Mercury enters Libra at 10:38p PDT on Monday, the 1st of September, 2014.  As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury represents learning and intellect, quick thinking, expedient communication of the ideas and thoughts behind the words we choose and use.  It is also known to accelerate anything it is part of.

In the sign of Libra, Mercury is comfortable in another air element sign as logic and reason are the modus operandi here – Mercury in Libra will apply this M.O. objectively, or at least it would in ideal circumstances as Libra is the great diplomat of the Zodiac.  Often represented by an image of the scales of justice, Libra’s goal is to balance said scales by seeking and finding the most fair and just resolutions of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance and/or equality and peace.  This is often done through intellectual exchanges (a.k.a. – communication).  Diplomacy at its finest…

…though during this 2014 Virgo Sun Period, you may witness or experience diplomacy at its worst.  With the current astrological climate, it may be tough going for Mercury in Libra this time around in 2014.  Though the Virgo Sun encourages you to “make it work”, Saturn is still in Scorpio helping you clearly define your emotional and energetic boundaries and create new emotional-energetic support structures, Ceres in Scorpio is encouraging a transformation of your lifestyle values to better align them with your deepest emotional-spiritual truths, and Mars is still in Scorpio encouraging you to take decisive if not extreme actions to make your new values, boundaries, and structures known.  Uranus Retrograde in Aries is encouraging you to be your uniquely-expressed self in the face of public opinion or agreement, and to do so assertively.  And if that’s not enough, Venus and Jupiter are both in Leo, bringing Light to matters that are probably best be kept low-key until matters undergo some foundational diplomatic efforts first.  More challenging is Juno is in Cancer, encouraging you to affirm your emotion-based commitments to others. However, the most difficult presence of all is the continuing saga of Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, which is forcing transformative institutional changes on all of us whether we like it or not.

It’s Capricorn Pluto and Cancer Juno that will make this 2014 Mercury in Libra transit most difficult, with each challenging it by square during the run.  The fact of the matter is that because of these influences (especially Pluto), diplomacy doesn’t work the same way that it used to.  Money and material resources and/or protecting emotion-driven investments and commitments have now become the motivations behind the conversations.  It’s no longer about doing the right thing or being the good person in moral-ethical terms.  Under the dynamics of 2014 Virgo Sun Period, “what have you done for me lately” and “what can you do for me now” have become the questions that must be answered through the presence of Mercury in Libra – more so now than ever before.  If you can’t offer a practical, tangible, and/or valuable solution to the issues at hand OR if you can’t help one, both, or all parties achieve their tangible goals), then what you have to think or say doesn’t really matter.

The kicker is that it’s thoughts/ideas and communications that are the strengths of Mercury in Libra!  In the face of everything happening now in our lives and in the world, we can only hope that Mercury in Libra’s presence is strong enough to bring any and all parties involved back to a rational and objective assessment of the matters at hand.  We can only hope that peaceful intentions rise above the practical perspectives.

To rise above it all effectively, Mercury in Libra’s ability to assist you in finding the necessary ideas and solutions will likely require some out-of-the-box thinking which could be provided through opposition by Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  Yet it really depends on the parties involved to be willing to do things differently.  Without a willingness to buck traditional methods and try something unconventional or unusual in their diplomatic efforts, you may find that things get uglier before they get prettier.

Can you bring something new to the conversation?  If so, Mercury in Libra is your opportunity to bring it.  Communicate your ideas and thoughts to others.  Help them understand your perspective.  Maybe, just maybe, you can make a peaceful and positive diplomatic contribution that could change the world.

Mercury will be in Libra now through the 29th of September, when it enters Scorpio briefly, then comes back into Libra on the 10th of October through the 8th of November due to retrograde motion (which begins on the 4th of October).

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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