Let’s talk about Juno.

Juno is scientifically classified as S-type asteroid – an asteroid/minor planet which makes its orbit of the Sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  In astrology, it does not have a direct Zodiac sign association.  While many astrologers refer to Juno as an indicator of marriage and relationship commitment, through my work with my clients I have found that Juno represents commitments of all kinds, including but not exclusive to marriage.

To that point, Juno is currently traveling through the sign of CancerCancer is the “Mommy“ sign of the Zodiac – nurturing, caring for, and protection of loved ones, private &/or personal emotional investments, and home.  Therefore, Juno in Cancer is committed to nurturing and protecting the people and things that it is emotionally invested in.  Under this influence, you may find yourself protecting and guarding your emotional connections with a bit more fervor than usual.

Juno in Cancer’s first point of business this week comes as it makes a trine aspect with Chiron Retrograde in Pisces exact at 6:44p PDT on 7th September 2014.  In this transit, you may find that your emotional wounds are being awakened by your fears and insecurities about making commitments to nurture and protect your loved ones and/or yourself emotionally and spiritually.  However, this is a trine aspect in water signs, which means that may be an opportunity for you to experience some profound emotional-spiritual healing…if you allow yourself to see it and receive it through these people and projects you have become emotionally invested in.  By allowing the healing to occur, you not only become present to your Oneness with them.  You also become present to your Oneness with everything – with All-That-Is.

However, Juno in Cancer’s second major transit is a square with Uranus Retrograde in Aries exact at 5:20a PDT on 8th September 2014.  In this transit, you may notice that your commitments to your emotional investments in people and/or projects may challenge your self-expression efforts.  Any conflicts that arise may have you questioning just how much of your self-identity is your True self emerging versus how much of your self-identity is your response or reaction to others’ perceptions of who you are or who (or how) you should be in their eyes.  In other words, is who you are being in the world honoring your commitment to others, or is it honoring your commitment to your inner Truth?  In bringing forth that question and in your allowing the answers to it to emerge, Aries fire combines with Cancer’s water to create steam, which could either obstruct your clarity to keep you from moving forward OR be channeled into fuel to help propel you forward.

These transits are each exact within 12 hours of each other, so it would be reasonable to combine their effects.  In doing so, this pair of Juno transits may bring some rather significant and possibly unexpected shifts in your individual and collective perspectives, and as result, your emotional support structures may shift as well.  There is one more Juno transit that is within 3° orb range and represents these structures – Juno’s trine with Saturn in Scorpio which is exact at 9:22p PDT on 13th September 2014.  This Juno-Saturn connection actually completes a brief Water Grand Trine between Juno in Cancer (15°), Saturn in Scorpio (18°), and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces (15°), most exact in the very early morning hours of 7th September 2014.  The unexpected changes that occur with this emotional Water Grand Trine perspective shift are likely to result in the establishing and/or emerging of a new emotional support structure.

In order to understand how these shifts may happen, it is important to see that allowing yourself to love others and yourself through nurturing these connections is an amazing gift that the Cancer Juno-Pisces Chiron Retrograde trine provides.  It may even seem that your emotional support structure is strengthening with Saturn’s presence making itself known.  Yet, in recognizing the healing and restorative power of your emotional-spiritual connection to All-That-Is, the Cancer Juno-Aries Uranus Retrograde square brings forth a question of how to realize your interconnection/Oneness with All-That-Is while simultaneously applying effort to figure out who you are and your unique role within All-That-Is.  The key here is allowing yourself to receive what your emotional commitments can contribute to you without allowing those connections to define you.  It is important that you remember to live into your unique and individual self within the whole of humanity – that is the gift that the Cancer Juno-Aries Uranus Retrograde square brings to your life.

Making commitments to others is not a sacrifice of your individuality….unless those commitments betray your own inner Truth.  Therefore, it is important to recognize that when you are making your emotional commitments, you are also making a commitment to serve and express your individual Truth simultaneously rather than over-committing yourself or sacrificing your True self for the sake of serving others.  This is where the healing can be found in these Juno transits.

  • Where in your life do you sacrifice your unique self-expression in order to maintain your emotional connections?
  • Where in your life does your independent streak get the better of you and cost you valuable connections with loved ones?
  • How do you honor your commitment to others without betraying your commitment to yourself?
  • Where do you allow others to emotionally manipulate or deceive you? Where do others use your commitment to them to pull on your heart strings and get you to keep you from being your unique self in/for the world?
  • Where do others nurture and care for you, encouraging you to go out and be all you can be of your unique and individual self in the world?

I’m not saying that anyone or anything you are emotionally committed to is trying to hold you back from your unique expression of Light.  What I am saying is that under the influence of these September 2014 Juno transits, pay attention to how you feel about the commitments you have made or are making to others.  Do you feel good about them, or do you resent or regret them?

  • If you resent or regret them, you may want to let them go. Recognize that in doing so, you may find emotional healing in standing up for yourself.
  • On the other hand, if you do feel good about them, recognize that it may be through the forming of these connections and in allowing others to contribute to you as you contribute to them that you find the symbiotic healing that comes through acknowledgment of the Oneness of All-That-Is.

It is in this standing up for your True self and in the recognition of your interconnection with All-That-Is that your emotional support structures begin to shift.  Your relationships may not be what you thought they were.  Your connections may not be as strong or as weak as you may have perceived.   People you never imagined would stand by you or stand up for you may do so, while others you always imagined would be there for you may walk away.  As the water flows, the steam rises, and the dust settles, this is where Saturn in Scorpio’s earth in water begins helping you bring substance to the flowing water, helping you draw lines in that dust, helping you define your personal emotional and energetic boundaries so you can define your structures of emotional and spiritual support.  This may also be where you begin to realize that the structure you thought would endure is actually replaced with one just as strong if not stronger and much better aligned with your inner self and your expression of that Truth.

Make the most of these September 2014 Juno transits while they are occurring.  The Juno-Chiron Retrograde trine will be felt 1st through 12th September; the Juno-Uranus Retrograde square will be felt 1st through 13th September; and the Juno-Saturn trine will be felt 6th through 21st September with the brief Juno-Saturn-Chiron Retrograde Water Grand Trine felt the 6th through 7th September, at its strongest early on the 7th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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