This is the second of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get us all caught up.  Let’s take a look at Venus and Mercury.

Venus entered Aquarius at 6:48a PST on 3rd January 2014, bringing relationships of all kinds into a more expansive social awareness of what partnership truly is.  There is great potential for cooperation and collaboration with the intention of bringing balance, justice, and peace to the challenges at hand.  One-on-one interactions are likely to be the focal points or the playing fields for these balancing efforts.

This potential is only strengthened by the fact that Mercury entered Aquarius the following day at 5:08p PST on 4th January 2014, shifting our individual and collective consciousness from focused and disciplined mindsets to eccentricity and innovation. It also indicates that people will be seen as humans and what is best for the whole of humanity becomes the focus.

The fascinating thing about having Venus and Mercury in Aquarius is that it shifts the focus both in one-on-one relationships and in collaborative relationships where more than two people are involved.  There is a bigger sense of the collective whole of humanity.

One thing that may come to Light during this time is an increased awareness of the interconnectedness of humanity through technology.  Aquarius is the sign of innovation and invention, and with the internet and advanced technologies that are available to so many now, it’s easier to gather and communicate to the masses.

One benefit is that it is easier for people to be informed of and to generate a response to things that are happening in the world.  If there is a major event on one side of the world, it can be communicated to the rest of the world in a matter of minutes.  If there is a dislike or disagreement or dissatisfaction among certain people regarding a social or societal institution in place, the people can quickly and effectively organize through the available technologies in order to rally together to make their voices heard.

One challenge, however, is that the technologies can just as easily be thwarted or manipulated by the powers-that-be.  Using the same tools as revolutionaries, messages can quickly be communicated to promote an authoritative agenda or propaganda in order to derail any revolutionary efforts.

Aquarius is also the sign that represents mass communication – logic and reason presented to the whole of humanity.  Both sides are able to (mis)inform people to their own ends.  Both sides are able to spread propaganda that favors their messages.  We’ll get to see these energies in effect well through the next few weeks, allowing us to learn more about how we individually and collectively affect matters of communication and information amongst ourselves.

This could be a very telling couple of months as these agendas begin emerging from the shadows.  We could either be witness to the propaganda machine of various peoples by governments, public (or private) institutions, and/or media outlets; or witness to peoples standing up in protest or opposition to the afore-mentioned governments, institutions, and/or media outlets…or both!

Venus is in Aquarius until 27th January 2015 , so the one-on-one interaction focus through Venus will be relatively short-lived, but that doesn’t mean it won’t make an impact.  Meanwhile, though they will come close (closest on 10th January), Venus and Mercury will not conjunct each other at this time as Mercury slows down to station for the first Mercury Retrograde of 2015, officially 21st January through 11th February 2015. Mercury won’t leave Aquarius until 13th March 2015 as result of its retrograde period.  This ensures that the verbal/informational effects will be around for quite a while.  It will be very interesting to see how all of the involved parties will be in action and in communication.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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