Jupiter has moved out of the emotionally nurturing sign of Cancer into its fun and fiery successor Leo earlier this morning at 3:30a PDT on 16th July 2014.  In some ways, this will lighten things up a bit as Jupiter is a rather jolly optimist who enthusiastically believes there is never too much of a good thing.  Yet in other ways, this may intensify matters as we may find that in some cases, bigger isn’t always better.

In Leo, Jupiter will want to make its presence known as much as it possibly can between now and August 2015.  In fact, it will go to great lengths to come out of hiding and make sure that it gets acknowledged for being bigger and brighter than anything else when it does.  Not only does it want to grow and expand its jovial presence, it wants to stand out and make its growth and expansion known to everyone and everything around it.

Leo often gets a bad rap for being an attention whore type of energy, but I’ve learned that Leo only gets to the point of attention-seeking when it doesn’t get what it really wants, which is acknowledgment.   Leo wants to be acknowledged for being a unique and special individual.

With Jupiter being the planet of positive energy, growth, and expansion, this Jupiter-Leo combination has the makings of a pretty epic “coming out party”.  Not only does Jupiter in Leo encourage a desire to be acknowledged for one’s specialness, it wants acknowledgment in a big and bold way.  It’s likely that under  Jupiter in Leo’s influence, many people won’t be shy about asking for what they want over these next 13 months, and may prove to be quite bold in their requests for recognition.

However, Jupiter and Leo both are also known for being warm and generous energies.  The spotlight Jupiter in Leo gets to shine under isn’t only about drawing attention to itself.  It knows that the best way to make something good even better is to share it.  Therefore, Jupiter in Leo makes people eager to share their spotlights with everyone and everything around them that they believe needs to have attention brought to it.  Intentions may be noble as it encourages us to bring the best and brightest to the fore to be acknowledged, encouraging unique expressions of individuality to be known by the world.  Jupiter in Leo wants us to use its renown to help make others known, and of course, wants us to be the ones to get credit for bringing (good) things to everyone else’s attention.

Yet in its eagerness to bring Light to itself and to shine that Light upon others, Jupiter in Leo may actually bring people and things out into the open that others may not want to have become public knowledge.  Jupiter in Leo may allow its undeniable Light to shine onto people and projects that are near and dear to its heart, but the people and projects they draw attention to may not be ready for the kind of attention that is garnered through Jupiter in Leo’s bold proclamations of greatness.  That, or they may just not want to have attention drawn to them at all, even if it’s “good attention”.  For those not ready for or willing to have their close-up, Jupiter in Leo may be an overwhelming flood of Light upon their lives and livelihoods that is not welcome or appreciated.  Even if the intentions for sharing are good, this flood of Light upon them may send them into panic.

That said, the best way to approach this Jupiter in Leo energy is to remember that not everyone wants to be known by everyone, and not everyone enjoys a surprise party.  If you aren’t sure if it’s a good idea to draw attention to that person or project you love, check with them first.  It won’t come easily for you to do that under Jupiter in Leo’s influence, but it may be to your best advantage to make sure that the attention you get for expanding your Light to others doesn’t have negative repercussions.

The other thing to note about this Jupiter in Leo energy is that it is a great time for you to bring attention to yourself and your projects that you want to get out there into the world.  Again, this is a celebratory energy that is focused on celebrating yourself.  What makes you special?  What makes you unique?  What do you want the world to know about you?  This 2014-2015 Jupiter in Leo period is the time to answer those questions and to let the world know who you truly are.  Shine your Light now, and do it boldly!

This also applies to collective experiences.  We may notice that many new ideas and approaches to matters begin to emerge and be implemented during this time, as well as some painful adaptations to change as those approaches may be challenged in their efforts to be further implemented and expanded upon.  Some notable transits will be Jupiter in Leo’s trine with Uranus in Aries in late September 2014, and its square with Saturn in Scorpio in early August 2015 right before Jupiter moves into earthy Virgo.  Both of these transits could indicate major shifts in the growth and expansion of certain changes in humanity and the world, and therefore our individual lives.  These are indicators of an emergence of transformation and newness like none before, potentially making this the biggest coming out party humanity has ever witnessed and/or experienced.

For better or worse, Jupiter in Leo has the potential to be an amazing frame of time in the history of humanity and the world.  It’ll be fun to see what comes to Light over the next 13 months – for you and for All.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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