It’s the literally closest conjunction of the 2014 calendar year as Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Leo at 10:21p PDT.  These two planets are the brightest bodies in the night sky right now (save the Moon), and will appear extremely close together in the sky tonight.  In the U.S., this will be happening late evening and well into the early morning.  However, in Europe, you’ll be able to see this right before dawn and as the Sun rises in the morning.

It’s no accident that these two bodies are the brightest bodies in the night sky right now.  Venus-Jupiter in Leo is an interesting conjunction because it can bring so much positive energy to Light – a positive energy that can increase exponentially under the right circumstances.  However, there is a caution that this Venus-Jupiter conjunction may also bring too much of a good thing, blinding others with the Light they produce.

Since Leo is the sign of shining oneself brightly and boldly in the world and making oneself known, Venus could represent the shining of Light upon your relationships with others, and Jupiter could represent the growth and expansion of your brilliance and positive energy.

This Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo could also represent your sharing your Light with others or using your Light to bring attention to others who are important to you.  By using your Light to bring attention to your partner(s) or by sharing the Light that shines upon you as a positive acknowledgment of other people for their individual merits, you make the world and your relationship a brighter place by bringing them to Light.  In this case, you likely see your partner(s) as an equal, and your celebration of them helps balance and equalize your relationship.

In the cases where this may prove to be too much of a good thing, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction could bring an indication that one of you shines so brightly that you become too big for your partnership(s).  One partner may need to step up and grow into their own unique expression of Light to keep the relationship in balance.  Otherwise, you may find that one of you outgrows the relationship or is overwhelmed by it because the other partner shines too brightly or not brightly enough.  The imbalance becomes too great – the inequality too much.

There is also a chance that your partnership(s) may appear “larger-than-life”, and be a lot if not too much for people around you to deal with.  The Light and/or energy you and your partner generate under this Leo Venus-Jupiter conjunction may be so bright & brilliant that it may overwhelm others that you want to partner with.

This is also important in bigger picture matters.  Under the influence of this Leo Venus-Jupiter conjunction, you may notice that matters of fairness, justice, and equality are getting more attention than usual.  For anything that isn’t already in the spotlight, you can be sure that more situations which address these matters will come to Light.  For any matters that are already in the spotlight, be prepared for them to get more attention than they have already garnered.

All around, it will be important during this Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo to notice where you shine too brightly, where you don’t shine brightly enough, or where your Light is just right.  And wherever it is just right and with whomever it is just right for is exactly where and with whom you belong.

This conjunction will be felt from 14th through the 20th of August 2014.  Be aware of the power of this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo, use it wisely…and most of all, enjoy the view.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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