The 2015 Virgo Full Moon is at its fullest making exact opposition to the Pisces Sun at 10:05a PST on Thursday, 5th March 2015 (14.84°).  During this Full Moon period (2nd-8th March 2015), it’s time for some serious reality checks after you’ve been aspiring to your ideals, visions, and dreams voraciously for a couple of weeks now.  For some of us, these will be mild shifts.  For others, these may be harsh grounding experiences.  Either way, get ready to have your imaginings and ideals brought into the critical eye of practical assessment.

In other words, it’s time for you to experience what it really takes to have your dreams become the actualities of your life.  Having your head in the clouds envisioning your ideals is one thing, but if your dreams are going to manifest you also need to have your feet on the ground.  That’s what this 2015 Virgo Full Moon is all about.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and it all about “making it work”.  Whatever needs to be done in order for the day-to-day of life (or aspects of it) to function effectively and efficiently is done as best as it can be under Virgo’s influence.  This Virgo energy is currently blending with 11 numerological Universal month energy, meaning that we’re all a bit more conscious of how the changes in the world are affecting each of us in a very real way on a very practical and experiential level right now.  During this 2015 Virgo Full Moon, you may awaken to the fact that everything that’s going on is not just affecting you in a real way – it’s affecting everyone.  And for those of you who tend to think of and tend to others first, you also get to recognize that it’s not just affecting everyone else – it’s also affecting you.

The 2015 Virgo Full Moon is exact on a 7 Universal day, which makes it a day for being thoughtful and introspective – a day for thinking and planning practical steps OR for implementing long-considered thoughts and plans that are ready to come to Light.  These are likely to be plans thought out on a community or societal scale, not just by or for individuals.  All of this is happening under an 11 Universal month and an 8 Universal year – a year in which we are recognizing the fruits of our labors and efforts over the last 7 or so years…interestingly enough, since about 2008.

That said, this 2015 Virgo Full Moon doesn’t arrive alone.  It comes with a few very compelling friends.

Pluto in Capricorn is THE major co-star for this 2015 Virgo Full Moon.  It is in trine aspect to the Virgo Moon for about 12 hours (approx. 4:35a-4:40p), including the moment when the Moon is at its fullest.  This is apt to be a very emotional time as people begin to feel and express the significance of the changes that have been happening in our world since Pluto first entered Capricorn in…yes, 2008.  People are beginning to understand just how major this transformation process is because they are now beginning to experience its effects directly for the first time.  The more people are directly affected, the more they pay attention to what is happening, and that makes this 2015 Virgo Full Moon quite a wake-up call.  People are realizing that these social and societal changes that have seemed far-fetched or unrealistic are really and truly happening, whether they want them to or not.

There is a Solar Yod configuration involving the Pisces 11 Sun sextile Pluto in Capricorn with both quincunx Jupiter Retrograde in Leo.  This configuration is most exact late on the 5th/early on the 6th March, it reveals that witnessing the growth and expansion of others’ individual self-expression is helping you become more aware of your own.  This is especially the case as the light of the Pisces Sun begins to reveal just how much is changing in the world as result of Capricorn Pluto’s transformation of the world’s power structures.  More people are starting to realize how liberating it is to have the long-held standards of success and accomplishment changing, and how amazing it is to be defining success for themselves.  This configuration reveals the willingness of individuals to begin stepping into their brilliance.

Another major transit occurring on this day involves Pluto in Capricorn, this time in square aspect to Uranus conjunct Venus in Aries.  This presents quite a challenge as individuals begin asserting themselves within their partnerships and/or aggressively pursuing partnerships in ways that are unexpected or otherwise surprising.  This newfound initiative is the result of Pluto’s afore-mentioned handiwork in transforming old societal standards or “the old ways”.  People are finding the courage to take action to assert their individuality and independence in ways that may have been unacceptable in the past, but are now accepted and may even be perceived as justified.

One significant transit that does not involve Pluto is Virgo Black Moon Lilith quincunx the conjunction of the South Node and Mars in Aries.  This reveals the frustrations many of us are experiencing in trying to make things work the way they have before as each of us wants our lives to function in practical and purposeful ways.  Yet we’re also finding that we may feel lost trying to find our way through a world that no longer works the way “it has always worked”, and we may find that those of us who are resisting the occurring changes are becoming more aggressive in our efforts to counteract the social, societal, and industrial shifts and changes that are manifesting now.

There is much that is likely to come to a head during this 2015 Virgo Full Moon period, but I hope this post gives you some insight as to why everything is happening the way it is happening for you and for the world.

Embrace the changes that are happening by looking for the silver lining for yourself and your life.  It may not seem like it as you’re going through it, but these profound experiences are meant to help you face what is real about your dreams and to give you an opportunity to heal emotionally and spiritually in order to make the process of manifesting them easier for you in the long run.

All the 2015 Virgo Full Moon wants to do is to help you make your life work.  You need to have your feet on the ground to make that happen….even if your head remains in the clouds.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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