It started on the 4th of July with the Cancer 5 Sun – Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn opposition.  The emotional effects of the major changes that have been occurring around us will still be present and fresh in our consciousness as the Cancer 5 Sun continues to make its presence intensely known on a number of different levels with three Sun transits occurring within a 24-hour period.  There may be a whole lot of emotional drama that comes to a head over the next few days, but there’s also a great opportunity to set up new structures in your life that provide you with completely new and different ways for managing or eliminating the drama that arises in your life.

The first transit is The Sun trine the Scorpio Moon, exact at 5:27p PDT on Monday 7th July 2014.  This is a quick one, but a powerful one as it may be the catalyst for what occurs over the next few days.  Since Moon transits happen very quickly and only last for a few hours, the afternoon into the evening of the 7th July is likely to bring some very eye-opening revelations about some emotional issues.  The things that are revealed may be of a very personal nature – possibly about family or close friends.  Trines often indicate things occurring for the better, so even if the news itself doesn’t seem good in the moment, trust that everything happens for the Highest Good of All.  It really is all good in the end.

That said, this quick Sun-Moon trine may activate a more combustible experience.  The Cancer 5 Sun next squares Aries Uranus at 9:23a PDT the following day, Tuesday 8th July, and this one may bring some unexpected reactions to the revelations of the Sun-Moon trine.  These may have something to do with someone declaring their independence from a situation, demanding their freedom of expression or possibly their freedom from what is perceived to be an oppressive situation, rebelling against a group or community or some sort (possibly even their family(, or rejection of whatever is revealed during the Sun-Moon trine.  This declaration or action could be the initiation of all sorts of emotional drama as the outburst may come unpredictably to some, or  just plain strange to others.  Whatever the case, expect the unexpected as actions taken on behalf of the group or in contrast to the group may trigger some emotional drama under the influence of the Sun-Uranus square.

This little flurry with a big punch wraps up with the Cancer 5 Sun creating another tine – this time, with Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio.  This transit following/coinciding with the Sun-Uranus square is likely to manifest in the establishment of new and clear emotional boundaries or “firewalls”, helping you find new focal points for your emotional energies and assisting you in the creation of new support structures to nurture and strengthen them.  These shifts provide you with a fresh approach to creating and sustaining healthy and positive emotional connections.  You’ll learn and know what your new focus gets to be because you may become very clear through these transits what it is that you don’t want your focus to be any longer.

The effects of all three of these Cancer 5 Sun transits may be felt for 2-3 days after their exactness (through Thursday 10th July), so be conscious as you move through this week.  Use the drama that may be happening around you to identify where nurturing emotional transformation gets to occur in your life and how recognize how the Universe is helping you to see where you get to make the changes for your life to be healthier and happier.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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