Taurus is the sign that represents the creature comforts of your lifestyle.  Whether it is actual material or financial resource, physical contact (touch), a certain emotional-energetic dynamic, or an ingrained pattern of thinking – whichever house(s) Taurus resides within in your personal astrological chart and whichever cosmic bodies reside in there with it let us know what makes you feel comfortable, safe, and secure in your lifestyle.

I’m always a bit amused by the exploration of creature comforts because I often find that they are not always as comfortable as we might want to believe.  On the surface, we’d like to think that it’s comfortable in a warm and fuzzy way like a blanket, or a big chair, or a down pillow or the like.  Yet what we may not realize is the other side of comfort – the comforts that we choose to stay in because they are what we are familiar with.  We stick with these “comfortable” behaviors, beliefs, and/or belongings because they are what we know, and usually for no other reason than the fact that we are afraid to find out what our lives could be like if we let go of what we know for what we say we want.

That said, this Full Moon in Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun (at its fullest at 7:16a PST on Sunday, November 17th, 2013) is an opportunity for each and all of us to see what our creature comforts are and to decide how committed we are to allowing discomfort in our lives in order to let go of what no longer serves us well so we might embrace what will help us truly become comfortable in a healthy, positive, productive way.  It does this by reflecting our lifestyles back onto us in a very tangible, practical, and real way.

You see, when you operate in life from truth, life is rather simple and fairly easy.  We all have challenges, yet by choosing to live as truthfully as possible, you are also choosing to minimize the drama and make each moment and each resource count.  There’s a good chance you have a deeper appreciation for what and who you have in your life because you are able to truly value it.  You are living in the present moment, making the most of what you have and what you are being given.

When you try to operate in life through façades, pretenses, and lies, if you do it long enough with enough people, you begin to lose track of who you said what to or what you did with whom.  It gets messy.  It’s hard to be present when you’re trying to make sure that the past doesn’t come out and the future doesn’t get jeopardized.  When facts start to come to the surface, you begin to panic because you recognize that you can no longer hide the mess that you’ve created.

That is what happens during Full Moon in Taurus – it brings the tangible reality of your lifestyle to light.  You get to see what you really have and say that you are comfortable with, and out of that you get to decide if you want to continue.  If you have a mess, you get to see your mess.  If you have clarity, you get to move forward with that clarity.

There will be opportunities to see and take responsibility for both expressions of this dynamic during this 2013 Full Moon in Taurus.  First, the Moon in Taurus will oppose Saturn in Scorpio on Saturday the 16th, with Saturn reminding you to be responsible for what you’ve done or are doing out of emotional response or reaction.  The Moon then trines Mars in Virgo (also on the 16th) to bring you opportunities to take responsibility for your life and lifestyle through practical actions.  The Moon then quincunxes Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer (early on the 17th), encouraging you to look at your loved ones in the family of your choosing and thinking about who in your “family” really helps you grow and expand in your capacity to both love and be loved before finally going into its maximum Full Moon phase.

This may be an easy Full Moon cycle for some of you, as you may have already taken responsibility for your emotions and your lifestyle choices rooted in them.  In this case, the mess you are emerging from may begin becoming your message.  However, if you haven’t been willing to own up to your emotional reality, this Full Moon in Taurus may prove to be very challenging indeed.  In fact, this could be the moment when a message comes to you…through your mess.

Do you know which experience you are going to have this Full Moon cycle?  Are you ready for it?

Either way, this 2013 Full Moon in Taurus gives you a chance to become really clear about the lifestyle you are living.  This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the truth of what makes you comfortable in your life.  I hope you’ll make the most of it.  I intend to do the same for myself.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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