full moon - sky-texture-13_G1CTZUF_ GraphicstockA QUICK HEADS UP: This is a VERY long post.

I’ve found myself on news sites and Facebook a lot in the early part of this week, reading both the stories and the comment sections. I look at both sections because I like to read what the report or editorial actually says, then read the comments to see how the people reading it interpreted what they did (or didn’t) read.

That said, I’m noticing a very interesting shift right now. The tide is turning; the balance of power in a number of situations and circumstances is shifting. The current astrology and numerology climate helps us understand how this is all coming to a head now.

We are currently in an universal 8 year numerologically speaking. This is a year in which we are able to experience the harvest of things set in motion in the past. Usually, the past is 7-8 years or so. However, that’s where the astrology kicks in and makes this a larger past to pull from.

Astrologically, we are most strongly experiencing the influence of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is currently moving in retrograde motion, and therefore, we are each experiencing transformative pressure from the outside in. The events around us are pressuring us to see hard realities and make difficult choices about our societal and institutional structures that we otherwise wouldn’t make; and these same events are pressuring said societal and institutional structures to see the same hard realities and make difficult choices that they would rather not make and have avoided for a long time before now.

Underneath Pluto’s influence, we are also experiencing Uranus in Aries (revolutionary energy determined to take action to preserve the autonomy and unique self-expression of individuals in the world for the good of all of humanity), Chiron in Pisces (healing long-standing emotional-spiritual wounds to transcend world order and establish a system based in acceptance, Love, and Oneness), Saturn in Sagittarius (currently retrograde – focusing and disciplining us to seek authenticity and experiential truth and wisdom in ourselves and our authority figures), Neptune in Pisces (opportunities to realize our most imaginative visions, dreams, and ideals), Jupiter in Leo (growing and expanding in our individual capacities to be individually and uniquely known in the world), and North Node in Libra (a karmic call to balance injustices and inequalities in relationships of all kinds).

As the astrological and numerological energies combine, we find ourselves in an interesting quandary of transformation. We’re facing the fact that we may not like the harvest we are now reaping. We are now understanding that the deeds of the past may have been the best options at the time, but weren’t the best options for the long term. We are beginning to notice where the past may have failed us or burdened us in the present. We are beginning to understand that just because something has always been a certain way doesn’t necessarily mean that it is just or fair.

Now, we get to figure out what we’re going to do about it all. We are being called to figure out a way out of the messes we’ve made.

The painful truth is that getting out of these messes we’re in is easier said than done. This is especially the case because we are now conscious of a massive shift of power in the world. This shift is occurring between nations and declared states. This shift is also occurring within those nations and states. This shift is also occurring in our individual, everyday lives on very personal levels.

The world has operated on polarities of “right and wrong” for a very long time and we’re now learning that as much as we may want them to be, matters are not so clear-cut. It often seems easier to blame others for our trials and tribulations than it is to take responsibility for cleaning up after those who came before us or to forgive those who truly believed they were doing the best or most right thing at the time. Yet if we are to move beyond where we are now, we need to accept that responsibility and forgive and release the past. We need to step into our power to claim our rights to make the changes in our lives, in our communities, and in the world that need to be made.  However, that call to power in itself brings forth another challenge.

This shift also finds us dealing with a change in the structure of power itself. The people who have been in power or positions of advantage are holding onto the past, trying to preserve tradition and/or familiar process because…well, it’s familiar and comfortable. It’s what they’ve known and trying something new is a very confronting prospect. These people are now feeling extremely confronted by the fact that they are losing the majority in their respective environments – there are now more people who disagree with their positions and beliefs than agree. As they fervently plead their cases in the institutional structures that have served them well in the past, they are realizing that they are no longer finding support in those structures because those structures depend on having a majority advantage they no longer hold. They are having a difficult time adjusting to a new experience of the world – one in which they no longer have the say they’re used to having because they are no longer in the position to have that say and get things to go their way. Now that their long-held beliefs and practices are no longer finding the support they once had, there is fear – a LOT of fear.

