Life is a series of lessons, designed for us to learn from as well as to teach from.  During this 2013 Gemini Full Moon, we each and all have an opportunity to experience both sides of this educational coin.

The Full Moon was at its maximum fullness in the sign of Gemini at 1:28a PST this morning, 17th December 2013.  Gemini is the perpetual student of the Zodiac.  It seeks out information – eager to learn, gather ideas, and exchange information with others in order to increase its knowledge base and have more intellectual tools at its disposal to create from.

The Sun is still in the sign of Sagittarius, representing the wisdom of the Zodiac.  Sagittarius wants to get out in the world and put Gemini’s theories to the test, then to come back and tell Gemini what is true or false about its theories based on the wisdom of experience.

The Gemini Full Moon reflects the Sagittarius Sun’s Light – you will now have the opportunity to see how what has been accepted as truth stands up to questions and doubts.  You will now get to see if what you’ve known to be wise and true really has the experience and genuine wisdom to back itself up.  This is also wonderful as students – often thought to be powerless in the face of wisdom – have an opportunity to realize the wisdom and intelligence inherent in their simple curiosity.

The real truths of matters are revealed in the answers to the questions asked of you and those that you ask of others.  True wisdom will often speak from first-hand experience, while pretentiousness tends to speak from theory or intellect alone.   This is not to say that ideas and theories don’t have merit – it is to say that just because we think it doesn’t make it as real as the experience.  In fact, we can make ourselves believe whatever we want to.  The question then becomes how much do we choose to live into that belief?

Belief doesn’t make something true.  It just means that you believe in it and live into that belief.  Yet our beliefs are not always the actual reality of things.  What if your actual experience reveals something different to you – perhaps that one of your long-held beliefs is false?  Then what?  Do you continue to seek proof or create evidence to prove that your belief is true, or do you adapt the newly-revealed truth as your own and experience life newly?

Many of us spend way too much time trying to believe our past to be true, to be valid. We identify ourselves so strongly with our beliefs that it can be challenging for us to let go of old, outdated beliefs to adopt new ones that empower and enable us to follow through on the extraordinariness of our individualities.  Yet we must let go of what has been proven false if we are to live into our real truth – we must let go of the time-worn beliefs that have been proven wrong so we can allow ourselves to be healed and made right and true for our life purposes.

This Gemini Full Moon opposite the Sagittarius Sun is a special opportunity for you to see how much wisdom you already have, yet also how much wisdom you still have to gain.  Life is a never-ending education – just when you think you know it all, you find there is still more to learn.  Just when you think you know the truth about something, you find that a truth you’ve held no longer applies.  You will never know it all.  You will always have something to learn, and therefore you will always have something to ask.  This Full Moon is a chance for you to ask yourself “why” you believe what you believe.

With the Gemini Full Moon’s quick progression into the sign of Cancer, we are encouraged to nurture our curiosity and ideas, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.  This often slow process may seem tedious, yet it is necessary in order for us to emotionally mature into the wisdom necessary to follow through on bringing our ideas to into tangible-experiential reality.  The Sagittarius Sun reveals to us on some level the development that will be necessary, and we may better understand which theories and ideas (or which parts of them) and which parts of ourselves (mental, emotional, material-physical, and/or intellectual) will need protection and nurturing during our process to discover truth within us and around us.

This is also a good time for you to ask how you may best go about nurturing your ideas and theories.  Which steps can you take to seek out new truths? Which places can you go to find/have experiences that will reveal truths to you?  Which people can you look to as teachers, mentors, or guides in your journey to truth?

Most important, remember that the ultimate truth within you is always seeking union with the ultimate truth around you.  Honor what you know to be true from within, and be willing to keep an open mind and an open heart as you travel forward into the world.  The truth is out there, waiting for you to discover it for yourself.

Embrace the journey, and learn from it.  Learn how much wisdom you have, and how much wisdom you still have to gain.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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