Today’s the day many of you have been waiting for. Mercury in Gemini ends its retrograde and turns back to direct motion at 3:33p PDT! The time for listening for and being receptive to the messages being communicated to you is winding down, and opportunities for making your voice heard are coming forth soon.

There’s a reason I say “soon” – it’ll take a little bit for Mercury to get back up to speed. It won’t take long, though, as Mercury continues to be its fast thinking, fast talking, and quick witted self at home in its home sign of Gemini. Like a car making a u-turn, it needs to slow down to make the turn, but it will get itself going at full speed rather quickly.

When it does, be ready to apply what you learned during the retrograde. There will be a lot of opportunities to communicate your thoughts, ideas, and intentions. If an opportunity to say what you want or need to say arises, seize it! Don’t miss out on a chance to let your voice be heard.

You may experience having to deal with some hard facts and truths as Mercury turns direct. If you were speaking theory or falsehoods trying to align with the truths of others OR if you t, you may find that your little white lies prove to be a big issue to deal with now. Telling people what they want to hear is never a good idea – it’s worse when your reputation for being honest and knowledgeable pays the price.

At the same time, make sure you can stand behind what you say moving forward. Being too quick to speak may also find you needing to eating your words later. Remember that your truth may not always be THE truth – if you’re not speaking facts, you may have to deal with those facts later on.

Mercury will be in Gemini until 8th July when it leaves its home sign for another trip around the Zodiac, entering Cancer. Its next retrograde is 17th September in the sign of Libra.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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