On 29th January 2015, there is an Air Grand Trine at its most exact. But thanks to the involvement of the Moon and the Nodal Axis in this configuration, this Grand Trine becomes an Air-Fire Lunar Nodal Kite.  Let’s discuss what that means.

Planetary configurations which involve the Moon often make a big impact in a very short frame of time.  In this case, the Moon will be in Gemini while this Kite is in effect.  Gemini Moons tend to have us attempting to process our emotions through our minds – a very intellectual approach to very heartfelt matters.  Emotional matters may be approached with the intellectual care and ease of a tabloid journalist who eagerly and craftily seeks the expression of feelings that may not be easily articulated.  On the other hand, the Moon in Gemini may make it easier to articulate our feelings and the emotional energies we are experiencing in ways others can understand.

The North Node is in Libra sits at the second Air point of this Kite while it’s at its most exact, and it gives a larger sense of direction to the matters at hand.  We are collectively being guided to find balance through fair and just means.  It’s not just about equality – it’s about righting the wrongs of the past.  There are likely steps to be taken to restore peace and ease to the circumstances before equality can be achieved, and there may be increased diplomatic efforts to bring about peace in logical and reasonable ways.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius forms the third Air point of this Kite, and brings a watchful eye to this configuration.  There is an opportunity to see the big picture of humanity here – an opportunity to see what the communications and ideas being exchanged are affecting the collective whole of human kind and how we may be setting our course for the future.  It’s a time for paying attention more than it is for talking and trying to force our agendas onto others.  In fact, the more we push our ideas and ideologies, the more we may be moving people and predicaments to an unexpected breaking point.

The Fire point of the Kite could represent that breaking point.  Comprised of a South Node-Uranus conjunction in Aries, this potent combination represents the “old ways” of fighting (especially warfare and combat) meets new and eccentric approaches that may change the course of humanity in this world.  I like to think of this as the “I’m going to play with fire because I just don’t give a ____” conjunction as Uranus in Aries is known for its rebellious, aggressive, and unpredictable tendencies and could care less about what anyone else has to think of its self-expression while the South Node in Aries reminds us that aggression and violence are, unfortunately, humanity’s most frequently-applied answers to conflict to this point in our recorded history.

Altogether, these four influences could combine to bring forth a collective voice that advocates for a new approach to conflict resolution…yet it may come only after a major conflict occurs or comes forth.  I’ve always said – Grand Trines only mean that the energies involved play nicely with each other, but that doesn’t mean that they show up nicely as their combined energies manifest in the world.  And in a Kite formation, the energy is being directed to the point that is in the complementary element, which in this case is the Fire point of South Node conjunct Uranus in Aries.  In other words, all of the ideas being communicated are likely stoking the fires of unrest and unease, leading to the acting out on the feelings of anger and frustration OR leading to actions to change course and find a new and different way to resolve these long-standing conflicts.

If a major conflict or revelation doesn’t occur on this day (29th January 2015), it’s pretty likely that the fuse for one will be lit as result of the choices made and actions taken on this day.  Yet if and when it happens, it could be a significant act that may awaken humanity to a greater desire for conflict resolution and lasting peace.

This Air-Fire Grand Trine-Kite is short-lived since the Moon is involved, lasting only from about 8:00a until about 4:30p PST today.  Use this time to pay attention to what we are creating, and to take a stand for the application of fairness, balance, and peace to the matters we face.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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