Venus and Saturn made an exact conjunction in Scorpio on 12th November 2014 at 5:02p PST.  When they did, Venus’ all-or-nothing approach to fair and balanced partnership merged with Saturn’s all-or-nothing approach to defining clear and decisive emotional-energetic boundaries.  The results are likely to be fascinating.

Venus is known as the planet of partnership.  This is because Venus is the ruler of Libra, which brings balance, fairness, and equality in one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  Whether a partnership is professional or personal, platonic or romantic, or otherwise; Venus makes sure that the parties involved have equal billing or that the pairing is fair and balanced in some way.  Having balanced relationships ensures peace and ease and amicable feelings.

However, Venus in Scorpio can be a bit obsessive about this balanced partnership thing.  Venus in Scorpio has a reputation for not trusting others easily, and until it gets to know your deepest and darkest secrets, it won’t trust you or anything you say or do.  The second it feels that something about a relationship is out of balance, Venus in Scorpio will delve into the depths to find the root of the issue.  If it can’t get to the bottom of the matter, it may step out of the relationship.  When it comes to partnership, Venus in Scorpio can bring an all-or-nothing approach to the table.

Saturn is known as the authority or “father figure” of the Zodiac, and is known to bring focus, discipline, and responsibility to the table.  I believe that Saturn gets a bad rap because not many people are eager to embrace focus and discipline – many people feel suppressed or oppressed or trapped under the presence of Saturn.  Yet without focus, discipline, and responsibility, nothing ever gets done.  Saturn embodies these necessary qualities of seriousness, maturity, and wisdom, bringing them into our lives so we may achieve and accomplish and get things done.

In Scorpio, Saturn is also all-or-nothing in its approach.  You either get things done or you don’t.  You accomplish goals or you didn’t.  There’s no gray area – there is no leeway.  Saturn in Scorpio is focused on making clear-cut decisions so that emotional-spiritual boundaries can be drawn and enforced.  It clears out anything that is ambiguous or indecisive so that clarity can be established and structures can be put in place to maintain emotional-energetic stability.  Without a structure, nothing gets done…or so Saturn believes.  Therefore, in the sign of Scorpio, Saturn tends to be a bit obsessive about making sure everyone knows where things stand.

Together, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio have the potential to bring matters of fairness , balance, and justice to matters of partnerships of all kinds.  You may notice that you and others around you might be questioning the conditions of your one-on-one relationships.  If you feel like something is out of balance or unfair in one of your partnerships, you may be ready to delve into the dynamics of that relationship to see if and where some boundaries need to be redrawn.

In relationships where your emotional-spiritual boundaries have been excessively or egregiously violated, you may feel ready to release the partnerships altogether.  If efforts to balance relationship imbalances prove futile and difference cannot be resolved, those relationships are likely to end under this influence.

It is important for you to mourn the losses of these imbalanced and unfair connections.  If you don’t allow yourself to feel and express this pain, you may never release it and you may carry it with you into future relationships.  Avoiding or denying the pain only serves to perpetuate it, so let it in and let yourself feel it so you can let it go!

It is also important to recognize that the release and mourning of your imbalanced and unequal partnerships clears space for new, balanced, and equal partnerships to form in their place.  As you define and honor your emotional boundaries, you are able to build relationships that are emotionally and spiritually deep, powerful, intimate, and trustworthy at their foundations.  These new relationships align with your deepest inner truth, and support you in the transformation of yourself and your life from what you have been into what you are now becoming.

Through this process, you may finally realize that you aren’t able to become who you want to be completely on your own – one-on-one relationships are essential for your self-awareness and self-development.  However, you want to make sure that the people you have around you are truly supportive and encouraging of your development and your rise into your True power and the expression of that power.  In order to know who to trust for this support, you need to know that you can delve into the depths of the Scorpio darkness together.  This Venus-Saturn conjunction may very well be the test of all of your relationships to see which ones may withstand your emotional-spiritual evolution and get to accompany you on the next phase of your life’s journey.

Keep in mind – this Scorpio Venus-Saturn conjunction, which will be making its presence known from the 10th through 15th of November 2014, may affect some of you more than others.  Due to that fact, some of you may be surprised by the intensity of the emotional-spiritual energy you are feeling right now, while others of you may be oblivious to this dynamic.  Those of you who are feeling this conjunction intensely may find that you are being called to do some clearing out, and you may have some surprising and difficult decisions to make in the coming days if you haven’t already made some.  Those of you who are not feeling this conjunction as much if at all may find yourselves in some unexpected situations and conversations.

The main message that is being delivered through this 2014 conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Scorpio is to honor and respect the relationships that honor and respect your emotional and energetic boundaries.  Notice the people who do or will, and notice the people who don’t or won’t…then make your choices accordingly.  Remember – you can only step into your Truth and power as far as you’re willing to take the steps, and others can only honor and respect you as much as you are willing to honor and respect yourself.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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