Pisces. In retrograde motion, Neptune encourages you to receive feedback from the Universe – to pay attention to repetitive messages and synchronicities (a.k.a. – coincidences). It also encourages you to open yourself to the possibility of your dreams coming true and open yourself to the opportunities which may lead you to those fulfilled dreams.

Chiron is “the wounded healer” and the ruler of Virgo, and it is in retrograde motion in its opposing sign of Pisces. It calls upon you to look at how you can be open to receiving selfless service from others. This may be very confronting for those of you who are used to being of service to others and tend to use that as an excuse for putting yourself and your needs on the back burner. Yet for those of you who make the effort to release your victim mentality and/or martyr role, there is great healing available to both you and for those who serve you.

Last but not least, Uranus is retrograde in Aries. This is the unexpected and unpredictable nature of humanity in the sign of the initiative leader…or the aggressive ego. When confronted with an expectation to conform to social pressures or expectations, you may find yourself ready and eager to go rogue to assert your individuality and/or independence to make your free will known. Of course, this is also an opportunity to find like-minded individuals to create community with. The ultimate lesson of Uranus Retrograde in Aries is…in order to find your tribe, you must act in alignment with your authentic self.

With all six of these bodies in retrograde motion, this is a remarkable opportunity for you to discover who you are individually and who we are collectively! It’s a huge message from the Universe saying, “Look at yourselves!” on multiple levels – as individuals, families, social circles, professional circles, communities, nations, and as a world. We are being given an opportunity to see ourselves and each other as we truly are…and we are being given opportunities to transform ourselves, our lives, and our world…if we choose to.

This won’t necessarily be an easy discovery process. You are bound to see things about yourself that you won’t like or  that you’ll be afraid of…and you’re bound to see things about your communities and your societies that you’re not fond of. Many of you will shy away from this invitation to discover yourselves because you are afraid to acknowledge these dark sides or afraid to release the darkness to allow transformation to occur.

Yet for those of you who choose to take the steps, you’ll also discover beautiful and magical things about yourself and others that you may never have seen if you denied the Universe’s call. You’ll learn that facing and accepting both the darkness and the Light are necessary if you are to make the changes you need to make in order to live a truly authentic and fulfilling life.

There’s a wonderful Mahatma Gandhi quote – “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If there is to be collective change in this world, it starts with the individual changes you choose for yourself and your life.

So…make the choices to find your personal values, find your creative expression of Light, shine your unique expression of Light out into the world in alignment with your values and your intuitive knowing, allow yourself to receive the service of others to be healed and healthy, and let your freak flag fly so like-minded people can find you.

The world is waiting for you to be yourself so it may become the world.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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