Let’s start by going back about 5 days to 12th June – a very busy astrological day.

Neptune in Pisces began moving in retrograde motion at 2:09a PDT on 12th June. With Pisces being Neptune’s sign of rulership, this gives each of us an opportunity to experience the effects of our individual and collective ideals, fantasies, and delusions. The feedback you receive during this time may bring much-needed disillusionment OR it may awaken hopes that your dreams may actually be possible. You may also recognize that you’re not the only one with dreams and ideals, and while Neptune is retrograde now through 18th November 2015, you are being provided with a chance to experience the impacts of others’ ideals upon your own. Whether or not you meet these impacts with acceptance or avoidance is entirely up to you, and your choices will explain a great deal about you and how you deal with emotional-intuitive challenges in your life.

About four hours later at 6:08a PDT, Mars in Gemini made square aspect with Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. This is a powerful square as Gemini Mars represents intellect-based action while Virgo Lilith represents a deep desire for practical and purposeful functionality. Theories are given practical application, and through this combination, you may find that your ideas are seriously questioned if not proven incompetent by those whose needs are not met by the theories’ implementation. The bad news is that you may need to overcome self-made obstacles to your theories if you haven’t truly prepared your ideas to be executed from aspiration to application. The good news is that if you’ve truly thought things through in an intelligent and logical way, you’ll be able to figure out how to adjust your ideas to make them work despite any challenges. You’ll also be able to follow through on your plans if you’re willing to do the necessary practical work to implement them as talking the good talk probably won’t be enough.

The Gemini Sun made a square with Chiron in Pisces later the same morning, exact at 11:51a PDT. Through this combination, there is an inclination to play victim if and when you’re unable to make sense of the logic that is being applied to a matter at hand. Either someone was playing mind games with you, or your mind games may have been outsmarted by someone else. Either way, your happy delusional dream state may have had to deal with a harsh dose of intellectual logic.

The Mars-Lilith square and the Sun-Chiron square had a very important connection – the Sun and Mars were within 3° conjunction orb in Gemini the morning of 12th June, joining the two squares to make this a mutable Solar T-Square configuration! Lilith and Chiron were (and still are) opposition – a powerful transit that demands that fantastic dreams, ideals, and visions are aligned with practical and methodical real-world implementation. With the Sun and Mars conjunct and square to both points of this opposition, this created a dynamic in which any actions taken may have brought to Light the strengths and flaws of your visions and/or plans. In other words, you may have realized on Friday the 12th (as well as a couple of days before and after Friday the 12th) that acting on a plan that lacked vision proved as challenging or futile as acting on a vision without a plan.

Social values and relationships became the focus of the day on Saturday 13th June as Leo Venus, Aquarius Ceres Retrograde, and the Libra North Node-Aries South Node axis combined to form a Fire-Air Golden Rectangle configuration, most exact at 8:00p PDT. The Venus-Ceres Rx opposition helped bring attention to the relationships or partnerships which may or may not be supportive of your unique self-expression. It was a great time to notice whether or not your communities support or suppress your individuality. By aligning with people who acknowledge and celebrate your brilliance, you are able to move forward in alignment with your life’s calling, regardless of social agreement. This may also have inspired you to seek our communities in which you and/or your unique offerings are better received.

On Sunday 14th June, the Gemini Sun-Mars conjunction was exact at 8:56a PDT, making your actions speak as loudly if not louder than your words. If you had been saying one thing and doing another, you may have been exposed (or exposed yourself) today. The big news of the day, however, is that Saturn Retrograde moved out of Sagittarius back into the sign of Scorpio! In retrograde motion, you may now be feeling the boundaries set by you and others. As this retrograde continues on through 8th August 2015, you may notice that you feel as bit (or a lot) trapped by the boundaries you put in place in order to protect yourself from vulnerability. You may also begin receiving feedback about how well or poorly you’ve kept your guard up with others.

After such a powerful few days, it’s almost poetic how the last run of major transits for the 2015 Gemini Sun period culminated with the Gemini New Moon at its maximum phase at 7:06a PDT yesterday, Tuesday 16th June. It created a powerful opening for you to apply all of the information and insight you’ve gathered in the last few days to the creation of new ways of thinking & speaking about yourself, others, and what is happening in your world and the world in its entirety. As thoughts and words have creative power, this was and still is a time for you to really put all the pieces together in a way that makes sense. Hopefully, you are able to move forward on your journey with a renewed sense of intellectual and communicative clarity which helps you plan your visionary work and work your visionary plans into practical reality.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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