Yet there is fear on the other side as well as the former minority is now emerging as the new majority. Many of these peoples who have been suppressed and oppressed in various ways on various different levels of their everyday lives are now entering the positions of power and influence. They’re eager to embrace a hopeful future, trying to amend or eliminate tradition and familiar process because they’ve never felt aligned with it. It’s always challenged them to conform and become comfortable with the discomfort of living in a world that didn’t accept them. Many of them have been conditioned for generations to play victim to their circumstances and their positions in life – they have been protesting their circumstances, but from a victim mindset of needing help to be lifted up rather than looking for ways to lift themselves up. After being mistreated by “the system” for so long, it’s a long and difficult intellectual and emotional jump for many of them to make to realize that they now have the say in the system – that their voices can now be heard and that changes can be made.

The problem here is that much like the old majority having to deal with not getting everything they want, the new majority has to deal with being able to get almost everything they want. They don’t know what to do with this voice, this freedom. They’ve never consciously been in the advantage position before. Now they have the opportunity to step up and take charge…yet they’re afraid to because whenever they’ve done so in the past, they’ve been torn down. They haven’t figured out yet that this time, they won’t be taken down. They won’t be held back…unless they allow themselves to be. In order to prevent being taken down again, they need confidence in their ability to lead. They need to step into their power and self-expression in peaceful and productive ways. They need to let people know who they truly are by moving themselves beyond the stereotypes and prejudices that have defined them. They need to get out of their own way in order to step up and be a true and effective majority in their land and in the world.

In Nepal, the people are waking up to this reality. In the last two years of tragedy – first on Everest in 2014 and now the entire nation in 2015 – the majority of the citizens are beginning to fully understand how ill-prepared their government has been to support them, and how little they actually directly benefit from the rest of the world taking advantage of their socio-economic circumstances. They are now making their voices heard and their upset known. The earthquake not only shook and disrupted their everyday lives – it also shook and disrupted their way of life. There are major changes underway in this little country that will now have a bigger voice in the world because of its people realizing their true position in the world order.

In many Arab nations, there is a growing awareness of how various governments have allowed their income interests and religious disagreements to make them vulnerable to outside interests and influences. Now they are reaping what they’ve sown – “allies” supplying enemies with weapons and money because the lines have been so blurred for so long; mistrust leading to crumbling partnerships with long-time allies and possible new alliances with long-time enemies as the realities emerge. No one is who they said they were, and now there is a lot that needs to be reassessed. Many leaders and people in the Arab world are now looking at themselves and  their nations – assessing what they and those before them have created, and now need to look within their individual selves to figure out what is truly in their best individual interests.

Here in the United States, there are two major issues – same-sex marriage and racial injustice/inequality. Both matters have a long history of unfair treatment, imbalance, and injustice that is now needing to be addressed, yet neither side is the victim they portray themselves to be. Until the victim mindset is cleared from both sides of the issues, genuine peace and ease in these matters will continue to be an elusive ideal.

Today more than any other day in the last week, the challenge –this confrontation of differences– feels personal. With a Lunar T-Square configuration (Virgo Moon square Gemini Venus square Pisces Chiron) that is most exact around 12:00 noon PDT today, 29th April, the weight of pending decisions is felt strongly. The parties involved have a choice – to play victim to the challenges that confront them, or to seek spiritual and emotional acknowledgement and healing.

This is a challenge of acceptance, which is a difficult lesson to learn in a world that has a baseline of polarized thinking. Who’s “right” and who’s “wrong” are the positions usually taken in any disagreement, and it’s rare to find anyone who is willing to be “wrong” because wrong is seen as a defeat or a loss, not as a call to look at a matter differently or a call to be self-responsible.

Yet this quickness to blame is a collective statement about the world. We’ve become too dependent on others to validate our positions and opinions. We look for consensus in how we think or how we act or behave, trying to find others who will align with our opinions. It’s only when we are in the obvious minority or alone when we reconsider our perspectives and beliefs – when we allow ourselves to consider that we may be wrong, as in out of alignment with what we know to be true for ourselves.

This may be a challenge for some to admit, but many  of us like polarization because it’s clearer. However, many of the matters we face are not clear-cut. In fact, the truth is often somewhere in-between one side and the other. These matters require belief in the possibility that both sides are both right and wrong – that both sides could make adjustments to how they think or speak about their positions on a matter in order to find a common ground and heal the wounds inflicted by the polarity.

Of course, this would require compromise. And in a world where polarity reigns, compromise is difficult to come by when the fear of losing anything is perceived as a loss of everything.

