Mercury, the quick-footed and quick-minded ruler of Gemini, finds itself traveling through its opposite sign of Sagittarius for the next few weeks, entering the sign at 6:43p PST yesterday, 4th December 2013.

This is always a fun ride, because Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, bold, and willing to try anything once in order to learn from the experience.  That said, it draws knowledge and wisdom from those experiences that it is eager to share with or teach to others.  But what often gets overlooked by many is the reason Sagittarius wants to actually go out and do whatever can be done.

The reason is that truth is always the ultimate goal for Sagittarius.  It wants to know that the knowledge and wisdom it shares with others is true because they’ve actually been there and done that and therefore, they know it first-hand to be true.  They build their life philosophies upon their experiential truths and until they have another experience that teaches them otherwise, they will often teach and/or preach what they practice.

This is why Mercury in Sagittarius can be so amusing.  With Mercury being the planet of thoughts, ideas, and communications; it has a lot to say when it is in this sign.  Much of what is communicated is rooted in the truth of experience.  It’s the truth and nothing but the truth and it’s usually unfiltered.  After all, why filter what you absolutely know to be true?

However, for all of the amusement that Mercury in Sagittarius brings, therein lies the rub.  Mercury’s influence may cause many of us to blurt out whatever’s on our minds, which may come across as overwhelming or hurtful to those who aren’t ready to hear or learn their unfiltered truths.  This could be especially challenging for some because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter – the planet of optimism, abundance, growth, and expansion.  The people speaking the truths may earnestly believe they are doing you a favor by doing so, yet what they may actually be doing by speaking the truth is opening an ever-flowing can of worms.

This is also made a bit more challenging by the fact that Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces as it entered Sagittarius.  Neptune in its sign of rulership makes it extra dreamy and delusional.  When in square aspect with Mercury in Sagittarius, more communication may not be better.  In fact, it may leave you being seen as more delusional than truthful, and the tendency to exaggerate or fabricate “facts” in order to fill holes in the truth you wish to communicate may tank your credibility altogether.

Therefore, some questions you may want to ask yourself before you speak during Mercury in Sagittarius are:

  • Is the truth I want to communicate really the truth?
  • Am I exaggerating the truth, or is it really that big a deal?
  • Is what I want to communicate based upon truth I have experienced, or upon truth I am logically deducting?
  • Is there a reason for my communicating this truth now?  Does it serve a purpose that I want to grow and expand?

And some questions you may ask yourself when others are speaking their truth to you are:

  • Are they telling me something that I really need to hear and that serves my Highest good?
  • Are they telling me something I know is true but don’t want to deal with?  Am I trying to avoid something by shutting them down or out?

Remember, the truth always comes out eventually.  Take what is revealed during Mercury in Sagittarius as a blessing, even if it may not feel that way in the moment.  It really is all good in the end.  Mercury will be in Sag until 24th December 2013.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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