Mars entered Libra on Saturday, 7th December 2013, and will remain in this sign until…26th July 2014!  That’s right, people.  We’ve got 7.75 fabulous months of Mars in Libra!  It will be in direct motion until 1st March 2014, retrograde until the 19th of May, and direct again until it leaves the sign in July.  So, what can we expect during Mars’ lengthy excursion in the sign of Libra?

Mars is the ruling planet of the sign of Aries and is known as “the planet of action”.  It doesn’t just sit around and wait for someone else to tell it what to do – it goes for it!  It is assertive. It takes initiative.  Mars gets things moving and keeps things moving.  But when Mars is delayed or when its efforts are blocked in some way, Mars can become frustrated or angry.  It can get aggressive.  It may even get violent.

The sign opposite Aries in the Zodiac is Libra, where Mars will be residing for the next 7.75 months.  This is where things get interesting as Libra – ruled by Venus (currently in Capricorn) – is known for being focused on beauty, fairness, justice, peace, and balance.  It is also known to be focused on partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  Where Aries is about “me, me, me” and how to make our way in the world as individuals, Libra is about “we, we, we” and how we relate to each other in pairs or dualities.

Yet Libra has a dark side.  You see, we know that life isn’t always fair and balanced.  In fact, it’s usually not.  It is Libra’s deepest desire to create or restore fairness, justice, peace, and balance to the imbalanced dualities of life and the world.  Imbalance is often the only way to get Libra to take action, and these rare occasions are where the active nature of Mars can play a profound role.

When the teeter-totter in the playground of life is out of balance – when injustice or unfairness is present – Mars is especially eager to assist Libra in jumping on the other side of the plank to force matters into balance and equality.  Together, Mars and Libra take actions to bring justice and fairness to matters where intellectual exchanges and verbal communication have failed or not brought about the desired changes in a timely fashion.  With Mars in Libra, peace doesn’t have much of a chance as passions normally kept subdued under polite courtesies are far quicker to flare with Mars’ presence.

How might this 2013-2014 Mars in Libra voyage play out?  Over the next 7.75 months, we could see some long-peaceful pleas for justice and fairness gradually becoming less peaceful and more intense – possibly aggressive or even violent.  At first, there are likely to be efforts to bring fairness and justice to matters in society and culture that are more assertive than usual, possibly even violent.  For many of us, these events may seem excessive, melodramatic, and/or overblown.

But during the Mars in Libra retrograde period (March-May), the effects these imbalances have on each and all of us as individuals will become more apparent in a first-hand experiential way, and we may begin to understand what ‘all those crazy people’ were fighting for.  It’s in the post-retrograde period (from May through July 2014) that the personal realizations we’ve had during the retrograde get us speaking up about the injustices we have experienced or witnessed. It’s at that point when we may stop standing on the sidelines and start actively participating in the transformation of our society, our cultures, and ultimately, our world.  Be ready to read, hear, seen and/or experience some weird, wild, and potentially violent stuff happening over these next few months as Mars gets normally calm and peaceful peoples all riled up and ready to rumble in the name of justice, fairness, and equality…and that may very well include you.

Also keep in mind that Uranus (the eccentric and sometimes rebellious social innovator), Pluto (the great transformer/destroyer), and Venus (the female archetype that is considered to be Mars’ opposite, a.k.a. –responsive action) all cross paths with Mars during this 2013-2014 Mars in Libra period.

  • Mars opposes Uranus in Aries on 25th December 2013, and that is likely when the individuals will begin awakening and coming together as collective movements to take actions to stand up for themselves and their rights to equality and justice.  It becomes more clear than ever what needs to be brought to an end and/or cleaned out in order for transformation to occur.
  • Mars will square/challenge Pluto in Capricorn on 31st December 2013, and systems that aren’t in balance or that don’t have or establish fair or just practices will likely begin undergoing a deconstruction or possibly a blatant destruction during that time.  Pluto deals in extremes, and with Mars’ influence it has little to no patience for polite exchanges.
  • Mars is also squared/challenged by the Sun in Capricorn on 3rd January 2014, bringing Light to the injustices and inequalities at hand.  If unfair practices weren’t known before, people will certainly know by then.  This one’s for the people who have to see it to believe it – they’ll see it during this transit.  The seeds for revolution may get planted now, and any flames already burning for it may get fanned now.
  • So by the time Mars squares/challenges Venus in Capricorn on 16th January 2014, any remaining systems that do not treat people fairly, equally, or justly may begin taking it upon themselves to change their practices to avoid being challenged or destroyed by others publicly.  It won’t be easy for them to make the changes, but they’d rather change than face the alternative.

We have been in a very transformative period for a while now, and it’s not ending any time soon.  Yet this Mars in Libra period has the potential to be a game-changer as it reveals the areas in which peace is no longer effective in bringing about the necessary changes for human society and/or humanity at large to evolve.  Things need to be shaken up a bit, and Mars in Libra is sure to bring the movement needed to shake the stubborn things loose.  For those who don’t do anything until it affects them directly, this next 7.75 months is for them.

Hold on.  This ride may get a bit bumpy…but it’ll be well worth the trip once we get to the other side.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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