We’re in the midst of a pretty intense astrological climate.

Mars is the planet of action, and in Mars’ home sign of Aries, sometimes those actions can be assertive, aggressive, or outright violent. People aren’t afraid to act upon their impulses. Since Uranus is impulsive, unpredictable, unconventional, and very community-conscious, the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Aries (which was exact on 11th March 2015 and is within 3° orb late 6th March through late 15th March 2015) resulted in all sorts of unpredictable actions being taken. There’s been no telling which way things were going to move until they actually moved…or didn’t move.

As the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus has people either trying to align with society or rebelling against it. With Uranus joining forces with Mars, people were more apt to take rebellious actions in order to assert their individuality and independence. This was definitely a time when what many thought would happen didn’t, and what actually did happen wasn’t expected by most.

Yet what comes of these actions?  Where is/was that energy being directed?  That’s where Pluto comes in to make matters a bit more clear.

Pluto is the great destroyer, and in the sign of Capricorn, it is clearing out the old societal structures and establishments which are no longer in alignment with what the society needs or wants. This includes governments, corporations, banks, schools, social organizations, and other such institutions which may have served a purpose back in the day, but as the world shifts focus they no longer have an effective or empowering influence. If anything, they may now be doing more harm than good to the people they are trying to serve if not to the world in their refusal to let themselves and their beliefs and practices be replaced.

Pluto in Capricorn is in square aspect to both Mars and Uranus in Aries right now – having made an exact square to Mars at 3:41p on Wednesday, 11th March 2015, and making exact square to Uranus at 7:54p on Monday, 16th March 2015. The influence of Mars-Pluto square is present 7th through 15th March, while the influence of the Uranus-Pluto square has made itself and its effects known since 2011, and will continue to do so well into 2016.

Uranus and Pluto have been within 3° orb five times within 5 years (2011-2016), and made/make 7 exact squares during that span:

  • 19th June 2011 to 17th July 2011 (within 3 orb, but no exact squares)
  • 29th April 2012 to 18th November 2012 (exact squares on 24th June 2012 and 18th September 2012)
  • 29th March 2013 to 11th June 2014 (exact squares on 20th May 2013, 1st November 2013, and 21st April 2014)
  • 17th October 2014 to 12th May 2015 (exact squares on 14th December 2014 and 16th March 2015)
  • 18th December 2015 to 10th April 2016 (within 3° orb, but no exact squares)

Square transits and aspects create tension, which instigates change in order to alleviate the discomfort or pain the pressure creates. Yet these changes aren’t always for the best. In fact, due to the impulsive natures of Mars and Aries and the rebellious attitude of Uranus, the actions taken are probably not well thought out and more likely acting out in frustration or anger. These hasty actions increase the likelihood of unexpected events that reveal and/or inspire defiant actions. As result, there have been a few people and institutions of long-standing power and influence that experienced compromises to their strengths in the last few days, especially in matters of business, banking, governments, and world politics. There have been quite a few “old power” individuals and institutions that have been exposed or forced to make disclosures and/or change course under the pressure of popular opinion or trend. This is a sign that Pluto in Capricorn is indeed making progress in its job of clearing out the outdated and irrelevant, shaking loose a few bricks in societal standards, structures, and institutions that we formerly perceived as indestructible.

This Aries Mars-Uranus push for individuality and independence is also placing immense pressure on Capricorn Pluto to accelerate its collapse of outdated structures & institutions. Yet the people and institutions that have been in power and have long held influence are not giving up their positions easily. They are fighting back for their survival, refusing to go down without a fight, or dare I say, a war. However, in all of their efforts to continue making their long-standing presence and influence known and felt, the realities and truths of their past dealings are also coming to Light and their agendas and motives are becoming more transparent as the seeds they planted in their heydays are now coming to fruition. This is only turning the temperature up on the flames for Mars conjunct Uranus revolutionary activity as more and more people become awake to what is really happening, aware of their place in the big picture, and ready for major changes to occur to ensure their personal freedoms.

Yet we’d be best reminded to be careful what we ask for regarding change, especially under the influence of Pisces Sun, Chiron, Neptune, and now Mercury. The people and groups taking these impulsive actions really do believe that they are acting in the best interests of All-That-Is, but the actions taken in order to implement their strongly-held ideals may prove more destructive than constructive in the long run.

Still, the biggest challenge these Mars-Pluto and Uranus-Pluto squares bring forth is that as these old institutions and ways are being pushed out, there are no clear successors to fill their powerful and influential roles in our societal structure. Instead, there’s a mass grab for power, and everyone and anyone seems to have a chance to step in. However, it’s curious that so many individuals and groups are failing in their efforts to step in to the openings. It’s almost as if anyone operating from the old, outdated mindsets or modes of operation that Pluto in Capricorn is clearing out is being sucked into its vacuum stream, exposed as hypocrites and/or liars before they can even get solid footing in the replacement role(s). It’s fascinating, and I’ll say that the Universe seems to be exerting its Higher powers, refusing to allow anything that even resembles the old ways to occupy what it is being cleared out by Pluto in Capricorn.

In other words, if it’s not truly new and different, it’s not getting in.

How is this playing out in our individual/personal lives?

You may be feeling the tension of the large-scale changes in the world, and you may be becoming frustrated and angry in the face of it. You may notice that Aries Mars and Uranus’ influences are encouraging you to take action to fill the voids left by the collapses of the institutions and standards that used to provide you with predictable and reliable stability and security, yet it seems you’re being held back from doing so. A big part of the reason is because of the same thing that I just mentioned 11 lines above – you’re being asked to check in with yourself to make sure that you aren’t trying to fill the voids with the same things that are being phased out of your life personally and professionally.

The changes that are occurring under Pluto in Capricorn may also be pushing you reluctantly into action. As the world changes around you and you no longer have the support and guidance structures you’ve always had, you’re now being asked to change your perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors – to change your courses of action. Of course, in order to take these actions, you must be willing to admit that the old societal structures (beliefs and practices) you relied upon no longer exist or can no longer serve you in the way they once did.  Mars and Uranus in Aries are letting you know that you may need to take actions that seem equal to an admission of “defeat” – that you don’t get to have things be the way they’ve always been anymore; that it’s time for you to do something truly new and different in your life in order to your life to truly move forward.

Remember – you have been conditioned to respond to the world as it has been before, NOT as it is becoming now.  You are being provided with a clean slate upon which to build something unlike anything that has come before now. Do you really think that the Universe will allow you to build the same old stuff in place of what it just cleared out or allow you to act in the same ways we’ve always acted after it’s cleared space for something new and true to be built in and for your life? Of course not! The Universe is holding you still so you can recognize how you’re (probably) trying to replace what is being phased out with more of what is being phased out of your life. The Universe will forcibly hold you back until you understand what you created for yourself in the past, how you created it, and why it needs to be phased out now so you don’t repeat it later.

This is a call for you to think outside the old constraints – to think in ways you’ve never allowed yourself to think and to take actions that you’ve never before had the courage to take…until now. It’s time.

Though there is plenty of drama at this time, this drama is actually setting the stage for bigger drama to come in 2046-2048 when Uranus and Pluto are in opposition in Virgo and Pisces respectively. The powers that fall or have begun falling now are intended to make way for a truly new world order to come.

Get ready for the dawning of a new experience of power in the world and in your individual life as result of these conjunction and square aspects between Mars, Uranus, and Pluto. The long-promised new beginnings have indeed begun and even if it doesn’t feel like it yet, it will soon enough.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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