Venus entered Pisces at 7:00a PST on Tuesday, 27th January 2015.  Though Venus rules the cardinal air sign of Libra, make no mistake about it – in Pisces, Venus may encourage us to lose our minds, figuratively and literally.

That’s because logic is pretty much out the window and our heads can be up in the clouds when it comes to relationship and diplomatic matters under Venus in Pisces.  If logic and reason aren’t out completely, they may be severely compromised.  Idealism and delusion tend to rule the day when it comes to our interactions with others when Venus is in dreamy and ethereal Pisces, and within our current world events and circumstances, this affinity for upholding ideology for idealism’s sake may pose a compelling challenge.

Venus is the planet of one-on-one relationships of all kinds and Pisces gives a strong idealistic quality to any partnership.  Therefore, under Venus in Pisces we may be inclined to overlook shortcomings or other red flags in our interactions and partnerships of all kinds for the sake of maintaining our “ideal” relationships, ideological courses or our fantastic visions of how things “should” be.

As result, during this 2015 Venus in Pisces, we may be tempted to overlook some extremely important warning signs that could help us avoid things which could bring massive if not catastrophic change to our lives and the lives of those close to us as well.  Under the intoxicating influence of Venus in Pisces, we may not realize just how much our determination to hold onto our ideals and dreams – however delusional or fantastic they may be – may affect the lives of others in a very real and tangible way.

This determination may not only make itself known in our personal relationships – it may also make its presence felt in large-scale diplomatic efforts as Venus is known for its fair and just peacemaking efforts.  Venus in Pisces really wants to restore balance, peace, and beauty to everything as a matter of reminding us all of the Oneness we share.

Yet when that balancing resolve is born of less-than-unifying intentions, it can become a very difficult intention to overcome as people want to eliminate what they believe to be the source of their angst.  They can become very emotionally invested in their mental-emotional processes and their ideals of how the world should be.  Most people want things to be made peaceful and easy for them on their terms – they could care less if their peace and ease inconveniences anyone else.  Yet under Venus in Pisces, there could be huge complications that arise as result of this exclusive thinking as everything is connected to something, and choices made without considering the bigger picture could result in a domino effect that could have been prevented if only people thought of the Oneness rather than themselves and their own individual interests or struggles.

That said, Venus in Pisces may be a good thing if you are someone who tends to overthink things or only think things, especially when it comes to your relationships with others and the world around you.  If you’re more apt to be in your head than in your heart, Venus in Pisces could have a beneficial effect on your interactions with others by expanding your perception of the world.  The influence of Venus in Pisces may assist you in giving your brain a break and allowing yourself to “go with the flow”, particularly where matters involving other people are concerned.  It may also help you stop thinking about yourself just enough to have you begin interacting with others in ways which help you find peace with the matters at hand and/or help you move your dreams forward into reality.

However, it is important to remember that Pisces is the sign where dreams are made of, where fantasies take flight, where imagination runs amok.  This may lead you to use your logic (or your mental-emotional panic) to avoid or deny the larger flow of matters, trying to make things work the way you thought and/or envisioned they would or “should”.  You may place yourself willingly into a state of denial or escapism of the environment around you in order to avoid the factual and practical truths of the matters at hand that don’t line up with your ideology.

  • Venus squares Saturn in Sagittarius on 30th January, and may give us our first hard realization of how our ideals may be smashing up against the boundaries of factual Truth.
  • Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on 1st February.  This may be the most romantic moment for Venus in Pisces during its 2015 run…or it may prove to be its most delusional.
  • Venus opposes Black Moon Lilith on 2nd February, and may very well put us face-to-face with the practical emotional reality we don’t want to deal with and have been trying so hard to avoid.
  • Venus sextiles Ceres in Capricorn on 5th February, helping us become more in tune with the new (and more inclusive) values emerging as the new societal standards.  Then, Venus sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on the 7th February to challenge if not clear out whatever doesn’t align with those new values.
  • Finally, Venus conjuncts Chiron in Pisces on 8th February, opening an opportunity for emotional and spiritual healing…or wounding.  It all depends on how far we’ve managed to come in the days and weeks leading up to this moment.

At its best, Pisces brings an increased awakening to and awareness of the Oneness that connects everyone and everything together.  It helps us remember that everything is interconnected – that everything affects everything else.  Therefore, while Venus is in Pisces, this can be a wonderful time for affirming and restoring peaceful relationships if we remind ourselves that our ideals, visions, and ultimately our choices have effects on everyone around us, not just us.  When we use this power with loving intention, great healing of ourselves and the world can be accomplished.

When it comes down to it, Venus in Pisces  helps remind us that our dreams are not for us alone – they have the power to move, touch, & inspire ALL of us compassionately and unconditionally, and they have the power to mislead, delude, devastate, and destroy ALL of us unequivocally. Use this power of Venus in Pisces wisely in your own life, remembering that we are all interconnected and the dreams of one truly do affect the dreams of us all.

The influence of this 2015 Venus in Pisces will continue now through 20th February 2015.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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