It is a very confronting time as people are faced with the realization that their long-held beliefs may not be as True as they’ve believed them to be. I would venture to say (especially with the Moon in Virgo) that it’s not so much about the belief as it is about the practice of the belief. People are having to come to terms with how they actually practice their beliefs – how they do or don’t behave in alignment with what they claim to believe. They are being forced to come to terms with the fact that they may misinterpret the words or ideas to serve their own individual/personal agendas. They are being forced to come to terms with just how prejudiced they are about certain people or practices.

People are being forced to look at themselves and see their hypocrisy.

You are being forced to look at yourself and to see your hypocrisy.

That is what Venus in Gemini’s role is at this time, especially on this day. It is to have us engaged in conversations and interacting with others in ways which reveal our true selves to ourselves and those others. What we truly think and believe is on display, possibly without our even realizing it…until we realize it and experience the humbling effect of learning how hypocritical we are being.

Yet in our displays of hypocrisy, there are learning and healing opportunities. Today’s Lunar T-Square helps us see where and how we hold double standards or prejudices in our lives, and provides an opportunity to adjust our beliefs and ideals to heal the wounds.

Of course, it may hurt a bit before it heals. That pain comes through those moments of realization of the hypocrisy and prejudice that we actually carry within ourselves. It’s difficult to see these things when we hide or avoid genuine interaction with those who confront our realities. Yet it is through those interactions where we begin to understand that our position may not have a solid basis or principle behind it; or that in some ways, we may be just as angry and hateful as we claim our opposition to be.

The fact of it all is…we are all afraid to be vulnerable. We are all afraid to give up what we are comfortable with in order to make space for someone else to have the same freedoms we have…even if we don’t like their expression of freedom.

All of this tension will likely come to a head on Sunday, 3rd May, with the Scorpio Full Moon at 8:42p PDT (most of the world will already be well into Monday, 4th May by this time). The Scorpio Full Moon always calls us to look below the surface of the material, physical, and financial to find the emotional and spiritual motives for our current and/or desired lifestyles. However, this 2015 Scorpio Full Moon has a powerful twist.

Sticking with the theme of the week, the Sun-Moon opposition that creates the Scorpio Full Moon is being squared by Juno conjunct Jupiter in Leo to produce yet another Lunar T-Square configuration most exact as the Moon is at its fullest! Juno reveals a commitment to unique individual self-expression, and Jupiter encourages the growth and expansion of that self-expression out in the world. These two combine to push each of us to reveal our True selves into the world in ways that place our individual interests center stage in one or more aspects of our lives. We may find our Light and presence demanding to be acknowledged. The fixed mode energy of this T-Square gives this configuration a “stake claim” kind of feel. A definitive statement is being made by anything that happens in the 24 hours before and after this Full Moon phase.

The most important thing about the Taurus-Leo-Scorpio Full Moon –T-Square is that it calls into question how we are going to accept our new positions. Whether we are in the new majority or new minority, do we accept where we are with grace and tolerance and adjust to the new reality…or do we resist the changes and struggle to find a way to maintain the old ways in the face of a transforming world?

If you are fighting, questions to ask yourself are:

  • Why is it so important to fight what you’re fighting?
  • Where did your values come from?
  • In fighting others, what’s at stake if you ”lose” your fight?
  • What are you really defending or protecting? And are you defending or protecting, or are you really denying or hiding?
  • Are you denying or hiding something about yourself or others in fighting this fight?

If you are willing to give up the fight, questions to ask yourself are:

  • How do you want to shine your individual Light – your unique, individual expression of self in the world?
  • What do you want to be seen, heard, and/or known for; and how committed are you to being seen, heard, and/or known for it?
  • What’s really behind your lifestyle desires? Is the life you want really the life you want, or do you want it to please someone else?
  • Where did your values come from – are they your own or are they what you were told or conditioned to believe by someone else?
  • Are you emotionally invested in your conditioned or desired lifestyle, or are you materially/physically/financially invested in your emotional-spiritual conditioning?

All of what is happening is intended to take each of us out of our comfort zones and into a space where we get to question who and what we’re really living for. It’s not an easy inquiry to explore. It’s not a comfortable position to be in. It’s not going to be the same as it’s always been…

…and it will never be the same again.

The values have been exposed for what they really are. The tide is turning. Now can we go with the flow? Can we allow the power structure to shift, and can we step into our new roles powerfully?

Thanks so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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