Who knew that sorting through new marketing ideas for Life By Soul would bring me the inspiration for this Signs and Numbers post about this February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine, which occurs mid-day today, Friday 13th February 2015.

I admit – in my search to further develop Life By Soul’s brand, I’ve been a bit frustrated.  It seems that there’s all these “new” tools and methods for promoting one’s business, yet most of them fail to resonate with me.  They all seem money-driven, which on one hand is fine.  After all, most of us need to make money to have the resources to sustain ourselves in the way this world currently operates.  Yet on the other hand, for all the nobility and good intentions of “sharing what worked for me with the world”, the way some of these tools and methods are presented and made available also seem to covertly (or not-so-covertly) take advantage of people eager to…well, follow the leader(s).

This fascinates me as much as frustrates me because it reveals to me an unnerving truth about our world today.  It’s amazing how as a collective society, it seems most of us have grown so accustomed to looking to or depending on others to tell us what success is and/or how to be successful in the world that we’ve forgotten how to look to and within ourselves for inspiration.  The people we look to as our heroes and gurus are often the inventors and entrepreneurs who found a way to “make it work” for themselves.  They’ve had the courage to come up with something no one else was willing to develop and nurture into reality.  They took (and continue to take) the actions no one else is willing to take.  Our heroes and gurus are the pioneers, the innovators, and the originators.

What many of us often fail to realize is that by the time a particular method or technique has gone public or mainstream, it’s too late!  We’ve missed our chance!  We’re now just people trying to build on the same foundation that the original creator(s) built their success upon.  By the time most of us are introduced to their great invention, it’s become the latest “get rich quick” method, and those who created the initial idea are now making more money on you trying to emulate what they have.

I don’t say this to bash the originators.  If anything, I celebrate and appreciate them for coming up with ideas that work and have brought them and their early followers amazing financial abundance.  It takes courage, confidence, and initiative to have an idea, take the steps to make that idea a reality, and to have that reality become successful in connecting with other people.

The reason I am saying this is to awaken those who are conditioned to follow the originators again and again and again.  Why are you looking to others to tell you what success is and how to be successful? What are your great ideas? Why aren’t you willing to take a risk or a chance on your own ideas?  And if you are, are you taking the initiative to adapt and apply the tools you are learning if you’re not developing original tools which will help you develop and promote your business into success?

This Lunar Fire Grand Trine is all about taking said initiative.  Uranus in Aries encourages you to take action to offer your unique talents, abilities, and ideas to the collective whole of humanity.  Jupiter Retrograde in Leo inspires you into expanding your self-expression by displaying others’ unique self-expressions to you.  The Moon travels through Sagittarius today to form this brief but powerful Fire Grand Trine, bringing an emotional desire to seek the wisdom and expansion that can only be found through experiences you’ve never had before. Together, they reveal a desire to take inspired actions to express your unique self in service to the world.  It’s even better that this configuration occurs on a numerological 5 Universal day, which encourages an exciting change in course.

The Moon enters 3° orb with Uranus at 4:30a PST, but doesn’t connect with Jupiter Retrograde to form the Grand Trine until 9:50a PST.  Once it does, the Fire Lunar Grand Trine stays intact until the Moon breaks its connection with Uranus, moving out of 3° orb at 3:17p PST.

What I love most about this Fire Grand Trine is something that’s occurring outside the shape itself – Uranus in Aries is still in an applying square aspect with Pluto in Capricorn (aspect exact for the last time in March 2015).  Yes, this is the same Pluto in Capricorn that is sending the institutions, corporations, and governments that have been wielding decisive power in the world to change or die.  It’s also the same Pluto that is tearing down long-held societal standards and benchmarks for success, forcing us to re-define success on a societal and worldly level.  Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn is serving notice that you no longer get to look to others to define success for you.  Your individual success comes when you define success for yourself, then take the necessary actions to make that definition the reality of your life.

Our collective success is achieved when the majority of us are no longer looking to each other to define success for us, and we are each stepping into our unique roles in the collaborative whole to contribute to something greater than can be accomplished by any of us alone.  If anything, what I’m choosing to call “the new success movement” may simply be to define success for yourself, express your unique self in service to something bigger than your individual self, and reap the rewards of contributing to the world in a way no one else can do but you.

In other words, I consider this February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine to be the spark of “the new success movement”.  It’s practically screaming “MAKE YOUR OWN WAY!”  Define success for yourself, take actions for yourself, and claim success for yourself.

It’s time for you to make your unique self known so you may achieve your own success  as well contribute to the success of us all.

Oh!  And through all of this, I’ve figured out how I want to present Life By Soul moving forward.  Stay tuned…

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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