With Uranus now in direct motion in the sign of Aries, people had better watch out.  You see – you aren’t the same person you used to be if you’ve been doing your homework – really looking at who you are and what you stand for since Uranus went retrograde on 17th July 2013.  Your independent streak has been developing and strengthening within you for long enough.  Today, 17th December 2013, as of 9:40a PST, Uranus is now in direct motion.  Now’s your chance to let everyone else know who you are becoming or have become after these last five months.  It’s time to fully debut the truth that has been awakening quietly within you.

If the people in your life are expecting the same ol’ you, they are bound to be surprised, shocked, and maybe even disappointed by the ‘new you’.  After all, if you’ve changed, then they can’t be the same way they’ve always been with you.  It’s a brand new way of relating for them, and some may embrace it while others may resist the heck out of it.

For you, Uranus Direct in Aries may be your latest step into either a world that is brand new to you or into a brand new experience of yourself.  You can see things from a different perspective now.  The people and circumstances around you don’t affect you in quite the same way.  The more you’ve chosen to step into your uniqueness and independence, the more you may be finding that you respond to your partners, your family, your community, and possibly the world very differently than you ever have before.

The thing to remember is that you never know who you really are until you make your own way.  With Uranus Direct in Aries, it is your time to figure out who your community is.  You may choose to rebel or you may choose to collaborate.  Whichever you choose, the choice is up to you and you alone.  Though you may be among others, your choice is your responsibility.  It really is all about you and how you take action for yourself among others.

With Uranus in Aries now in direct motion, you may feel at times like you’re breaking in a new pair of shoes.  It may be a bit uncomfortable at times; a couple of blisters here or there; a slightly twisted ankle perhaps.  But there is no pain or delay that will hold you back from moving forward.  You’re on a much better path embracing the new and truer you than you could ever be trying to remain the same as you’ve always been.  Let yourself move forward into the unknown.  It’s okay to move into the unfamiliar and unexpected.  After all, that’s where life is really lived.  Go out and live it.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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