As of yesterday 1st December 2013, we have entered a collective 9 energy numerologically.  9 is an energy of authoritative leadership associated with completions and endings – it the energy of getting things done.

It’s an interesting contrast to the New Moon energy of new beginnings and fresh starts that enters at 4:22p PST today, 2nd December 2013.  Combined with the 9 numerological energy, this Sagittarius New Moon is an indication that we are completing things in order to clear the slate for the new beginnings we feel called to bring into our lives so we can grow and expand in our collective knowledge and wisdom.

The New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius brings new adventures, expansion, and optimism.  It’s all about taking steps to go out into the world to enjoy the experience of something that has only been a theory or idea before now.

But Sagittarius is more than an adventure – it is a search for Truth.  It is a chance to prove the theories and musings of your mind to be True or false.  It is an opportunity for you to gain the kind of knowledge and wisdom that comes from actually having an experience first-hand.

The Moon moves through an exact trine transit with Uranus Retrograde in Aries (at 8.6°) on its way to its conjunction with the Sun (at 10.99°) to mark the New Moon phase.  The New Moon phase itself will still be within orb (2.3°sep) to its trine Uranus Retrograde in Aries when it occurs at 4:22p PST.  Uranus Retrograde in Aries is representative of your unique individual Truth awakening within you, and a need to assess your community and group participations to see if the people you have been associating ourselves with are really the people you want and/or need to be associated with moving forward.  Do they really align with the Truths awakening with you?  Do they align with the ‘you’ that you truly are or that you are becoming?  If so, now is a time to strengthen those positive connections.  If not, now is a time to clear those connections out so you may create space for the expansion of the associations and affiliations that you want to expand.

The Moon also squares Chiron in Pisces (at 9.2°) on its way into its New phase.  This may show up as an event or occurrence that reminds you of emotional wounds that you either want to heal or have been avoiding the pain of healing.  Whichever applies for you, this may be a time for you to apply those or feelings to your assessment of your group participations.  In your assessment of your pain, which people  or groups in your life are helping you confront painful truths in order to help you heal, and which ones are actually causing the pain by keeping the wound open?  Take note of how the emotional energy is flowing within you and between you and the people around you today so you can make the necessary distinction(s).

Be as fair and objective as possible in your assessments, which isn’t very easy when dealing with fire and water energies.  When fire and water combine, it creates steam/fog which can obstruct clarity – it can be easy to get lost in the fog or caught up in the hot air.  Be sure to distinguish what/who may be distracting or obscuring your view, what/who may be burning you, and what/who is simply full of hot air.  Follow the energies that resonate for you as truly positive in order to know where to go when you feel like you’re lost or can’t see where you are going.

Which choices can you make for yourself and your life that you know will bring you the most relief, joy, and freedom in the long run if you choose to pursue them (or face them) now?  That is the question to ask today during this New Moon in Sagittarius.  I encourage you to follow your True joy to whatever new beginnings it may lead you to today , even if it may hurt a little to end what you need to end in order to get started.

To borrow some words from the band Semisonic’s great song, ‘Closing Time’:  “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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