Mercury in Pisces represents a mindset shift from social causes, humanitarian efforts, social &/or technological innovation, and social rebellion & revolution to compassion, selfless service, unconditional love, and philanthropic efforts.  You may find your thoughts and communications being intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually drawn to considerations beyond yourself and your immediate environment.  You may also find yourself called into consciousness of matters that affect humanity yet are beyond humanity.

Yet, Pisces is also known as the sign of dreams, visions, imagination, ideals, and delusions.  Pisces and its ruler, Neptune, are notoriously known as the bearers of “the rose-colored glasses effect”.  When you place Mercury – the ruler of quick-minded, intelligent, and intellectual Gemini – in the sign of imagination, vision, and transcendent service, the possibilities are endless as to what can be thought up, envisioned, and communicated.  In some ways, Mercury in Pisces is an artist’s dream pairing as it holds great potential for amazing visionary ideas and intentions to be created and developed.

Mercury entered Pisces at 8:52p PDT on Thursday, 12th March 2015while the Sun, Chiron, and Neptune are all also moving through the sign of Pisces. This now places 4 bodies in the sign (one of them, Neptune, the ruler of the sign), raising the delusion factor in the ideals and visions that are happening now to a pretty high degree of probability.  The rose-colored glasses effect is in full effect with four bodies in Pisces, and with a New Moon-Total Eclipse in Pisces hours before the Sun moves into Aries, five bodies in the sign may prove to have an especially compelling influence on the minds and hearts of many of us, especially because Mercury in Pisces will be within 1.3° of an exact opposition to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo at the time the Pisces New Moon Eclipse is exact.  This indicates the emergence of a powerful desire to make everyday life work, but in an idealistic way.  Exactly how this emerges will be seen, but it’s not likely to happen quietly and the effects will be lasting due to the eclipse.

The lack of stealth in 2015 Mercury in Pisces’ communications is much due to the fact that Venus, Mars, and Uranus were all in Aries, Juno Retrograde and Jupiter Retrograde were in Leo, and Saturn was in Sagittarius when Mercury entered Pisces on the 12th.  With Juno in direct motion (as of 13th March) and Saturn moving in retrograde (as of 14th March), the charge toward individual self-expression in the face of challenges to and/or oppression of individual and collective freedom seems even more essential. The strong fire element presence at this time may encourage people to act upon their visions of romantic grandeur and idealism in bolder fashion than they may have in the past, and Leo Jupiter Retrograde and Aries Uranus in separating trine aspect at this time makes it almost certain that any expansion of these ideals may be done in an unexpectedly or unintentionally big way.

There is a Yod configuration of Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Mercury with both Pluto and Mercury quincunx Leo Jupiter Retrograde at the point entering applying 3° orb on 20th March (most exact on 22nd March and dissolving late that evening).  This indicates that there is a strong likelihood that communications made at this time could be instrumental in assisting Pluto with its efforts to collapse outdated and irrelevant societal institutions and structures.  With Leo Jupiter Retrograde at the point, this may be the first time people really witness and/or experience the impact of their words and actions on the world around them.  They may finally understand that when they act or speak upon their idealistic impulses, once those actions are taken and once those words are spoken, they cannot be taken back.  In fact, they may have dire consequences.

These consequences may show up only two days later when the Mercury-Lilith opposition is exact.  In the wake of any harsh realities that are likely to come forth, playing victim to each other or martyr for each other won’t serve you or anyone else well in this astrological climate.  There may also be a great deal of avoidance, ignorance, and/or denial as these hard truths come to Light. Frankly, there aren’t many people who will have sympathy or empathy for those who have chosen to sacrifice themselves for others or for those complaining about their lofty expectations not being met.

Mercury in Pisces could encourage the whining, but it may also play a profound role in bringing compassion and acceptance to the aftermath of delusional acts of idealism.  Since what is done cannot be taken back, Mercury in Pisces may help us accept what remains and assist us in moving forward while making the most of what is left with compassionate and loving if not forgiving sentiment.  It’s times like these when it’s important to remember that we are unified in Oneness, and Mercury in Pisces can be a vital component for that remembering.

Important 2015 Mercury in Pisces transits:

  • Mercury square Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius at 2:41a PDT on 16th March (5°) – Just because you ask for it doesn’t mean you’re ready for it. If you feel held back, it may not be the right time for your request to be honored OR what you’re asking for may not align with the truth of who you are becoming.
  • Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 1:49a PDT on 18th March (8°) – The rose-colored glasses are strongest on this day! Don’t do anything you may regret later (though you probably won’t realize you’ll regret it until after you’ve done it).
  • Mercury opposite Black Moon Lilith in Virgo at 9:26p PDT on 20th March (12°) – Reality may bring a crushing blow to your idealistic notions, forcing you to actually make a plan to implement your dreams. In other words, you may finally understand that you’ll have to work for it, earning it one step at a time.
  • Mercury sextile Pluto in Capricorn at 1:27p PDT on 22nd March (15°) – Your words and thoughts may actually accelerate the clearing of old, outdated standards and structures in your life.
  • Mercury sextile Ceres in Capricorn at 4:19a PDT on 30th March (28°) – Your words and thoughts may also help you become aware of what success really means to you and what you really value and want to accomplish in your life.
  • Mercury enters Aries at 6:43p PDT on 30th March, bringing fiery initiative energy to your thoughts and words.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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