As we approach the end of the calendar year, many of us start thinking about what we want to bring into our lives.  In order to bring in the new, sometimes the old must move out.

However, we humans seem to have a difficult time letting go of what we’ve known.  We say we want to let go, but we’ve grown accustomed to things being a certain way or certain people being around…even if it doesn’t serve us to keep things the way they’ve “always” been.  This is especially true during the winter holiday season, when tradition often seems to trump practicality and family can be as much a burden as a blessing.

Jupiter in Cancer is about growth and expansion in our ability to give and receive nurturing care and protection.  The sign of Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac – a water cardinal sign – and its primary role is to provide our emotional template for love and care.  This is where we’ve learned what love is and how to love ourselves and others.  The thing is, because it is where we are emotionally imprinted, and many of our lessons and choices about love and nurturing are rooted in the past – our emotional experiences in our formative years, for the better or the worse.

Jupiter is about optimism, growth, and expansion.  It often goes on the premise that more or bigger is better.  Yet more isn’t always better, especially when it comes to more of the old ways of nurturing and caring.  Yet what if we didn’t have positive emotional experiences in our formative years?  What if we don’t have optimism about loving, nurturing, and/or caring for ourselves and others?  What if we are dealing with loved ones who don’t respect our personal growth and development or who don’t understand our need to love ourselves before we can love them?

That is what Saturn in Scorpio gets to help us with!

Saturn is the planet of focus and discipline.  It is also representative of responsibility and authority.  It doesn’t sound like much fun, but it is when we focus our energies on a specific direction or goal that we harness the power to make changes in our lives.  Harnessing our power often means establishing boundaries for ourselves with the people in our lives so that we can begin to change behaviors that no longer serve us.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation.  It is very comfortable in the deep, dark, emotional depths of matters.  It isn’t afraid to seek out the secrets and find answers to the mysteries that keep us stuck in the past.  It does the work that needs to be done for transformation of the past to occur.

Under the influence of Saturn in Scorpio, when we can focus our energies on what needs to be changed or updated and we set our boundaries in order to facilitate those changes, we can transform our emotional-spiritual experiences from negative to positive.  And when we have positive experiences, we can grow in our capacity to allow loving care and protection to flow in our lives.

The trine between Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio that occurs at 3:55p PST today, 12th December 2013 means that these energies are playing nicely with each other, providing you with an opportunity for you to maximize the potential available in this transit by establishing new boundaries or continuing to honor the ones recently put in place so that lasting transformative change may occur.  Keep in mind, though – these changes may not occur quickly.  In fact, it may take a while for your loved ones and others to honor your (new) boundaries.  But it is important for you to enforce them so that new habits and behaviors can be established – new  traditions that support and encourage genuine love, nurturing, and protection.  Without the creation and enforcement of boundaries to help you clear the old and outdated ways out of your life, there can be no space for the new and True to come in.

If you’ve had your boundaries in place for a while, you may begin seeing signs of your desired emotional- spiritual transformation today.  Pay attention to what is occurring around you and to the communications that are happening with your loved ones.  You may find that thanks to this Jupiter-Saturn trine, the gift of change may be coming to/for you during this holiday season after all.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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